二宮 敬虔 上杉 邦憲 川口 淳一郎 横田 博樹 村中 昇 滑 孝和 北出 賢二 小笠原 雅弘 木村 雅文 土橋 雅之
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.33, pp.1-45, 1986-03

To support the operation of onboard AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI", ground support software for attitude control and orbit correction was developed. The software, named POPS (PLANET-A AOCS Operation Software), has the function of (1) generating the commands for RCS thruster control and HGA (High Gain Antenna) despin control, (2) simulating spacecraft attitude dynamics to confirm the generated RCS control commands. (3) performing orbit correction analysis to provide the optimum ⊿V-maneuver under various maneuvering constraints, (4) estimating RCS fuel consumption, and (5) conducting the calibration of RCS thrusters. In this paper the functions of POPS are described in detail. The operational results of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI" in orbit are also presented.
二宮 敬虔 小川 原嘉明 橋本 樹明 広川 英治 村中 昇 前田 健 藤原 宏悦 飯田 浩 河原 哲雄 木村 雅文 高安 星子 NINOMIYA Keiken OGAWARA Yoshiaki HASHIMOTO Tatsuaki HIROKAWA Eiji MURANAKA Noboru MAEDA Ken FUJIWARA Kouetsu IIDA Hiroshi KAWAHARA Tetsuo KIMURA Masabumi TAKAYASU Hoshiko
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.81, pp.1-92, 1995-03

本報告では, 1991年8月30日に M-3S II-6 号ロケットにより打ち上げられた"ようこう"の姿勢制御系に関する詳細な説明を行う。"ようこう"は近地点高度約500km, 遠地点高度約800km, 軌道傾斜角約31゜の軌道に投入され, そのミッションとして軟 X 線帯及び硬 X 線帯の各高分解能望遠鏡を使用して, 太陽の精密な X 線画像を日々撮り続けている。 "ようこう"にはこれまでにない高分解能の X 線太陽望遠鏡が搭載されているため, 撮像された太陽像にブレが生じないように非常に高い安定度の姿勢制御が要求されている。このため姿勢制御系はバイアスモーメンタム方式に基づく姿勢安定化を図った上で, アクチュエータとして2台の強力なモーメンタムホイールと高速応答の小型コントロールモーメントジャイロを使用することによって精密で安定な太陽指向姿勢を保持し, この制御要求に応えている。本報告書の構成は以下のとおりである。第1章で衛星の形状, 地上支援系を含む姿勢制御系の概要を, 第2章で姿勢制御モード構成と各モードの制御方式概要を, 第3章で機体の力学特性と姿勢擾乱特性を, 第4章で"ようこう"に搭載した姿勢制御系機器の性能を, 第5章で地上支援系の構成, 機能を, 第6章で打ち上げ前に地上において確認してきた姿勢制御系の動作確認試験の目的と概要を, 第7章で飛翔結果に基づく姿勢制御系搭載機器の動作, 姿勢制御性能, 及び衛星に働く空力外乱トルクの推定結果について記述している。
二宮 敬虔 広川 英治 周東 晃四郎 村中 昇 卯尾 匡史 小笠原 雅弘 青木 星子
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.32, pp.1-37, 1986-03

An Attitude Determination Software (ADS) system was developed for Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft, "SAKIGAKE (1985-001-A)" and "SUISEI (1985-073-A)". The ADS determines the direction of the spaceraft's spin-axis in and inertial reference frame based on telemetry data received from the onboard sun sensor and star scanner. The software system sonsists of three functional subsystems : ADS-RT, ADS-DT, and ADS-BIAS. These are used respectively for near real-time attitude determination, off-line attitude determination, and bias estimation of onboard attitude sensors. In this paper the authors describe the ADS system configuration, its functions, adopted principles of attitude and bias estimation, and the operational results obtained through the in-orbit operations of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI".
二宮 敬虔 上杉 邦憲 村中 昇 加藤 昭夫 北出 賢二 滑 孝和 卯尾 匡史 NINOMIYA Keiken UESUGI Kuninori MURANAKA Noboru KATOH Akio KITADE Kenji NAMERA Takakazu UO Masashi
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.37, pp.1-62, 1986-06

"SAKIGAKE", Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft was successfully launched on January 8,1985.Its mission was to verify the launch capability of the then newly developed Mu-3SIIvehicle and the technology applied to "SUISEI", Japan's Halley's comet explorer launched later the same year on August 19. These spacecraft are spin-stabilized at about 6rpm spin rate, and have same configuration except, of course, for the differing scientific payloads. To assure the communication link between the spacecraft and the ground station, a high-gain parabolic antenna mechanically despun with respect to the spinning spacecraft, is used. In order to provide SUISEI with the ability for ultraviolet imagery of the comet, while satisfying, thermal constraints of the onboard instruments, the spacecraft were also designed so that their spin-rate could be reduced to a low and stable value of around 0.2rpm by spinning up a momentum wheel. The imagery instrument uses the time-delay-and-integration scheme of a 2-dimensional charge coupled device sensor to obtain unblurred pictures of the comet at this spacecraft spin rate. For attitude and orbit control actuator, a hydrazine (N_2H_4) monopropellant propulsion system was developed. Attitude sensors consist of a spin-type sun sensor and a star scanner. Thus far, the attitude and orbit cotrol systems have functioned properly so these spacecraft should be able to fully complete their mission goals. In this report, the function and the detailed design of the attitude and orbit control system of SAKIGAKE and SUISEI are described, together with the analyses pertinent to the design and the operation. The flight results to verify the design are also presented.
二宮 敬虔 広川 英治 周東 晃四郎 村中 昇 卯尾 匡史 小笠原 雅弘 青木 星子 NINOMIYA Keiken HIROKAWA Eiji SHUTO Koshiro MURANAKA Noboru Uo Masashi OGASAWARA Masashi AOKI Hoshiko
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.32, pp.1-37, 1986-03

An Attitude Determination Software (ADS) system was developed for Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft, "SAKIGAKE (1985-001-A)" and "SUISEI (1985-073-A)". The ADS determines the direction of the spaceraft's spin-axis in and inertial reference frame based on telemetry data received from the onboard sun sensor and star scanner. The software system sonsists of three functional subsystems : ADS-RT, ADS-DT, and ADS-BIAS. These are used respectively for near real-time attitude determination, off-line attitude determination, and bias estimation of onboard attitude sensors. In this paper the authors describe the ADS system configuration, its functions, adopted principles of attitude and bias estimation, and the operational results obtained through the in-orbit operations of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI".
二宮 敬虔 上杉 邦憲 川口 淳一郎 横田 博樹 村中 昇 滑 孝和 北出 賢二 小笠原 雅弘 木村 雅文 土橋 雅之 NINOMIYA Keiken UESUGI Kuninori KAWAGUCHI Junichiro YOKOTA Hiroki MURANAKA Noboru NAMERA Takakazu KITADE Kenji OGASAWARA Masahiro KIMURA Masahumi DOBASHI Masayuki
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.33, pp.1-45, 1986-03

To support the operation of onboard AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI", ground support software for attitude control and orbit correction was developed. The software, named POPS (PLANET-A AOCS Operation Software), has the function of (1) generating the commands for RCS thruster control and HGA (High Gain Antenna) despin control, (2) simulating spacecraft attitude dynamics to confirm the generated RCS control commands. (3) performing orbit correction analysis to provide the optimum ⊿V-maneuver under various maneuvering constraints, (4) estimating RCS fuel consumption, and (5) conducting the calibration of RCS thrusters. In this paper the functions of POPS are described in detail. The operational results of "SAKIGAKE" and "SUISEI" in orbit are also presented.