藤井 良知 平岩 幹男 野中 千鶴 小林 裕
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.60, no.6, pp.592-601, 1986-06-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
15 9

小林らの1966年から16年間の小児細菌性髄膜炎と比較し本邦に於ける1979年以降6年間の小児細菌性髄膜炎の現況を把握する目的で同じ施設107についてアンケート調査を行った.1,246名の症例を集計出来たが入院患者に対する比率は年次的に1984年の0.31%まで緩かな減少傾向を続けており, また地域差も見られた.新生児期24.8%と最も頻度が高く以降漸減するが4歳未満までに総数の84.7%が含まれ, この年齢別累積頻度は小林の報告と殆ど一致する.男女比は平均1.62: 1であった.起炎菌は3ヵ月未満の新生児・乳児ではE.coliとGBSが集積し, 3ヵ月以降ではS.pneimoniaeとH.influenzaeが集積してこの4菌種で菌判明例の70.1%を占め, 第5位のSmmsは各年齢に分散した.結核菌14, 真菌3, 嫌気性菌5などを除きグラム陽性菌と同陰性菌の比は1: 1.2であり少数宛ながら極めて多様なグラム陰性桿菌が検出された.髄膜炎菌22, リステリアは18件検出された.複数菌検出例は10例に認められた.起炎菌不明例は279例で年次的に3ヵ月未満群で菌判明率が梢高くなる傾向が見られた.
平岩 幹男
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.69, no.9, pp.616-636, 1999-10-25

We studied the behaviour and lifestyle of adolescents, focused on the relationship between bullying and the underlying mental condition, using the SDS (self-rating depression scale), in 3,842 young people aged between the 5th and 9th grades of the Japanese education system. In both perpetrators and victims of bullying the scores tended to be high. Five point four percent of the group replied that they were bullied more than once a week and 3.2% admitted to bullying more than once a week. Forteen percent of the subjects stated that they had bullied others and had experienced being bullied. Bullying differed between males and females. The commonest form of bullying between males was physical whereas in females it was psychological. The following factors were noted in both bullies and bullied: teachers did not treat them fairly, friends were not helpful, the classmates did not accept them, and they often ended up alone. To evaluate mental health, fifteen SDS questions, from an original twenty, were selected for this study. The result displayed considerably high scores in both sexes and across all age groups. The most significant relationship of SDS scores to other factors was observed in bullying behaviour.