越川 絵里子 奥田 豊子 村井 陽子
大阪教育大学紀要 2 社会科学・生活科学 (ISSN:03893456)
vol.55, no.2, pp.35-44, 2007-02

小学生の食生活・食行動の実態を把握するために,2005年10月~11月に,大阪府下の小学校5校で,5,6年生の男女883名に対して食事を中心とした日常生活に関する質問紙調査を行い,欠損値がなかった児童711名に対して解析を行った。朝食を楽しんだかという項目に関しては,男女による有意な差は認められなかった。今朝の朝食が「とても楽しかった」と答えたのは全体の8.3%,「楽しかった」と答えたのは36.1%,「あまり楽しくなかった」と答えたのは33.6%,「つまらなかった」と答えたのは21.9%であり,朝食を楽しいと答えた児童とつまらなかったと答えた児童は約半数であった。調理行動,学習態度や意欲に関する項目の多くは,朝食が楽しかった群と楽しくなかった群の間に有意な差が認められた。朝食を楽しんで食べていた児童は調理行動が多く,学習態度が良好で意欲が高いことが推測される。保護者,児童ともに従来より少し早く起きて,朝食を楽しむために,「食事内容の充実」と「楽しい食卓作り」をすることの重要性が示唆された。We investigated the possibility of enjoying breakfast in enhancing the learning attitude and motivation in elementary school children. A questionnaire was given to elementary school children who had today's breakfast (368 boys and 343 girls). About half (44.5%) of the children enjoyed their today's breakfast (enjoyable group) , and the other did not enjoy it (non-enjoyable group). The enjoyable group had more cooking behavior ( 5±7 k 3.1 in 12 items), favorable good learning attitude ( 4.2±1.8 in 8 items) , less negative learning attitude (1.7± 1.4 in 5 items) , and less indeterminate symptoms ( 4.3±3.3 in 15 items) than the non-enjoyable group (cooking behavior: 4.6± 3.0 items, good learning attitude: 3.4±1.8 items, negative learning attitude: 2.l± 1.4 items, and indeterminate symptoms: 4.8 ± 3.3 items). There were significant differences between the two groups in all four factors. These results suggested that enjoying breakfast had positive effects on the learning attitude and motivation in elementary school children.
村井 陽子 奥田 豊子
日本食生活学会誌 = Journal for the integrated study of dietary habits (ISSN:18812368)
vol.17, no.3, pp.231-238, 2006-12-30

&nbsp;&nbsp;小学校4, 5年生を対象に調理実習と授業実践を取り入れた「豆」の指導を展開した。指導前後に実施した質問紙調査, 指導群150名と対照群249名の成績を解析し, 教育効果を明らかにするとともに, 豆等の摂取頻度と児童の健康状況の関連を検討した。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(1) 指導群では, 指導後, 豆の嗜好, 豆の摂取意欲が有意に向上し, 対照群と比較すると家庭での豆の摂取頻度に増加傾向がみられた。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(2) 調理実習で児童が豆を「おいしい」と感じ, 嗜好が改善すれば, 豆の摂取も多くなることが示唆された。家庭での豆料理の提供が増えると, 豆の摂取は更に増加すると推察された。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(3) 調査した家庭での4項目の摂取頻度は,「豆」と「豆製品」,「カップめん」と「コンビニおにぎり」がそれぞれ有意な正の相関を示し, 健康状況に対しては,「豆」「豆製品」が有意な正の相関,「カップめん」「コンビニおにぎり」が有意な負の相関を示す傾向がみられた。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(4) 指導群では, コンビニ食品の摂取頻度が有意に減少し, 児童の健康状況の有意な向上が認められた。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(5) 摂取頻度における「豆・豆製品優位群」は,「コンビニ食品優位群」に比べて有意に高い健康度を示した。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(6) 児童に伝統的な食材やその食べ方を伝えていくことは, 食体験の幅を広げるとともに, 児童の健康状況に良好な影響を与える効果を期待できることが示唆された。
小野 くに子 安藤 弘行 村井 陽子
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.11, no.2, pp.181-188, 2017

<p>A questionnaire survey on dietary habits related to mastication was conducted, and masticatory strength was measured by chewing-gum method in 336 students (180 boys and 156 girls) of an elementary school in Osaka City in July 2016. Physical strength was measured in 148 students of the 4th to 6th grade. The relevance of masticatory strength to dietary habits and measurements of physical strength was examined based on the results.</p><p>The highest value for masticatory strength was obtained in the 6th grade students and the values were similar in boys and girls. Regarding dietary habits, awareness of mastication was high in the lower grades of elementary school, and intake of hard foods was high in the upper grades of elementary school. In the lower grades, there were significant correlations of masticatory strength with grade, speed of eating, and likes and dislikes. On the other hand, there were significant correlations of masticatory strength with grade, grip strength, anteflexion in a long sitting position, and 50m running time in the upper grades, but no correlation with dietary habits was observed. These results suggest the need for instructional direction emphasizing the development of good masticatory habits in daily meals in the lower grades and reconsideration of masticatory habits in the upper grades. The relevance between the measurements of physical strength and masticatory strength is expected to enhance the awareness of mastication in the upper grades.</p>
安藤 弘行 小野 くに子 村井 陽子 山川 正信
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.11, no.3, pp.249-259, 2017

<p>Dietary education about staple foods, main dishes and side dishes through the practice of making lunch boxes was provided to 154 sixth graders (76 boys and 78 girls) of four elementary schools in Osaka City. The education covered the following three things : 1) planning a favorite lunch box ; 2) learning about staple foods, main dishes and side dishes ; and 3) planning a nutritionally balanced lunch box. We examined the actual situation regarding children making lunch boxes from their plans for their lunch boxes and descriptions provided in worksheets.</p><p>In the favorite lunch boxes, boys and girls included insufficient amounts of staple foods and too much of main dishes. Particularly, the favorite lunch boxes of boys tended to include too much of main dishes and insufficient amounts of side dishes. Comparing the nutritionally balanced lunch boxes with their usual lunch boxes, the children's worksheets most frequently included descriptions about the difference in the quantities of staple foods, main dishes and side dishes. Analysis of their worksheets showed that most of the children made a positive comment about the nutritionally balanced lunch box and that more than 80% wanted to eat it. These results suggested that making lunch boxes was an effective means of guiding the children to an understanding of the appropriate combination of staple foods, main dishes and side dishes.</p>
村井 陽子 奥田 豊子
