弘胤 佑
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.75, no.3, pp.184-194, 2020-12-28 (Released:2021-01-26)

本実践の目的は,水害碑の内容やその変遷に注目することで,①水害碑のもつ社会へもたらす効能・効果や歴史的意義について考察し,さらに,②本実践を通して生徒たちが今後の歴史学習へとつながる問いをもつようになることである。 近年,水害碑への注目度が高まっている。しかし,専ら地域の災害伝承や防災という側面が重視されている。そこで,本実践では,近・現代史の導入として水害碑を位置づけた実践を行った。授業実践は,2つの授業目標を達成するだけでなく,様々な学びをも生み出した。生徒は,水害碑のもつ重層的な社会的効能・効果についての理解を深めながら,地域の構造物から地形の特徴が読み取れることにも気づき始めた。さらに,多くの生徒から今後の歴史学習に対する意欲の高まりが感じられた。このように,水害碑という個別事象の「内容」のみならず,多様な社会的事象の認識に応用できる「見方・考え方」にまで踏み込んだ学びをみせた。歴史授業で水害碑を扱うことは,水害碑という教材がもつ魅力を最大限活かしながら,生徒を深い学びへと導くために大変有効な方法である。しかし,水害碑は地理・歴史という社会科の枠組みに収まるものではない。他教科で,あるいは教科横断型で扱える汎用性をもつ教材である。
弘胤 佑
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 (ISSN:13465554)
no.64, pp.53-62, 2015

This article identifies the actual state of the earthquake measures in the eighth century. Before the Taika Reform, as the feature of the earthquake measures before enforcing so-called Ritsuryo nationwide, it could be listed up the religious ceremony of "God of earthquake" based on an ancient nature of God faith. It was recognized that God faith and disasters brought closer together among those who at the time. In the Tenmu period, along with forming the political system of a state, the circumstances of damage had been described in detail through reporting from each local government to the central government. The earthquake damage information system centered by the government was established through developing the local government system. The establishment of Ritsuryo state that the government aimed was completed with Ritsuryo enactment in Taiho 1 (701). The government management was conducted by adapting regulation in various situations of administrative affairs and policy planning as well as the earthquake measures. Under the Ritsuryo state, the earthquakes were significant matters to send Chieki(馳駅) and there was also a comprehensive regulation to adequate earthquake damage. In addition, through Tenpyo 6 earthquakes in not only "Shokunihongi (続日本紀)" but also "Izumonokunikeikaicho (出雲国計会帳)", the central government and each local government brought closer together by the system of"Kenshi(遣使)" and" I(移)" and it had been identified that they dealt with earthquakes.