木村 年晶 鈴木 直人
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.27, no.2, pp.43-50, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-03-31)

In this study, we aimed to create a list of stimulus words suitable for evoking emotions that are placed evenly in the emotional space. College students (n=38) were invited into the laboratory and presented with two-character (Kanji) idioms, which were controlled for the number of characters and moras. We asked the students to evaluate the emotional valence and arousal level on an affect grid for each of the two-character idioms. We succeeded in creating a list of emotional words that minimize the interdependent influences of emotional valence and arousal factor as much as possible. A total of 271 two-character idioms were constituted using an evaluation that focused on the evoked emotions, and not on the attributions of the words’ meanings. Therefore, the inventory has adequate validity as a list of emotional words to be used for experiments.
木村 年晶 内山 伊知郎
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.28, no.1, pp.23-32, 2015

The relationship between emotional valence of social interactions and subjective happiness (SH) of elderly groups was investigated based on the convoy model in young adults (<i>n</i>=30), early-elderly (<i>n</i>=30), and late-elderly (<i>n</i>=29) groups. Results of a simple correlation analysis indicated a positive correlation between mean closeness scores and SH Scale scores in young adults and a positive correlation between mean emotional valence and SH Scale scores in early-elderly and late-elderly people. Moreover, multiple regression analysis was conducted by adding variables: health status scale score, the rate of relatives living together, the number of interactions, the mean frequency of the interactions per month, the rate of the same sex, which indicated that the significant correlation coefficient between mean closeness scores and SH scale scores disappeared, and that the number of interactions predicted SH in the young adult group. Furthermore, SH in the early-elderly and late-elderly groups was predicted by the mean emotional valence score. Results of this study suggested that selecting interactions with others with positive emotions was necessary for SH in elderly people, which supported the socioemotional selectivity theory.
木村 年晶 内山 伊知郎
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.25, no.1, pp.20-30, 2012

The structure of life goals in three groups of people: shifting-to-old (<i>n</i>=73, 60-64 years old), young-old (<i>n</i>=369, 65-74 years old), and old-old (<i>n</i>=50, 75 years old and over) were investigated. The results indicated that life goals had five correlated structures that were consistent across the three groups. These included, &ldquo;leisure activities,&rdquo; &ldquo;contribution to society,&rdquo; &ldquo;money,&rdquo; &ldquo;health&rdquo; and &ldquo;work.&rdquo; Next, the relationship between life goals and the sense of fulfillment was examined in the three groups of people. The results showed that contribution to society in the shifting-to-old group was positively related to the sense of fulfillment, whereas money was negatively related. In the young-old group, leisure activities and contribution to society were positively related to the sense of fulfillment. In the old-old group, health and leisure activities were positively related to the sense of fulfillment, whereas work was negatively related. These results suggest that the sense of fulfillment is differentially related to the life goals of the three age groups.