村越 望
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.36, pp.42-58, 1969-12

Forty members of the 10th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition left Tokyo on November 30, 1968, aboard the icebreaker FUJI, under the command of Captain Shigeo MATSUSHIMA The expedition was led by Dr Kou KUSUNOKI, also leading the wintering party of 28 men and one pressman, while the author, as deputy leader, led the summer party of 12 men and one press reporter At Fremantle, West Australia, an american scientist (aeronomy) Mr Gerard A ROACH got on board the FUJI as an observer The FUJI carried 560 tons of expedition's cargo, including a single-engine monoplane Lockheed LASA-60, and was equipped with two Sikorsky S61-A helicopters and one Bell 47G2A helicopter After anchoring at Fremantle from December 15 through 21, 1968, the FUJI proceeded to Lutzow-Holm Bay and reached the edge of fast ice on January 5, 1969, without much difficulty The anchorage was about 30 nautical miles northeast of Syowa Station, and from there the first helicopter flight was made to transport men and cargo. On the following day, January 6, the FUJI reached fast ice within 1400 meters east of Syowa Station Unloading of about 560 tons of cargo and transportation to the station were carried out mainly by two S61-A helicopters, but about 65 tons of diesel oil was transmitted by a pipeline directly from the ship to the tanks on the shore, one 50kl metal tank and three 10kl rubber pillow tanks This was the first attempt of oil transportation by a pipeline. The remaining 105 tons of heavy materials were transported by snow vehicles and sledges over sea ice. Construction works was carried out until February 20, and a new living hut (20 × 5m), an extention of garage (10 × 8m), a tidal observation hut (3 × 3m), a corridor and three rocket huts, an assembly shop (11.8 × 7.6m), a telemetry and rador station (14.9 × 6.5m), and a control center (6.0 × 3.6m) were completed For the constructions, we were provided with a new 11-ton bulldozer, a 2-ton dump truck, and a concreat mixer. The scientific activities were largely the continuation from the previous years It is, however, worthy to note that a small aircraft LASA-60 was used in aerophotogrammetry during the summer period. The aerophoto survey covered the southern part of Lutzow-Holm Bay and the Yamato Mountains about 300km south of Syowa Station. In conjunction with the study of conjugate points, the high altitude balloons were released to observe auroral X-rays during summer. On January 28 and 29, four astronomical points were newly established in the southern part of Lutzow-Holm Bay Between February 3 and 10, 15 research members studied biology, geochemistry, geology, cartography and geography in the Skallen area where they reached by helicopter. On February 15, the 9th JARE pole traverse party, after the long journey of 141 days, returned to F16 camp, 15km east of Syowa Station. At F16 the helicopter picked up 11 members, records and ice samples carried them to the ship. On February 20, the station was officially handed over to the 10th wintering party, and the FUJI took a course to the north and then to the west. On February 22, a helicopter was sent out to take the research party to the rocks of the east coast of the Riiser-Larsen Peninsula, and to bring them back. On March 3, the ship turned to the north, and left Antarctica. After staying at Cape Town from March 14 to 20 and at Colombo from April 5 to 9, the ship returned to Tokyo on April 25. The shipboard observations of upper atmosphere physics, meteorology, oceanography, and biology were successfully carried out throughout the voyage.
村越 望 佐野 雅史
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.84, pp.56-62, 1985-03

南極地域観測が始まった1956年以来, 小型飛行機が必要に応じて使用されてきた。第12次観測隊までは夏期間だけの使用であり, 輸送・建設期間が短いこともあって飛行時間は毎回55時間を超えることはなかった。その後, 2年越冬1年持ち帰りという周期をとり, 安全のために2機を越冬させている。最近では年間の飛行時間は350時間を超えている。操縦士2人と整備士1人がセスナ185型1機とピラタスPC-6型1機を運航している。飛行機は海氷上で離着陸をし, 駐機もしているので, 夏のパドルの発生や強風に対する係留, 海氷の流失など面倒な問題が多い。安全を確保するために, 良い天気を選ぶこと, 飛行計画に余裕をもたせること, 整備上や飛行状態の過程における確認に十分気をつけている。
村尾 麟一 森脇 喜一 村越 望 大門 康祐 稲葉 稔
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.84, pp.36-55, 1985-03

南極観測事業におけるホーバークラフトの有用性・適応性に関し, 南極用実用艇建造のための技術データを得ることを目的として, 実験用小型ホーバークラフトが開発建造された。ホーバークラフトは重量2.8tの周辺スカート圧力室型で, 揚力ファンより分岐されたダクト中に装備された方向舵とパフポートによって操縦される。艇は1981年に昭和基地に自力搬入され, 1981から1982年にかけて33時間の走行試験と氷状調査が実施された。計画最高速力55km/hが達成されたが, 走行中エンジンエアクリーナーへの雪の目詰まり, 駐機中ファン空気吹き出し部の凍結などのトラブルが経験された。実験用南極ホーバークラフトの計画, 設計, 主要目, 登坂推進性能, 走行試験の経過と結果が記述されている。
村越 望 矢田 明 ムラコシ ノゾミ ヤタ アキラ Nozomi MURAKOSHI Akira YATA
vol.15, pp.1229-1239, 1962-04

守田 康太郎 村越 望 西堀 栄三郎
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
vol.11, pp.823-829, 1961-01
