宇佐美 しおり 福嶋 好重 野末 聖香 岡谷 恵子 樋山 光教 右田 香魚子 平田 真一 北里 眞弓
熊本大学医学部保健学科紀要 (ISSN:18807151)
vol.5, pp.9-18, 2009-02-27

The purpose of this study was to show the effectiveness of psychiatric liaison consultation team for the people with chronic illness in the general hospital. Psychiatric liaison consultation team was constructed by certified nurse specialist (CNS), psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, nurse and social worker. Case manager was CNS and team intervened to the patients according to the standard of intervention by team. Intervention had been implemented by CNS mainly. Thirty one patients who consented to this study were intervened by CNS and team between July of 2007 and Feb.2008. They had chronic illness which was SLE, cancer and other physical illness without mental illness. BPRS, GAF, and LSP were written by CNS at the time of baseline before intervention and at the end time of intervention. Furthermore patients wrote CES-D and SF-36 by themselves at the baseline and the end point of intervention. Those questionnaires were returned by mail. CSQ was written by patients at the end of intervention. Thirty one patients had high depression score at the baseline and after intervention depressive state was improved. And they had lower SF-36 compared with that of the people who had chronic illness in another study. Furthermore they needed to be supported psychosocially by CNS to prevent worse their symptom. And they had psychosocial needs and those needs should be intervened by interdisciplinary team. In conclusion, the role of CNS and interdisciplinary team were discussed in order to meet the patients' needs and to prevent worse their symptom in the general hospitals.
岡谷 恵子 小野田 舞 柏木 聖代 角田 直枝 川添 高志 小西 美和子 斎藤 大輔 澤柳 ユカリ 重富 杏子 任 和子 橋本 幸
pp.559-563, 2021-07-10

救急外来を受診する高齢患者の約半数は入院に至らずに帰宅する患者である。これらの患者が再受診や予定外の入院をすることなく,住み慣れた場所で生活の質を維持しながら療養を継続するためには,初回受診時に帰宅後の生活を見据えた医療機関と地域・在宅での療養をつなぐ統合的な療養生活支援が必要である。 日本看護管理学会では,2022(令和4)年度の診療報酬改定に向けて,「救急外来における非入院帰宅患者に対する看護師による療養支援」への評価を要望する。これは上述の療養生活支援の役割を外来看護師が担うことへの診療報酬上の評価を求めるものである。救急医療の限られた資源を適切に活用することにもつながり,病院経営上,組織運営上の効果も大きいと思われる。 本稿では要望作成に当たった検討委員会の立場から,要望の目的と意義を述べる。