東本 靖史 高田 寛 岸 邦宏
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.45.3, pp.433-438, 2010-10-25 (Released:2017-01-01)

バス利用者の減少が年々、深刻化する中、2002年の改正道路運送法の施行に伴い、バス事業者としては経営上、公共性よりも採算性を重視せざる終えなく、全国的に赤字路線からの撤退が相次いだ。地域のバスサービスの低下は、地域住民の移動手段を奪うこととなり、地域生活に大きな影響を及ぼすことになるが、更には地域の利便性の低下は地価の下落を招くこととなり、社会経済的な損失は多大である。そこで本研究では、路線廃止や減便などのバスサービスの低下がもたらす地価下落への影響を分析するため、ヘドニックアプローチにより地価関数の変数にバスサービスを含めたモデルを構築する。特に、各地域のバスサービスについては、バス便数や系統数、バス停までの距離が複合的に影響するため、本研究では包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis)を用いて、新たなバスサービス水準指標を設定した。
東本 靖史 岸 邦宏 劉 志鋼 佐藤 馨一
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.36, no.3, pp.575-587, 2006

Conventional traffic policies including TDM have attempted to switch commuters' transportation mode from the motorcar to public transportation mainly focusing on their outgoing trips. However, when commuters choose transportation modes for accessing the destinations, they consider not only the traffic service hours for their outgoing trips but also conditions for the return trips. The departure time of the final transport service and the number of bus services for evening hours are supposed to specially influence them to determine the transportation mode for their return trips. Suppose a case that although a person really wants to go to his office by bus, he cannot help commuting by car because the departure time of the last bus service for his return trip is too early for him.<br>To promote TDM policies to minimize motorcar traffic, transport planning considering commuters' convenience in their homeward trips is necessary.<br>The number of public bus users is being decreased year by year due to motorization development, which has seriously aggravated public bus earnings, meanwhile improvement of the level of public transport service is being demanded. Further the regulation of supply-demand adjustment of public bus services in Japan was abolished in 2002, and it realized free entry to bus service business and bus operators' discretional abolishment of bus lines.<br>The residents have been concerned if the bus deregulation might result in deterioration of the service quality level, specifically in discontinuance of unprofitable lines and a decrease in the no. of bus services. However, bus service businesses should be managed considering not only profitability but local needs as well.<br>Factors that are predominantly influential on users' evaluations on bus service quality are the service schedule, no. of services, and operation routes. Efficient bus service operation planning that takes into consideration local needs for these factors is indispensable toward the future.<br>This study focused on commuters' return trips whose details have not been fully identified, and through commuter's attitude surveys investigated co-relations between bus service availability improvement for commuters' return trips and their selection of transportation modes. Further, this study analyzed users' evaluations on bus service quality by the improved window method that applies DEA to identify efficiency values of the bus services by district and bus operation schedule for return trips.<br><br>JFL classification: C0, H0