明石 芳彦
産業学会研究年報 (ISSN:09187162)
vol.1988, no.3, pp.10-23,77, 1988-03-31 (Released:2009-10-08)

1. The characteristics of the Japan's patenting activity(1) The characteristics of the Japan's patenting activity is the tremendous amount of the number of the applied patent. But seeing the absolute number and the rate of increase of the number of the patent granted, the number of the Japan's patent is yet approaching to the level of the American's, now being less than the American's. (2) The Japan's patent-applying behavior is so much concentrated to the particular sectors and firms. For example, the share of the top 10 sectors is 47% (at 1985), and the share of the top 10 firms is 33% (at 1982). (3) The rate of publicity to the whole number of the applying patent in Japan is 35%. Comparing the application-granted ratio of the patent internationally, the ratio of Japan is relatively low. (4) The foreign patent granted behavior of Japan has been “poor” yet. The advanced countries except Japan are granted much more at foreign countries than the number of the patent granted at their domestic countries. (5) The foreigners' share of the patenting activity in Japan is inclined to decrease, and its share of the U. S. is inclined to increase. (6) The number of the patent granted of Japan to another advanced countries has become greater than the number of another foreign countries to Japan at early 1970s.2. The characteristics of the trend of the Japan's technological balance of trade(1) In spite of the active patenting behavior, the characteristics of the trend of the Japan's technological balance of trade is yet deficit in total. The Japan's receipt of the technological balance of trade is less than another advanced countries, but the Japan's payment of it is more than them. (2) However, seeing the sum of the new contracts only (ie. net of continuing bill from the total), the ratio of technological receipt over payment is more than 2 at 1984 (only this figure is one of Japan's F. Y.).
長尾 謙吉 中本 悟 明石 芳彦 松村 博行
季刊経済研究 = The quarterly journal of economic studies (ISSN:03871789)
vol.29, no.2, pp.33-46, 2006-09

(1)ヨコハマ・アエロ・スペース・アメリカ : 訪問日 8月28日(月)午後 : 同社は民間航空機のラバトリー・モジュールやウォーター・タンクを製造・修理する横浜ゴムの子会社である. ラバトリー・モジュールは, 通路が一本のみとなる単通路型のボーイング737型機や757型機用に供給している. こうした機種はシアトル南郊にあるボーイング社のレントン工場で生産されており, ヨコハマ・アエロ・スペース・アメリカはレントン工場に近いケントに立地している. ……