幸田 国広

制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2519号 ; 学位の種類:博士(教育学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新4652
幸田 国広
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.65-75, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-02-08)

“Run Melos” whose earliest text has been given many layers of historical significance with passing time, had, in the first place, a narrative structure that tended to inspire the building of moral character. Therefore, after the implementation of the special course in moral education 1958, it has continued to be adopted as reading material for moral education. It was also adopted as materials for teaching Japanese language education. From the time when the reading materials for senior high and junior high schools were mixed, as seen during the early years when materials were being selected for incorporation into the curriculum, leading up to the time when the story was stabilized for use in the second year of junior high school, there had been a the tendency in using it for lower and lower grades. During that period. a portion of the story was omitted for the use in junior high school, showing the tendency for simplification, similar to what was seen in adapting reading materials for moral education. This is attributed to what was basically literary teaching material having been tossed between two different objectives- using it for the development of moral values or using it for the development of reading comprehension. On the other hand, “ran,and it promoted generalization of the learning instruction to read the feelings of the character as subject contents of language arts that it was with the popular teaching materials, and it was with whole sentence transcription, and Melos” was an identification of the outlook on teaching materials of language arts to desire value of the literature rediscovery of shaking and the weakness of the human heart with the fashion of the reading and understanding instruction. However, the generalization of such a learning instruction produced “correct answer” = “item of virtues” principles, “the principle of feelings center” and the criticized actual situation later and was to contain “secret moral education”. “Run, and Melos” continues keeping the position as “the constant seller teaching materials” as the typical teaching materials indicating the ambiguity which education to read the literature teaching materials has in this way until today in the after 1970s.
幸田 国広
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.74, pp.14-21, 2013-09-30 (Released:2017-07-10)

This study explores the process of creating standard study material using the example of "Rashomon." "Rashomon" has been a best-seller since the 1970s, and its influence and popularity have significantly increased along with textbook revisions because of the revision in the curriculum. In related literature, research methods such as work theory and reading guidance note that "Rashomon" has maintained a constant position as a short story for one year of initial learning. Along with using literature classics as teaching material, it is important that textbook companies and educational bodies consider adopting literature classics as "standard study material." This study demonstrates the primary interdependencies between the different organizations involved in school curriculum design.
幸田 国広
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.78, pp.21-28, 2015-09-30 (Released:2017-07-10)

Over the years, the "appreciation" concept of Minoru Nishio has transformed, and while this study aims to discuss this concept, the term "appreciation" also needs to be analyzed historically from the national language perspective; thereby emphasizing prewar Japanese literature. Hence, I demonstrate a point in time wherein a transition concerning "independence of the appreciation" was determined. This transition was used as the grounds to allow the debating of literary education with Motoki Tokieda, which occurred before the educational practices of Shigeru Araki, particularly in a domain mainly comprising the literature education theory of Nishio by following the generation process of the "appreciation" concept from prewar days. During the prewar era, significant attention was paid to and debates were conducted on "the appreciation" in Japanese literature. Thus, demonstrating that the "appreciation" idea of Okazaki probably influenced this background, which promoted the discovery of the concept. "The appreciation" depicted the characteristics of the times, and it also was the term that strongly reflected the educational philosophy of each debater.
幸田 国広
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.50, no.8, pp.20-33, 2001-08-10 (Released:2017-08-01)

幸田 国広
vol.78, pp.21-28, 2015

Over the years, the "appreciation" concept of Minoru Nishio has transformed, and while this study aims to discuss this concept, the term "appreciation" also needs to be analyzed historically from the national language perspective; thereby emphasizing prewar Japanese literature. Hence, I demonstrate a point in time wherein a transition concerning "independence of the appreciation" was determined. This transition was used as the grounds to allow the debating of literary education with Motoki Tokieda, which occurred before the educational practices of Shigeru Araki, particularly in a domain mainly comprising the literature education theory of Nishio by following the generation process of the "appreciation" concept from prewar days. During the prewar era, significant attention was paid to and debates were conducted on "the appreciation" in Japanese literature. Thus, demonstrating that the "appreciation" idea of Okazaki probably influenced this background, which promoted the discovery of the concept. "The appreciation" depicted the characteristics of the times, and it also was the term that strongly reflected the educational philosophy of each debater.
幸田 国広
vol.74, pp.14-21, 2013

This study explores the process of creating standard study material using the example of "Rashomon." "Rashomon" has been a best-seller since the 1970s, and its influence and popularity have significantly increased along with textbook revisions because of the revision in the curriculum. In related literature, research methods such as work theory and reading guidance note that "Rashomon" has maintained a constant position as a short story for one year of initial learning. Along with using literature classics as teaching material, it is important that textbook companies and educational bodies consider adopting literature classics as "standard study material." This study demonstrates the primary interdependencies between the different organizations involved in school curriculum design.