江利川 滋 山田 一成 川端 美樹 沼崎 誠
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.22, no.3, pp.267-273, 2007

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between affinity for television and its viewing. Data was based on a random sample of 682 people in the Tokyo metropolitan area, with a 65.0 percent response rate. Study 1 developed a Japanese version of the Television Affinity Scale (TAS), confirmed its reliability and validity, and found that the TAS provided information which could not be explained directly by demographic factors. Study 2 showed that affinity for television was positively correlated with unplanned viewing and non-concentrated television viewing. In addition, Study 2 found that viewing of entertainment programs was positively correlated to TAS score, while news program viewing was not. These results were consistent with the finding of Rubin (1984) that TAS is positively correlated with ritualized television viewing and not with instrumental viewing.
川端 美樹
目白大学総合科学研究 (ISSN:1349709X)
vol.2, pp.209-219, 2006

The purpose of this study is to discuss the recent diversification of and sophistication in the visual presentation on TV programs in Japan, especially about the frequent uses of open captions in tabloidized TV news and infotainment programs. Since the 1980s, News programs in Japan have been popularized and become more entertainment-oriented. With this tendency, not only news content has become "softer", but also the means of audio and visual representation has become more diversified and sophisticated. For example, they use increasingly more graphic effects and open captions, in order to attract a larger audience and make the content more comprehensible. In consequence, do they guide the audience better or do they mislead them, in terms of their understandings of the information or their perception of their society and themselves? In this study, the author tries to examine these schemes of visual representation with a preliminary content analysis of the News programs and discusses their cultural and socio-psychological meaning.
川端 美樹
メディア・コミュニケーション : 慶応義塾大学メディア・コミュニケーション研究所紀要 (ISSN:13441094)
no.71, pp.91-101, 2021-03

1 新型コロナウィルスとメディア2 ジャーナリズムと科学コミュニケーション3 科学コミュニケーションと批判的思考・態度4 研究の目的5 研究の方法6 研究結果7 考察特集2 : クリティカル・オーディエンス : メディア批判の社会心理学