李 商益
no.35, pp.61-68, 2014

This research studies the development of ethnic business and its strategy in Tsuruhashi's Korea Town, one of the most well-known Korea Towns in Japan. The research focuses mainly on the seasoning used by food business operators. Tsuruhashi's Korea Town developed after World War II as a neighborhood with a large concentration of "old-comer" ethnic Koreans, and it was closely connected with the daily lives of its residents. In recent years, with an influx of South Korean newcomers and with the development of tourism, Tsuruhashi has become a well-known tourist spot. Tsuruhashi, alongside other Japanese Korea Towns such as Shin Okubo in Tokyo, gives people the opportunity to enjoy South Korean culture in Japan. That is why operators of ethnic businesses in Tsuruhashi need to cater to the needs of both Japanese tourists and local Korean residents. In order to study the strategies that they employ to this aim, I investigated the methods of seasoning used by food vendors. The findings of this survey are as follows: First, the operators of food related businesses are not long-time Korean residents of Japan, but mainly newcomers from South Korea. Second, local South Korean or North Korean residents form only a minority of the customer base, while the majority consists of Japanese tourists influenced by the recent boom for Korean culture in Japan. Given this background, it is clear that for the most part the seasoning, the major point that business strategy revolves around, is adapted to suit the tastes of Japanese tourists, although there may be some differences in approach among the sub-areas of the Tsuruhashi district.
阿部 康久 李 商益
都市地理学 (ISSN:18809499)
vol.11, pp.71-79, 2016

<p>中国・延辺朝鮮族自治州の延吉市を対象として,情報サービス産業の進出と停滞について従業員の雇用条件等に注目して検討した.調査結果として,延吉市内には,主に国内企業や韓国企業を中心に情報サービス産業のある程度の立地がみられる.同市への企業進出は2006 年頃から顕著になり始めたが,当初は,韓国語を理解できる朝鮮族住民が多く,しかも賃金水準が低かったことが進出の大きな要因となっていた.しかしながら, 2008 年以降は,リーマンショック等の金融危機が起こったことに加えて,賃金水準の上昇が顕著になったことで一部の進出企業では経営状況が悪化するものや撤退するものもみられた.一方,賃金水準は以前に比べると上昇しているものの,国内の他地域や海外を勤務地とする求人に比べると依然として低い水準にあることが分かった.この要因として,求人の職種や勤務内容をみると,高賃金が期待できるものが少ないことが指摘できる.</p>