本間 千尋
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.74, pp.33-54, 2012

論文Bourdieu's "cultural capital" is recognized as high culture. He states that cultural hierarchy corresponds to social hierarchy, noting that the piano is an aristocratic instrument and playing it is related to people's original social class. Therefore, the piano is considered the cultural capital. However, many people now play piano, and its popularity is growing in Japan.This study focused on the popularization of piano culture in Japan. Researchers have found that piano culture became popular during a period of high economic growth, but we examine how it achieved this popularity. Before World War II (WWII), piano culture was enjoyed only by the wealthy classes. However, after the war, it expanded and was modified by the music schools that were established by the piano manufacturer.Simultaneously, the number of women hoping to work increased during the high economic growth period, and learning to play piano enabled them to have a career in music.I analyzed the popularization of piano culture through oral history. This study found that during the high economic growth period, piano culture was a symbol that raised the player's class, and that popularization in this period was a prologue to the greater popularity that followed.
本間 千尋 本間 裕大
Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo
生産研究 (ISSN:0037105X)
vol.68, no.4, pp.293-296, 2016-07-01 (Released:2016-07-29)

明治期に日本に移入された西欧モダンのピアノ文化は,戦後はライフスタイルの都市化に伴い全国的に浸透した.日本では子どもに楽器の演奏技術を学ばせる際にはピアノを選ぶ場合が多く,我々は自国の伝統楽器よりも西欧の楽器であるピアノの方に親しみを感じる.また現在の日本では,ピアノの経験者や国際コンクールの参加者は本場西欧を凌ぐ程になり,日本におけるピアノ文化は成熟期を迎えていると言えるだろう.このように戦後日本の都市化と不可分の関係にあり,多くの人々が趣味やレッスンで経験するようになったピアノ文化であるが,日本においてピアノ文化に関する研究は多くはない.そこで,本研究では,高度経済成長期が終焉した1980 年代以降のピアノ文化の受容を,質的調査を用いて検討し,それを踏まえた上でコンペティションデータを用い数理的解析から明らかにする.こうした視点からピアノ文化を検討することは,ピアノ文化の分析に新たな知見をもたらしてくれることが期待でき,また高度経済成長期終焉以降の日本社会の特質を垣間見ることにもなるだろう.