加納 恒男 平山 晃康 片山 容一
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.31, no.5, pp.344-348, 2003 (Released:2008-03-18)
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Thrombosed giant aneurysm (TGA) possesses a high growth potential. In patients with TGAs, clinical symptoms evolve most commonly from its mass effect. Surgical interventions are therefore required to prevent TGA growth. We analyze the clinical characteristics and histopathological findings of TGAs, and discuss possible mechanisms underlying their growth. We have treated 30 cases of TGA during the last 10 years. Of these, 10 underwent direct surgery and 20 were treated by endovascular surgery. Endovascular obliteration of TGAs frequently fails to terminate their growth when contrast-enhancement of the aneurysmal wall is demonstrated on CT or MRI. Incomplete endovascular obliteration of TGAs does not appear to reduce their growth potential. Complete thrombosis of TGAs, induced either spontaneously or by surgical modification of the blood flow, does not necessarily indicate termination of their growth. The growth of TGAs can be terminated when both the aneurysmal lumen and vascular channels of the aneurysmal wall are physically isolated from the blood flow through direct surgery: neck clipping or trapping. Together with the histopathological findings of TGAs, the above-mentioned characteristics suggest that 2 mechanisms may underlie their growth: intraluminal thrombus accumulation, and proliferation of vascular channels of the aneurysmal wall. Radical surgery to isolate TGAs from the blood flow, before they become too large to be operated on safely, may be advisable.
松崎 粛統 須磨 健 渋谷 肇 中村 真 平山 晃康 片山 容一
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 = Surgery for cerebral stroke (ISSN:09145508)
vol.38, no.5, pp.353-357, 2010-09-30
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A 57-year-old man was referred to our hospital for detailed investigation and therapy of right exophthalmos and chemosis. Cerebral angiography demonstrated a dural arteriovenous fistula (DAVF) involving an anterior part of the right cavernous sinus (CS). The main feeders of the CS-DAVF consisted of the right inferolateral trunk and right middle meningeal artery. The predominant drainage route was the right superior ophthalmic vein (SOV), extending to the right facial vein. The right inferior petrosal sinus (IPS) was not visualized in the arterial phase, but was visualized in the venous phase, indicating that it contributes normal venous drainage. Transvenous embolization (TVE) was performed under general anesthesia through the right facial vein. We advanced a guiding catheter in the right angular vein and passed a microcatheter system through the tortuous vessel to the shunting point under single plane road mapping. The affected anterior part of the CS was occluded with Micrus coils (UltiPaq and Cashmere) (Micrus Endovascular, San Jose, CA, USA). Post-treatment angiography revealed disappearance of the fistula. <br> In general, CS-DAVFs are treated with TVE through the IPS. However, in the present case, IPS was not used for the approach based on the angiographic appearance. Large drainage volume of the right facial vein enabled us to advance the guiding catheter to the angular vein with facility, and to pass the microcatheter system through the tortuous vessel with sufficient support of the guiding catheter. Cashmere, which is a 14 system infinity loop-shaped coil and relatively soft as a framing coil, had a tendency to attach to the anterior part of the CS wall. <br> Because of good packing efficiency, transvenous Micrus coil embolization through the facial vein is an efficient treatment of DAVF involving the anterior part of the CS.<br>
前田 剛 春山 秀遠 山下 正義 大野 奈穂子 石崎 菜穂 長谷川 一弘 田中 茂男 渋谷 諄 小宮 正道 牧山 康秀 秋元 芳明 平山 晃康 片山 容一
脳神経外科ジャーナル (ISSN:0917950X)
vol.15, no.7, pp.517-522, 2006-07-20

秋元 芳明 小野 眞紀子 松本 裕子 藤井 彰 山本 浩嗣 平山 晃康

平成16年〜平成18年12月の期間中の歯性感染症611症例を対象として、膿・滲出液を採取し、細菌培養を行った。22症例からブドウ球菌(staphylococci)を分離した。同定の結果は、黄色ブドウ球菌(Staphulococcus aureu: S. auresu)16株、白色ブドウ球菌(Staphylococcus epidermidis: S.epidermidis)6株であった。S. aureus16株中、メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)は1株、S.epidermidis6株中、メチシリン耐性白色ブドウ球菌(MRCoNS)は2株検出された。MRSA分離頻度は、MRSA/全歯性感染症:0.002、MRSA/S. aureus:0.063であった。MRCoNS分離頻度は、MRCoNS/全歯性感染症:0.003、MRCoNS/S. epidermidis:0.333であり、MRCoNSの分離頻度が高かった。MRSA, MRCoNSが感受性を示した抗菌薬は、アルベカシン、バンコマイシン、リファンピシンであった。beta-lactamese産性は認めなっかた。全症例で皮下膿瘍形成を認めた。1症例は基礎疾患として糖尿病があったが、コントロールされていた。画像所見では、根尖病巣を認めた。処置法は、切開排膿・ドレナージを行い、膿瘍部を洗浄し治癒を得た。結果を誌上および学会発表した。なお、シンポジストととして5thInternational Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance, Seoul, Korea, 4/28,2005にてMethicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections in odontogenicinfectionsを発表した。