望月 健太郎 伊東 正英 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.22-009, (Released:2022-06-03)

A single specimen (153.7 mm total length) of large congrid leptocephalus, collected at a depth of 400 m off Kuro-shima Island, Osumi Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, was subsequently identified as Congriscus maldivensis (Norman, 1939), having the following combination of characters: 46 lateral-line pores before anus; 149 total vertebrae, including 46 abdominal vertebrae; maximum body depth 27.2% of total length (TL); pectoral fin length 40.6% of head length; highest margin of head profile anterior to pectoralfin base; snout rounded, its tip anterior to tip of lower jaw; maxilla and mandibular teeth conical, uniserial; anterior nostril with short membranous tube, below snout margin; posterior nostril rounded, anterior to eye; posterior end of mouth posterior to vertical through middle of eye; cephalic sensory pores and lateral line developed; anus slightly anterior to middle of body; dorsal, anal, pectoral, and caudal fins present (dorsal-, anal-, and caudal-fin membranes fused); and dorsal fin origin slightly posterior to ventral through pectoral-fin base. A neighbor joining tree based on mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences placed the specimen within a clade of C. maldivensis, based on previously published sequences, thereby supporting its conspecificity with C. maldivensis. The specimen was tentatively determined as a metamorphic larva, based on the following features: 153.7 mm TL, head length 12.7% of TL, and body opaque, with melanophores around the midline. An Indo-West Pacific species, C. maldivensis has previously been recorded from Tanzania to the Philippines, Wallis and Futuna Islands, and Australia, the present specimen therefore representing the first Japanese record and northernmost record of the species. The new standard Japanese name “Nan’you-okianago” is proposed for the species.
北川 裕久 田島 秀浩 中川原 寿俊 牧野 勇 藤田 秀人 林 泰寛 高村 博之 谷 卓 太田 哲生 萱原 正都 望月 健太郎 蒲田 敏文 松井 修
胆と膵 (ISSN:03889408)
vol.32, no.7, pp.609-614, 2011

膵癌では, borderline resectableと言えども局所癌遺残のないR0が得られなければ切除の意義は低い. 膵頭部癌切除標本の検討では病理組織学的にborderline resectableとなる主要因子は"mesopancreas"への進展である. Mesopancreasへの進展範囲はMDCTによって正確に診断可能で, 主腫瘍から連続する粗大網状影, 索状影として捉えられる. R0を得るためには, MDCTで詳細に術前進展範囲診断を行った上で術式立案をすべきである. 特にmesopancreasに関連した, 膵頭神経叢~上腸間膜動脈神経叢への浸潤, 門脈系への浸潤, 上腸間膜動脈への浸潤には注意を払う必要があり, R0のためには, 上腸間膜動脈神経叢全周郭清, 門脈合併切除, 上腸間膜動脈合併切除も考慮する必要がある. 「はじめに」膵頭部癌に対する膵頭十二指腸切除術は高難易度, 高侵襲であるが, 依然予後は不良で, 近年の抗癌剤治療の進歩に伴い, "切除"の意義が問われている.