岡田 昌己 曽我部 夏子 田邉 解 高田 安希子 宮本 雄基 西村 一弘
公益社団法人 日本栄養士会
日本栄養士会雑誌 (ISSN:00136492)
vol.63, no.10, pp.567-572, 2020 (Released:2020-10-01)

日本女子サッカーリーグ1部のチームに所属する選手に、食生活に対する意識等の調査を行った。平日の日中は学業に励む学生が多く、競技以外の仕事に従事する社会人もいるチームであることから、練習後の夕食に求めることについて調査した。平日の夜の練習後の食事に求めることとして、「疲労回復に効果的」、「栄養のバランスがよい」、「おいしさ」を挙げた選手がそれぞれ56%であった。さらに、「たんぱく質が十分にとれる」が39%であったが「エネルギーが十分にとれる」は17%であった。食生活、体調管理で気を付けていることに関する自由記述でも、食事量についてはエネルギーを多くとることを意識している選手がいる一方、食べ過ぎないことを意識している選手もいることが示された。食事に関して知りたいことを尋ねたところ、「自分に適した食事量」が約60%で最も多く、次いで「自分に適した食事内容」、「試合前日に適した食事」であった。体調に関して知りたいことは「疲労回復」が最も多く67%、「コンディション維持」、「貧血予防」の順であった。 本調査は、1つのクラブチームの横断研究ではあるが、他競技の女性アスリートの栄養サポートや食環境支援構築のための資料となると考える。
岡田 昌己 西山 一朗
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.66, no.1, pp.19-24, 2015 (Released:2015-01-01)

Although the fruiting body of the brown beech mushroom (Bunashimeji, Hypsizygus marmoreus) is known to contain several proteases, the proteolytic effects of these proteases on myofibrillar proteins have not previously been examined. We prepared a crude protease fraction from the fruiting body of the brown beech mushroom and examined its proteolytic effects on pork myofibrillar proteins.   The crude protease fraction hydrolyzed the myosin heavy chain in the pH range of 4.0-10.0, whereas actin, the other major myofibrillar protein, was unsusceptible to the enzyme. Treating pork tissue with the crude protease fraction at 25℃ for 1 h caused a substantial morphological change in the surface area of the meat. These results suggest the possibility of the protease preparation being suitable as a meat tenderizer. The protease fraction prepared from the brown beech mushroom was more susceptible to being heated than that from the maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) fruiting body, suggesting its advantage in preventing oversoftening of the meat by rapid inactivation of the enzyme from heating during cooking.
岡田 昌己 曽我部 夏子 高田 安希子 山本 菜月 西村 一弘 田邉 解
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.13, no.4, pp.311-320, 2019-10-25 (Released:2019-11-07)

A survey was conducted involving female soccer players who belong to a top-level soccer team in the Japan Women’s Soccer League (top players) and junior/senior high school players who are members of its affiliated club for young soccer players (young players), to examine their awareness of health management and diet as well as their dietary habits. Both teams are from female soccer clubs to which many players represent Japan. To the question : “Do you know about the three primary characteristics of female athletes (a lack of energy, menstrual abnormalities, stress fracture/osteoporosis)”, the rates of top and young players who answered “Yes” were 80 and 48%, respectively ; the difference was significant (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in the status of milk intake (p=0.013) ; whereas 55% of top players “rarely drank milk”, 48% of young players “drank it almost every day”. There was a significant difference in the status of cheese intake (p=0.033) ; whereas 40% of top players “rarely ate it”, 52% of young players “ate it twice or three times a week”. The rate of supplement intake was higher among top players (32%) compared with young players (5%). Regarding reasons for eating and drinking after soccer games, “recovery from fatigue” was cited as a cause by 100 and 55% of top and young players, respectively, and 44 and 86% of top and young players ate and drank “from hunger”, respectively ; the differences were significant (p<0.01 each). The results of the survey provided the following valuable knowledge required to support female athletes in the future : it is necessary to implement education on the three primary characteristics of female athletes for young soccer players who may be selected as members of the national team ; there is a difference in milk/supplement intake between top and young players ; and they eat and drink for different reasons after soccer games.
岡田 昌己 曽我部 夏子 高田 安希子 山本 菜月 西村 一弘 田邉 解
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.13, no.4, pp.311-320, 2019

<p>A survey was conducted involving female soccer players who belong to a top-level soccer team in the Japan Women's Soccer League (top players) and junior/senior high school players who are members of its affiliated club for young soccer players (young players), to examine their awareness of health management and diet as well as their dietary habits. Both teams are from female soccer clubs to which many players represent Japan. To the question : "Do you know about the three primary characteristics of female athletes (a lack of energy, menstrual abnormalities, stress fracture/osteoporosis)", the rates of top and young players who answered "Yes" were 80 and 48%, respectively ; the difference was significant (p<0.05). There was a significant difference in the status of milk intake (p=0.013) ; whereas 55% of top players "rarely drank milk", 48% of young players "drank it almost every day". There was a significant difference in the status of cheese intake (p=0.033) ; whereas 40% of top players "rarely ate it", 52% of young players "ate it twice or three times a week". The rate of supplement intake was higher among top players (32%) compared with young players (5%). Regarding reasons for eating and drinking after soccer games, "recovery from fatigue" was cited as a cause by 100 and 55% of top and young players, respectively, and 44 and 86% of top and young players ate and drank "from hunger", respectively ; the differences were significant (p<0.01 each). The results of the survey provided the following valuable knowledge required to support female athletes in the future : it is necessary to implement education on the three primary characteristics of female athletes for young soccer players who may be selected as members of the national team ; there is a difference in milk/supplement intake between top and young players ; and they eat and drink for different reasons after soccer games.</p>