植田 明彦 寺崎 修司 永沼 雅基 松浦 豊 橋本 洋一郎 平野 照之 内野 誠
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会
脳卒中 (ISSN:09120726)
vol.26, no.3, pp.461-464, 2004-09-25 (Released:2009-06-05)

症例は30歳男性.3年前よりソファーに寝そべり肘掛けから頭部を垂らし頸部を後屈させて,ドライヤーで髪を乾かす習慣があった.2002年12月2日,この姿勢で頸部を左に回旋させたところ,急に回転性のめまいが出現したため,当院を受診した.来院時,右注視方向性眼振,構音障害,顔面を含む右半身の温痛覚低下を認め,左延髄外側症候群を呈していた.MRIT2強調画像で左延髄外側に高信号域を認めた.左椎骨動脈V3部にMRIでinitimal flap,intramural hematomaを認め,脳血管造影では,string signを認めたため,椎骨動脈解離と診断した.近年,美容院での洗髪の際に頸部を後屈させた姿勢で発症する美容院卒中症候群(beauty parlor stroke syndrome)が注目されているが,本症例も同様の機序で発症したと考えられた.
松浦 豊明 丸岡 真治 川崎 健輔 原 嘉昭
特定非営利活動法人 日本バイオレオロジー学会
日本バイオレオロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09134778)
vol.17, no.4, pp.1-10, 2003-12-25 (Released:2012-09-24)

The vitreous body is a tenuous gel that contains collagen and hyaluronan. The fraction of the polymer network is only about 1-2%. Thus, about 98-99% of water is sustained within 2% of the polymer network. The vitreous body is located between the lens and the retina that comprises 80% of the overall volume of eye. The functions of the vitreous body are supposed to keep the shape of the eyeball, to absorb the external mechanical shock, to maintain the homoeostasis of the eye, and to regulate the position of the lens. The appearance of fresh vitreous body is transparent, and hence, the vitreous body is considered a uniform tissue. Many studies performed to date have suggested that hyaluronan, which has a coil shape, is uniformly distributed throughout the three-dimensional network of collagen fibers that form the triple helix in the vitreous body. Also, as a macroscopic structure, vitreous body has cistern. Further, the collapse of the vitreous body in the eye may cause many diseases such as posterior vitreous detachment, vitreous bleeding, and retinal detachment. We demonstrate the vitreous substitute that contains hyaluronan and its evaluation.