太田 静行 坂本 泰志 近藤 勝彦 日下 兵爾
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
油化学 (ISSN:18842003)
vol.28, no.5, pp.321-327, 1979-05-20 (Released:2009-11-10)
6 8

In various foods, it is often experienced that a presence of oil in food complicates the taste of the foods and makes it mild and sometimes even very delicious. However, this effect of oils on the taste of food has not been studied systematically. This paper deals with the effect of oil on so-called “five tastes”. Sugar, salt, tartaric acid, quinine hydrochloride and monosodium glutamate were chosen as the representative of five tastes, namely sweet, salty, sour, bitter and glutamate taste (“Umami”, in Japanese), respectively. Taste panel consisted of about 15 persons, who were the stuff of our laboratories and our students.Two series of experiments were carried out.1) Taking the case of sweet taste, emulsions typed of w/o and o/w of 5.46% aqeuous solution of cane sugar and corn oil were made. Each of 7.20, 6.28, 5.46, 4.75 and 4.13% solutions of cane sugar were also made. The panel made the guess which solution were equal to the sweetness of these o/w and w/o emulsions. Such experiments were also done on other four tastes as well as on some real foods such as margarine, cream and mayonnaise.2) Also taking the case of the sweet taste, 7.20, 6.28, 5.46, 4.75 and 4.13% solutions of cane sugar were made, while o/w and w/o emulsions of these solution and oil were made. The panel carried out the difference tests on these series. The number of the errors in these experiments was compared. As the results, it was found that intensity of tastes were much decreased in the w/o emulsion. In the difference tests on the emulsions of both w/o and o/w type it was much difficult to describe the differences than those on mere ageous solutions. These results seem to be able to explain to some extent the general belief, “oil makes the taste of food mild and delicious”.
太田 静行 古堅 あき子 日下 兵爾 森 一雄
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.16, no.2, pp.122-126, 1983-06-20

食塩の塩から味に及ぼす香辛料の辛味の影響を見る目的で,香辛料として胡椒を選び,塩から味に関する両者の相互関係を味覚検査法により調べた。 味覚検査の内容としてはi)一定濃度の食塩水溶液に胡椒を加えた液が,塩から味においてどの程度の濃度の食塩水溶液に相当するか,ii)コショウを加えた場合,食塩水溶液の濃度差識別能力に影響があるか,を調べ,妙飯についても実験を行なった。この結果,胡椒の辛味と食塩の塩から味は別の味であって,胡椒の辛味は塩から味に関して食塩の塩から味を補う効果はないか,あっても少ない。胡椒を加えると食塩の量が少くてもすむように見えるのは,胡椒の存在が塩から味に関する食塩の濃度差識別を困難にするためであることがわかった。