張 成年 丹羽 健太郎 岡本 俊治 村内 嘉樹 平井 玲 日比野 学 涌井 邦浩 冨山 毅 小林 豊 鳥羽 光晴 狩野 泰則
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.78, no.5, pp.895-902, 2012 (Released:2012-10-11)
3 5

2007 年に千葉県で突如発生した寄生性のカイヤドリウミグモ Nymphonella tapetis は愛知県,福島県でも確認された。これら 3 海域で採取した 110 個体の COI 塩基配列(562 bp)を決定した。個体間の塩基置換率は低く(0.2±0.07%),3 標本間で遺伝子型頻度に有意差は無かったことから,ごく最近に少数の同祖群から派生した個体群と考えられた。18S rDNA 配列による系統解析では,本種はトックリウミグモ属 Ascorhynchus より派生した分類群であることが示された。
松村 貴晴 岡本 俊治 黒田 伸郎 浜口 昌巳
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.56, pp.1-8, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-08-07)
15 11

The clam Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams) is one of Japan's most important fisheries resources; recently, however, the anuual catch of this clam has declined to less than one quarter of its previous maximum. In order to implement more effective management of this resource, studies on early life stages, particularly the recruitment process that regulates subsequent population dynamics, are essential. To date, the recruitment dynamics of R. Philippinarum have been poorly understood due to a lack of basic information resulting from difficulties in identifying the larvae. To remedy this lack, we studied the recruitment process of R. philippinarum from April, 1998, to March, 1999, in Mikawa Bay, central Japan, using a new monoclonal antibody method. Our study revealed that R. philippinarum produces larvae from April to November in Mikawa Bay, in two discrete periods. An early spawning period occurred from April to July, with the peak abundance of larvae moving from the north-west to the eastern part of the bay. A later spawning period was observed in a relatively limited season from August to November. The distribution of larvae was basically controlled by the current system of the bay, although the larvae tended to become dispersed as they matured. The new monoclonal antibody identification method, applied for the first time in a study of a natural population, was found to be useful for studying R. philippinarum. It also proved to be an effective procedure for rapidly processing a large number of samples.