草間 幹夫 岸 豊子 星 健太郎 名取 恵子 松本 玲子 生田 稔 亀卦川 昭宗 酒井 英紀 榎本 昭二 倉林 亨
Japan Society for Head and Neck Cancer
頭頸部腫瘍 (ISSN:09114335)
vol.23, no.3, pp.631-636, 1997-11-30 (Released:2010-04-30)
3 3

下顎歯肉癌に対する手術は, 従来より区域切除を主体として行われ, 良好な治療成績が得られているが, それを基本としつつ患者のQOLを考慮し辺縁切除の適応の拡大に努めてきたので報告した。下顎骨吸収深度 Grade2 (骨体部, 下顎管上の骨吸収) で, 骨吸収様式が平滑型 (Pressure type) の症例までは下顎辺縁切除が可能であった。腫瘍の軟組織進展範囲別では頬側進展型に原発巣再発の頻度が高く, 区域切除の適応が多かったが, 下顎歯肉癌全体で術前治療後の縮小手術は14.9%に行われた。画像診断特に Dental CTにより, 下顎下縁の保存に関する判断が容易となった。
松本 玲子 山口 潔子 布野 修司 高橋 俊也 山根 周 安藤 正雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.582, pp.73-79, 2004

Clarifying the process of urban formation and the form of townhouses in Willemstad(Curacao, Netherland Antillen), this paper discusses the influence and modification of Dutch colonial City planning in Caribbean Region. Willemstad is one of the best preserved Dutch colonial cities in Caribbean region. With numerous historical buildings and houses,Willemstad was registered as UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997. The research project this paper is based on was launched under the title 'Field Research on Origin, Transformation,Conversion and Conservation of Urban Space of Colonial Cities' the major target of which are the Dutch colonial cities. To compare the colonial cities of all over the world is ambitious objective of our project. The Dutch is well known as a developer of high-densed settlements with townhouses. One of major focuses of this paper is what and how the Dutch designed the townhouse in Curacao. The paper is composed by historical analysis of the process of establishment and development of Willemstad and considerations on block formation and typology of townhouses. Analyzing the block formation and form of the house plan,the paper suggests the similar type of townhouse in Netherland might have been introduced in the beginning of establishment of the city.