征矢 英昭 岡本 正洋 征矢 茉莉子 島 孟留 陸 彰洙
日本生物学的精神医学会誌 (ISSN:21866619)
vol.26, no.1, pp.59-63, 2015 (Released:2017-02-16)

慢性的なストレスにより発症するうつ病は気分障害だけでなく認知機能の低下がみられる。慢性的なストレスは成体海馬神経新生(AHN)に抑制的に働くが,この現象はうつ病患者でも確認されることから,うつ病患者における認知機能低下の背景には AHN に関連した海馬機能低下が一つの要因として考えられる。近年,うつ病の治療方法として抗うつ薬のほかに,習慣的な軽い運動もうつ病に対して有効であることが想定されている。近年,乳酸性作業閾値(LT)以下の習慣的な低強度運動はAHN を促進し,さらに AHN 促進因子である脳由来神経栄養因子(BDNF)やアンドロゲンを海馬で増加させることが明らかとなった。さらに低強度運動が高強度運動に比べ AHN を促進させる背景には,これまで想定されていた因子のほかに,新たに同定された遺伝子として,脂質代謝にかかわる APOE,タンパク質合成にかかわるインスリン様成長因子Ⅱ(IGF-2),インスリン受容体基質 1(IRS1)や炎症性サイトカインである IL1B や腫瘍壊死因子(TNF)が AHN に関与することが明らかとなった。低強度運動にはこれらの AHN 促進因子を高める効果があり,うつ病患者の海馬神経を活性化させることで海馬神経可塑性を高めることが期待できる。低強度運動は抗うつ薬と同様に,うつ病の新たな治療法となるかもしれない。
鬼澤 陽子 野村 充 森川 美也 千木良 厚 島 孟留 小松崎 敏
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.42, no.2, pp.19-31, 2022-11-30 (Released:2023-02-28)

In this study, we aimed to examine physical competence in the lower grades of elementary school by applying three teaching strategies: ingenuity of teaching materials, relationship with rich friends, and the teacher’s approach to enhance physical competence. Physical competence was composed of three factors: “perceived physical competence,” “feelings of control,” and “peer and teacher acceptance.” In addition, we examined the relationship between physical competence and tactical decision-making ability. We hypothesized that improving tactical decision-making ability would enhance students’ “perceived physical competence” and “feelings of control.”Eighty-two first-grade students participated in this study. The students were divided into three groups and were required to play tag games. To evaluate the physical competence of students, we utilized the Okazawa, Kita and Suwa’s physical competence scale developed in 1996. We then divided the participants into upper and lower groups according to their “physical competence” or factor score. To analyze students’ decision-making ability, we made them play the same games for one hour before and after the unit. We video recorded the games and used the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) for data analysis. We reported three main findings. First, when teaching strategies were applied to enhance physical competence, the upper group maintained a high value both before and after the unit, while the lower group improved after the unit. Second, decision-making ability regarding game performance improved in both the upper and lower groups. Third, improving decision making ability is necessary to enhance “physical competence” in the upper group. Finally, there was a negative relationship between “ball-keeping” (or waiting until the game situation changes) and “perceived physical competence” in the upper group, and between “ball-keeping” and “feelings of control” in both the upper and lower groups.Our study demonstrated that students’ physical competence improved when teaching strategies were applied to enhance physical competence. Additionally, we showed that improving students’ decision-making ability is critical to increasing their “physical competence” in the upper group.
鬼澤 陽子 小松崎 敏 森川 美也 島 孟留 大橋 涼子 千木良 厚 岩崎 安里寿
スポーツ教育学研究 (ISSN:09118845)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-12, 2023-05-31 (Released:2023-08-31)

This study aimed to examine the physical competence of second graders in elementary school in a ball-throwing task by reapplying teaching strategies that were introduced in the first grade. In the first grade, students learned to play tag, which was applied as a teaching strategy to enhance their physical competence. Physical competence comprises three factors: perceived physical competence, feelings of control, and peer and teacher acceptance. In addition to these factors, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical competence and tactical decision-making ability. A total of 82 second-grade students participated in this study. They were taught in which game situation to throw the ball. To evaluate their physical competence, we utilized the physical competence scale. The tactical decision-making ability when the ball was held during the game was analyzed in the following aspects: shooting, passing, and ball keeping (waiting until the area is clear). For each of the three factors of physical competence, the changes in tactical decision-making ability were analyzed by dividing the participants equally into upper and lower groups with high and low physical competence, respectively. The following findings were derived:(1) Compared to the scores in a previous study, the physical competence scores before the ball-throwing task in the current study had higher scores in the upper and lower groups.(2) The upper group maintained a high physical competence before and after the ball-throwing task while the lower group showed improvement after the task.(3) The decision-making ability during the task improved in the upper and lower groups.(4) The improvement in perceived physical competence in the lower groups was associated with their improved decision-making ability.(5) A positive relationship was found between the upper and lower groups in terms of peer and teacher acceptance and ball keeping.Our study revealed improvements in the physical competence of the second graders after reapplying teaching strategies to a ball-throwing task. These improvements in physical competence were found to be related to the enhancement of decision-making ability. Moreover, peer and teacher acceptance was improved, thus allowing the students to “wait until the area was clear.”