楊 碩 橋本 敬 李 冠宏 李 暁燕
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.30, no.1, pp.331-339, 2015-01-06 (Released:2015-01-06)

Japanese onomatopoeia is an important element to express feelings and experiences lively. It is very difficult for Japanese learners to acquire onomatopoeia, especially, its nuance. In this paper, based on traditional L2 learning theories, we propose a new learning method to improve the efficiency of learning Japanese onomatopoeias' nuance - both explicit and implicit - for non-native speakers. The method for learning implicit nuance of onomatopoeia consists of three elements. First is studying the formal rules representing the explicit nuances of onomatopoeic words. Second is creating new onomatopoeic words by learners to utilize those formal rules. The last is giving feedback of relevance of the onomatopoeias created. We then show a learning system implementing the proposed method. In addition, to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and the learning system, we conducted an experiment involving two groups of subjects. While the experiment group covers all the three elements of the proposed method, the control group involves no creation process, which is supposed to be a core element of our proposed method, instead, does an assessment process in which the participants assess the appropriateness of onomatopoeic words presented. Both groups were required to take two tests, before and after going through the learning process. The learning effect is defined as the difference between the scores gained from pre-learning test and post-learning test. The result confirms that the proposed method has significant effect in learning onomatopoeia for non-native speakers. Moreover, the comparison against the control group shows that the creation process is the key to bring the learning effect.
鮫島 和行 金野 武司 李 冠宏 奥田 次郎 森田 純哉 橋本 敬
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:21888833)
vol.2016-MPS-111, no.5, pp.1-6, 2016-12-05

ヒトは,記号に意味を持たせ,その情報交換を通じて協力 ・ 協調行動を行うことで,社会を形成している.記号への意味づけや合意を,ヒトはどのように獲得または創発しているのだろうか.本研究では,2 者が協調行動を発現すると成功するゲーム課題において,ゲーム上での記号使用の学習過程を記述する確率モデルを提案する.実際の行動実験の結果から,モデルによる記号の意味の変遷を解析した.その結果,字義的意味の成立の次に言外的意味が成立するなど,認知過程が複数存在することがわかり,その変遷を可視化する事ができた.確率モデルによる認知過程の分離は,脳波などによる対応する脳内過程を検討するために重要である.