手良村 知功 小枝 圭太 鈴木 尚光 平瀬 祥太朗 瀬能 宏
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-032, (Released:2020-02-28)

A single specimen (124 mm in standard length) of the genus Bathophilus, trawled from 300 m in Suruga Bay, Japan on 30 January 2019, was identified as Bathophilus longipinnis (Pappenheim, 1914), being characterized by the following combination of characters: bases of pelvic fins equidistant between dorsal and ventral profiles; pectoral-fin rays 8; pelvic-fin rays 10; ventral row of photophores from tip of isthmus to anal-fin origin 32; large lateral series photophores 25; vertebrae 45 (previously recorded range 40–44); head length 17.3% in standard length (18.0–25.0%); body depth at origin of dorsal fin base 14.3% in standard length. The circumglobal (Atlantic Ocean; Indian Ocean; southern Pacific Ocean: Australia; Central Pacific: Hawaiian Islands; western Pacific Ocean: South China Sea) species has been previously recorded from the Kuroshio Current basin (20– 38˚S, 138–152˚E), although the detailed collection locality was not stated. There being no other records from Japanese waters, the specimen from Suruga Bay represents the first unequivocal record of B. longipinnis from Japan. The new standard Japanese name “Amanogawa-gingaeso” is proposed for the species.
水町 海斗 中山 透 手良村 知功 遠藤 広光
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.21-027, (Released:2022-02-08)

The parazenid genus Cyttopsis Gill, 1862 includes two valid species, C. rosea (Lowe, 1843), known from the Atlantic and Indo-west Pacific Oceans, and C. cypho (Fowler, 1934) restricted to the eastern Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Around Japan, the former species is common, whereas the latter has not been recorded to date. However, two Cyttopsis specimens [51.6 and 71.8 mm standard length (SL)] collected from Tosa Bay and Enshu-nada, Japan in 2008 and 2019, respectively, have been identified as C. cypho. In addition to previous means of distinguishing between the two species, a faint dark lateral spot posteriorly on the body (absent in C. rosea) and fewer lateral-line scales (55–64) in C. cypho (vs 73–82), the following additional diagnostic characters were found: interspace between spines on 4th and 5th abdominal scutes very narrow (C. cypho) vs. wide (C. rosea); orbit diameter 13.6–16.6% vs. 14.7–19.1% of SL; interorbital width 5.8–6.6% vs. 5.8–8.0% of SL; snout length 21.1–27.4% vs. 17.8–23.3% of SL; and mandible length 22.6–25.6% vs. 22.1–26.9% of SL. The two specimens, representing the first Japanese records of C. cypho (for which the new standard Japanese name “Ittenkagomatodai” is proposed), extend the northern range of the species from off northern Mindanao Island, Philippines (type locality).
矢頭 卓児 手良村 知功 瀬能 宏
神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学) (ISSN:04531906)
vol.2022, no.51, pp.1-7, 2022 (Released:2022-03-29)

ホウボウ科のミナミソコホウボウ(新称)Bovitrigla acanthomoplate Fowler, 1938 の1 標本が遠州灘から得られた。この種は日本初記録種であり、遠州灘における出現はこの種の北限記録となる。南シナ海産の10 個体と比較するとともに本種を詳細に再記載した。
手良村 知功 安田 慎 天野 雄一 三井 翔太 櫻井 風汰 平瀬 祥太朗 瀬能 宏
神奈川県立博物館研究報告(自然科学) (ISSN:04531906)
vol.2019, no.48, pp.13-20, 2019

ツマグロアオメエソ(ヒメ目アオメエソ科)およびイトヒキヒメ(ヒメ目ヒメ科)、ルソンベニテグリ(スズキ目ネズッポ科)の標本が駿河湾からそれぞれ1 個体ずつ得られた。これらはいずれも同湾における初記録であり、かつその種の分布の北限記録となる。日本近海ではこれら3 種は大陸棚の縁辺あるいは斜面上部に生息するが、南日本では黒潮流路に沿って連続的に分布することから、多くの浅海性魚類と同様に、その分散には黒潮が関係していることが示唆された。