黒岩 豊秋 岩永 正明 小張 一峰 東恩納 厚 金城 福則 斉藤 厚
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.64, no.11, pp.1425-1432, 1990-11-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
7 9

抗菌剤投与による糞便内菌叢の変動とそれに対する生菌性整腸剤併用の影響を検討した. 消化管に特記すべき疾患を持たずに, 抗菌剤療法を受けた成人入院患者を対象とした.抗菌剤投与前の患者69名の糞便内菌叢は, 各菌属の検出率・検出菌数とも光岡らの報告した健康成人のものとほぼ同一であり, 正常菌叢を反映しているものと思われた.抗菌剤投与後, Enterococcus, Yeastsを除く全ての菌属で検出率の減少が観察され, 検出された菌属ででも多くの場合, その菌数は減少する傾向がみられた. このような糞便内菌叢の変動は, 生菌性整腸剤 (ミヤBM: Clostridium butyricum M588) を併用した群においても同様に観察された. また, ミヤBM投与群において, 抗菌剤投与にもかかわらずC.butyricum M588株は, 70%の患者糞便中から分離された. そのうち約半数は, 芽胞形より非芽胞形の菌数が多く, 投与された生菌が消化管内において発芽していることを示していた.糞便中C.difficileまたはToxin Aの検出率は, 抗菌剤投与後著しく増加したが, その増加はミヤBMの併用により著明に抑制された.
大城 淳一 国吉 孝夫 盛島 浩明 照喜名 重順 城間 健治 新垣 聰 東恩納 厚 新垣 民樹 浦崎 政仁 佐久川 廣 金城 福則 斎藤 厚 Ohshiro Junichi Kuniyoshi Takao Morishima Hiroaki Terukina Shigeyoshi Shiroma Kenji Arakaki Satoshi Higashionna Atsushi Arakaki Tamiki Urasaki Masahito Sakugawa Hiroshi Kinjo Fukunori Saito Atsushi 琉球大学医学部第一内科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.11, no.1, pp.28-34, 1989

Sulfasalazine and corticosteroids have been used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Recently, it is investigated to use metronidazole for treatment of ulcerative colitis. We tried to use metronidazole for three patients with ulcerative colitis , to whom neither sulfasalazine nor corticosteroids were effective. In case 1 the patient was 37-year-old female,to whom conticosteroids had been ineffective. After treatment by metronidazole together with corticosteroids, the symptoms were improved. In case 2 the patient was 74-year-old female, who had relapsed during treatment with sulfasalazine. Treatment with metronidazole alone resulted in the remission of disease. In case 3 the patient was 32-yearold female, to whom the treatment with sulfasalazine and corticosteroids enema had been ineffecitve. By use of metronidazole together with sulfasalazine, she had remission. It seems that metronidazole is useful for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, especially in patients who did not respond to other drugs.
大城 淳一 国吉 孝夫 盛島 浩明 照喜名 重順 城間 健治 新垣 聰 東恩納 厚 新垣 民樹 浦崎 政仁 佐久川 廣 金城 福則 斎藤 厚 Ohshiro Junichi Kuniyoshi Takao Morishima Hiroaki Terukina Shigeyoshi Shiroma Kenji Arakaki Satoshi Higashionna Atsushi Arakaki Tamiki Urasaki Masahito Sakugawa Hiroshi Kinjo Fukunori Saito Atsushi 琉球大学医学部第一内科
琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal (ISSN:02891530)
vol.11, no.1, pp.28-34, 1989

Sulfasalazine and corticosteroids have been used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Recently, it is investigated to use metronidazole for treatment of ulcerative colitis. We tried to use metronidazole for three patients with ulcerative colitis , to whom neither sulfasalazine nor corticosteroids were effective. In case 1 the patient was 37-year-old female,to whom conticosteroids had been ineffective. After treatment by metronidazole together with corticosteroids, the symptoms were improved. In case 2 the patient was 74-year-old female, who had relapsed during treatment with sulfasalazine. Treatment with metronidazole alone resulted in the remission of disease. In case 3 the patient was 32-yearold female, to whom the treatment with sulfasalazine and corticosteroids enema had been ineffecitve. By use of metronidazole together with sulfasalazine, she had remission. It seems that metronidazole is useful for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, especially in patients who did not respond to other drugs.