小林 紀子 臼井 俊博 新井 清一 福田 忠彦
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.36, no.1, pp.36-44, 2002-03-20 (Released:2010-08-06)
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人は種々の肌状態を評価する際に, 顔のどの部分をどのように見て判断しているのであろう。本研究の目的は, スキンケアで重視しなければならない部位や, 美しい肌を演出するために重視すべき部位を明らかにすることである。測定方法は, 「キメの粗さ」「つや」「なめらかさ」「肌の美しさ」など14項目についてモデルの肌を評価し, その際の眼球運動データを測定した。その結果, 頬や鼻は多くの評価項目において注視されることがわかった。「毛穴の目立ち」の評価では鼻の頭や小鼻のあたりに注視がみられ, 主観申告による判断部位と一致していた。また, 「つや」の評価では, 鼻の頭や頬のふくらんだ部分に注視の集中がみられた。このように, 評価する肌項目によって注視される部位が異なっていることが本研究より明らかとなった。さらに, 「肌の美しさ」の評価では, 頬上部から鼻周辺, 口周辺, 頬下部の範囲に注視が分布した。本研究により, 肌を評価する際の眼球運動が定量的に示された。このことは, スキンケアや美容に関するカウンセリングに役立つ情報が得られるだけでなく, 新しい皮膚計測法の開発において, 測定すべき部位を決めるためにも役立つと考えられる。
林 照次 松木 智美 松江 浩二 新井 清一 福田 吉宏 米谷 融
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.27, no.3, pp.355-373, 1993-12-16 (Released:2010-08-06)
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We measured changes in facial wrinkles and skin texture by aging, sunlight exposure and applicaion of cosmetics.With a replica photographing system and image analysis, we measured wrinkles for parameters of depth and the ratio of wrinkled area (RWA: showing amount of wrinkles). As for skin texture, we measured depth and distance of furrows, ratio of furrow depth (RFD: showing amount of skin texture) and anisotropy.As a result of measuring changes in wrinkles due to aging, it was found that the process of wrinkle formation was classified roughly into 2 stages. In the initial stage of wrinkles, RWA incseased greatly in the 30s, due to many fine wrinkles 0.15mm or less in depth. Then, the second stage showed the acceleration in the increase of wrinkle depth which seemed to be caused by a vicious circle in solar elastosis. It was also observed that, compared to the office workers, the outdoor workers showed higher values of RWA in the initial stage and of wrinkle depth in the second stage.The result of measuring changes of textures revealed that the amount of furrows decreased with aging and morphology after 60s differed from that of natural furrows and resembled to the morphology observed in the initial stage of wrinkles. As for the influence of sunlight exposure, the furrows in the outdoor workers of 30s and 40s became more indistinct in comparison to those of the office workers.Then, as a result of examining changes in wrinkles by the continuous application of moisturizing lotion and eye cream, relatively small wrinkles below 0.15mm depth decreased in both cases probably due to increase in hydration in the stratum corneum. We thought this effect reduced the degree of vicious circle in solor elastosis and delayed the appearances of deep wrinkles. From these results, it was thought that skin care around the age of 30s, when small wrinkles started to increase, was extremely important to control wrinkle appeararances.