渡辺 大介 永見 豊
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 日本デザイン学会 第55回研究発表大会
pp.106, 2008 (Released:2008-06-16)

現在、住宅街での物取り、痴漢さらには子供を狙ったような犯罪を多く目にするようになった。公園では、秩序違反が犯罪の呼び水となっていたり、遊具の老朽化により利用者の事故が起きていたり、樹木の管理が不十分で景観面が低下している場所などがある。公園は、子供達をはじめ多くの住民が利用する場所のため、特に防犯面・安全面を向上することが必要になる。また、憩いの場所として、景観面への配慮も必要になる。それらは公共施設である公園を多くの人に安心して利用してもらい、自分の住んでいる街に愛着心を持ってもらい、住みやすい街づくりへとつながることになる。 そこで、本研究では防犯、安全、景観の向上に必要な要素を整理し、利用者別に特化した公園を計画し、誰もが安心、安全、快適に利用できる公園の提案を行った。
石森 綱行 渡辺 大介 新井 幸三
一般社団法人 繊維学会
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology (ISSN:21897654)
vol.75, no.6, pp.72-92, 2019-06-10 (Released:2019-06-20)

The hair straightening method applying heat-treatment with glyoxylic acid (GA) at about 180 ̊C was studied. Straightening effect was estimated by shampooing test. The stress-strain relationship of GA/heattreated hair was also studied. It was revealed that from the WAXS, DSC study and stress-strain characteristics of treated sample, new crosslinking is introduced into the rod region of the intermediate filament (IF), a slight decrease in the degree of crystallinity but an increase in the thermal stability of the α-crystallites. The initial modulus and extensional work of the treated sample were markedly increased as compared to untreated sample. It was demonstrated that such large internal stress accumulated in the keratin network chain disappeared by relaxation treatment in water at 52 ̊C for 1 h. A part of the new cross-linking is destroyed when the treated hair is extended, but residual stable cross-linking to extension contributes to increase of initial modulus of the hair. Study of SAXS showed that the interspace distance between IFs increased about twice as much as the value of untreated sample. SEM observation shows that oblateness of the hair decreased by 10%, and cross-sectional shape changed from elliptical shape to circular shape which followed by increase of cross-sectional area. This phenomenon was considered to be due to the stress relaxation occurring in shampooing process throughout the cleavage of SS bonds located interfacial region between hard IF and soft KAP materials in water. Shampooing test of GA/heat-treated sample showed excellent set-ability. It was concluded that introduction of GA crosslinks into IF rod region resulted in a modified IF with higher modulus of elasticity than that of untreated hair, which means that the increase of resilience maintains the straight conformation exhibiting excellent straightening effect.
猪又 明子 小縣 昭夫 多田 幸恵 長澤 明道 湯澤 勝廣 安藤 弘 久保 喜一 高橋 博 海鉾 藤文 田中 和良 中嶋 順一 鈴木 淳子 植村 望美 守安 貴子 渡辺 大介 石原 恵 宇佐美 孝 亀井 学 河野 安昭
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.8, pp.1005-1015, 2017-08-01 (Released:2017-08-01)
1 1

We developed a new inhalation exposure method to evaluate effects of synthetic cannabimimetics that are being distributed as new, unregulated drugs in the Tokyo area. We selected the commercial product “SOUTOU” containing AB-CHMINACA and 5F-AMB as the test drug and dried marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) leaves as the negative control. A half cigarette packed with dried marshmallow leaves or SOUTOU was ignited, then mainstream smoke from each was delivered to five mice in an exposure box. After the cigarettes were fully consumed, neurobehavioral observations and a catalepsy test were performed at 15, 30 and 60 min after exposure. The effluent air from the exposure box was poured into impingers containing acetonitrile (first impinger) and dimethyl sulfoxide (second impinger). The resulting solutions were analyzed to assess decomposition of the synthetic cannabimimetics. Mice exposed to SOUTOU smoke showed many excitement behaviors and some suppressive behaviors at 15, 30 and 60 min. These clearly included cannabimimetic specific pharmacological actions. Negative control mice also showed some suppressive behaviors at 15 min but these were attenuated at later times, nearly disappearing at 60 min. In addition, the behavioral effects observed in controls were less pronounced than those in SOUTOU exposed mice. The inhalation exposure method developed in our study would be effective for determining cannabinoid specific pharmacological effects of illegal drugs, as well as for assessing the presence of active compound(s) by comparing the test substance with a negative control.
石森 綱行 渡辺 大介 新井 幸三
一般社団法人 繊維学会
Journal of Fiber Science and Technology
vol.75, no.6, pp.72-92, 2019

<p>The hair straightening method applying heat-treatment with glyoxylic acid (GA) at about 180 ̊C was studied. Straightening effect was estimated by shampooing test. The stress-strain relationship of GA/heattreated hair was also studied. It was revealed that from the WAXS, DSC study and stress-strain characteristics of treated sample, new crosslinking is introduced into the rod region of the intermediate filament (IF), a slight decrease in the degree of crystallinity but an increase in the thermal stability of the α-crystallites. The initial modulus and extensional work of the treated sample were markedly increased as compared to untreated sample. It was demonstrated that such large internal stress accumulated in the keratin network chain disappeared by relaxation treatment in water at 52 ̊C for 1 h. A part of the new cross-linking is destroyed when the treated hair is extended, but residual stable cross-linking to extension contributes to increase of initial modulus of the hair. Study of SAXS showed that the interspace distance between IFs increased about twice as much as the value of untreated sample. SEM observation shows that oblateness of the hair decreased by 10%, and cross-sectional shape changed from elliptical shape to circular shape which followed by increase of cross-sectional area. This phenomenon was considered to be due to the stress relaxation occurring in shampooing process throughout the cleavage of SS bonds located interfacial region between hard IF and soft KAP materials in water. Shampooing test of GA/heat-treated sample showed excellent set-ability. It was concluded that introduction of GA crosslinks into IF rod region resulted in a modified IF with higher modulus of elasticity than that of untreated hair, which means that the increase of resilience maintains the straight conformation exhibiting excellent straightening effect.</p>
湯澤 正通 渡辺 大介 水口 啓吾 森田 愛子 湯澤 美紀
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.24, no.3, pp.380-390, 2013 (Released:2015-09-21)

本研究では,小学校1年のクラスでワーキングメモリの相対的に小さい児童の授業観察を行い,そのような観察対象児の授業中における態度の特徴を調べ,その教育的,発達的意味,および授業参加の支援方法についての考察を行った。小学校1年生2クラスを対象にコンピュータベースのワーキングメモリテストを行い,テスト成績の最下位の児童をそれぞれのクラスで3名ずつ選び,国語と算数の授業37時間で観察を行った。ワーキングメモリの小さい児童の授業態度は,個人によって違いが見られたが,挙手をほとんどしない児童が含まれ,全般に,課題や教材についての教師の説明や,他児の発言を聞くことが容易でないことが示唆された。挙手をほとんどしない観察対象児が挙手する場面を検討したところ,a) 発問の前に児童に考える時間を与えてから発問する,b) 発問をもう一度繰り返す,c)いくつかの具体的な選択肢を教師が提示した上で発問するといった場面で,他の場面よりも挙手率が有意に高かった。ワーキングメモリに発達的な個人差がある中で,ワーキングメモリの相対的に小さい児童にとって授業への参加は不利になること,そのため,教師は,ワーキングメモリの小さい児童を意識した支援方法を意図的に用いる必要があることが考察された。
渡辺 大介 湯澤 正通 水口 啓吾
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.25, no.1, pp.87-94, 2014
