石森 綱行 渡辺 大介 新井 幸三
一般社団法人 繊維学会
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (ISSN:21897654)
vol.75, no.6, pp.72-92, 2019-06-10 (Released:2019-06-20)

The hair straightening method applying heat-treatment with glyoxylic acid (GA) at about 180 ̊C was studied. Straightening effect was estimated by shampooing test. The stress-strain relationship of GA/heattreated hair was also studied. It was revealed that from the WAXS, DSC study and stress-strain characteristics of treated sample, new crosslinking is introduced into the rod region of the intermediate filament (IF), a slight decrease in the degree of crystallinity but an increase in the thermal stability of the α-crystallites. The initial modulus and extensional work of the treated sample were markedly increased as compared to untreated sample. It was demonstrated that such large internal stress accumulated in the keratin network chain disappeared by relaxation treatment in water at 52 ̊C for 1 h. A part of the new cross-linking is destroyed when the treated hair is extended, but residual stable cross-linking to extension contributes to increase of initial modulus of the hair. Study of SAXS showed that the interspace distance between IFs increased about twice as much as the value of untreated sample. SEM observation shows that oblateness of the hair decreased by 10%, and cross-sectional shape changed from elliptical shape to circular shape which followed by increase of cross-sectional area. This phenomenon was considered to be due to the stress relaxation occurring in shampooing process throughout the cleavage of SS bonds located interfacial region between hard IF and soft KAP materials in water. Shampooing test of GA/heat-treated sample showed excellent set-ability. It was concluded that introduction of GA crosslinks into IF rod region resulted in a modified IF with higher modulus of elasticity than that of untreated hair, which means that the increase of resilience maintains the straight conformation exhibiting excellent straightening effect.
石森 綱行 渡辺 大介 新井 幸三
一般社団法人 繊維学会
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology
vol.75, no.6, pp.72-92, 2019

<p>The hair straightening method applying heat-treatment with glyoxylic acid (GA) at about 180 ̊C was studied. Straightening effect was estimated by shampooing test. The stress-strain relationship of GA/heattreated hair was also studied. It was revealed that from the WAXS, DSC study and stress-strain characteristics of treated sample, new crosslinking is introduced into the rod region of the intermediate filament (IF), a slight decrease in the degree of crystallinity but an increase in the thermal stability of the α-crystallites. The initial modulus and extensional work of the treated sample were markedly increased as compared to untreated sample. It was demonstrated that such large internal stress accumulated in the keratin network chain disappeared by relaxation treatment in water at 52 ̊C for 1 h. A part of the new cross-linking is destroyed when the treated hair is extended, but residual stable cross-linking to extension contributes to increase of initial modulus of the hair. Study of SAXS showed that the interspace distance between IFs increased about twice as much as the value of untreated sample. SEM observation shows that oblateness of the hair decreased by 10%, and cross-sectional shape changed from elliptical shape to circular shape which followed by increase of cross-sectional area. This phenomenon was considered to be due to the stress relaxation occurring in shampooing process throughout the cleavage of SS bonds located interfacial region between hard IF and soft KAP materials in water. Shampooing test of GA/heat-treated sample showed excellent set-ability. It was concluded that introduction of GA crosslinks into IF rod region resulted in a modified IF with higher modulus of elasticity than that of untreated hair, which means that the increase of resilience maintains the straight conformation exhibiting excellent straightening effect.</p>
新井 幸三
The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan
繊維学会誌 (ISSN:00379875)
vol.45, no.12, pp.P512-P516, 1989-12-10 (Released:2008-11-28)
8 9
吉田 正人 鈴田 和之 上門 潤一郎 新井 幸三
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.48, no.3, pp.190-199, 2014-09-20 (Released:2016-09-20)

化粧品分野では,毛髪の損傷低減,損傷した毛髪の修復などに様々なタイプのケラチンタンパク質が応用されている。側鎖に非対称性のジスルフィド基をもつ水溶性のS-カルボキシメチルアラニルジスルフィドケラチン (CMADK) タンパク質が,羊毛繊維のチオグリコール酸ナトリウム塩による還元処理と,それに続く過酸化水素による酸化処理により合成された。SDS-PAGE法により,この新しい誘導体化タンパク質の分子量は約64 kDaおよび48 kDaであることがわかった。また,CMADKタンパク質に含まれるジスルフィド基量は4.4×10-4 mol/gであった。非対称性のジスルフィド基をもつ水溶性タンパク質と毛髪中のフリーのチオール基とのSH/SS交換反応を通して共有結合しうるタンパク質による毛髪表面の修飾が期待された。毛髪のねじり応力評価法からCMADKタンパク質で処理した毛髪の剛性率は増加した。洗髪のシミュレーションモデルを用いた繰り返し処理を行っても,毛髪の剛性が維持されることがわかった。