佐藤 比奈子 石山 大三 水田 敏夫 松葉谷 治 村上 史一
資源地質 (ISSN:09182454)
vol.60, no.1, pp.15-24, 2010 (Released:2013-06-14)

Tamagawa hot spring is a volcanic gas-bearing hydrothermal system derived from Quaternary andesitic to dacitic magma beneath Yakeyama volcano. Thermal waters and precipitates of Tamagawa Hot Spring in 2002 and 2007 were investigated to clarify the geothermal structure of the area. Thermal waters in Tamagawa Hot Spring area are divided into three types: Cl-SO4type (Ohbuki Hot Spring: pH 1.2), SO4type (pH 1.8 to 2.9) and neutral-type (pH 6.1). Concentrations such as F, Cl, SO4, Na, K, Mg and Ca in Cl-SO4type Ohbuki thermal water are ten to several hundred-times higher than those of elements in SO4type thermal waters. The concentrations of elements in SO4 type thermal waters also varied according to changes in geothermal structures supplying steam and the flow system of groundwater and vapor in Tamagawa geothermal system from 2002 to 2007.The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios of the thermal waters in the system suggest that SO4 type thermal waters are formed by heating of shallow groundwater by the steam separated from Ohbuki thermal water below Tamagawa Hot Spring area. On the other hand, the small variation of chemistry and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios of Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water from 2002 to 2007 suggests that the Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water originates from a deeper part of Yakeyama Volcano. The flow rate of Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water below Tamagawa hot spring area was estimated to be 13,000 l/min.
川原谷 浩 安孫子 勤 松葉谷 治 KAWARAYA Hiroshi ABIKO Tsutomu MATSUBAYA Osamu
秋田大学大学院理工学研究科研究報告 = Scientific and technical reports of Graduate School of Engineering Science, Akita University (ISSN:24324108)
no.37, pp.31-36, 2016

At Noboribetsu, Hokkido, hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios (δD and δ18O) of precipitation collected in about one month interval were measured from 1979 to 1983. Although the easurement is rather old, it is useful to explain the isotopic characteristics of precipitation in the southern coast area of Hokkaido. δD, δ18O and d value (d=δD-8δ18O) of annual mean precipitation at Noboribetsu are -60‰, -8.9‰ and 11, respectively. The relationships of δD and δ18O show obvious difference between winter season and spring to fall season, and the d value is 21 in the winter season and higherthan the value of 9 in the spring to fall season, as like as the characteristics observed at Akita, Ryori and Rokkasho in thenorthern Honshu. The relationship in the spring to fall season is similar to those at Akita, Ryori and Rokkasho, and thisimplies that the Noboribetsu precipitation in the spring to fall season may be brought by the process similar to those in theabove three localities. On the contrary, the relationship in the winter season is different from those of above three localitiesimplying some difference in precipitation process. However, the d value of annual mean precipitation at Noboribetsu isthe same as Ryori located at the Pacific Ocean coast of northern Honshu, because the precipitation amount in the winterseason is fairly smaller than that in the spring to fall season at Noboribetsu as like as Ryori. The isotopic ratios of smallrevers in the Noboribetsu area are similar to those of several small rivers at the southern coast of Hokkaido, and thisimplies that the isotopic ratios of precipitation at the southern coast of Hokkaido have characteristics similar to those atNoboribetsu.Records monitoring the airflow's temperature and absolute humidity revealed a periodic nature of the variations. Suchseasonal changes had an approximate cycle length of six months and can be modeled by a harmonic vibration equation. The dewcondensation observed at the rock surface can be explained by the calculation results based on the measured values. Theconstraints of equation (6) are practically negligible at a Hyakumeishi level, which was apparent from the induction of theproposed theoretical formula. The seasonal thermal variations of the environment and the dew generation mechanism can beattributed to heat balance in the entire mining area. Finally, the primary results of this study are considered to be fundamentaldata to the case of variously utilized underground spaces.
川原谷 浩 松田 英裕 松葉谷 治
The Japan Landslide Society
地すべり (ISSN:02852926)
vol.36, no.4, pp.48-55, 1999-03-15
7 8

地すべりが活動する誘因の1つに地すべり崩積土中の間隙水圧の増加が挙げられる。間隙水圧の増加は集中豪雨や融雪水などに起因する場合が多く, 降雨 (雪) 水の地下への浸透や地下水との混合のプロセスを解明することは, 地すべりの防止や予知に重要な情報を提供することが期待される。本論文では様々な水の挙動を把握するために有効な追跡子である酸素・水素安定同位体比を用い, 降水が地下に浸透し涵養域に至るまでの過程を検討した。<br>調査地域として, 地質状況が把握され, 水抜き用集水井が数多く設置されている秋田県・谷地地すべりを選び, 集水井から排水される地下水や周辺の地表水の同位体比を測定した。その結果, 集水井ごとに岡位体比の変化幅がそれぞれ異なることが判明した。このことは降水が地下に浸透してからの地質状況や浸透距離 (時聞) を反映しているものと推定される。そこで降水の季節変動を利用したモデル計算で平均滞留時間を試算したところ, 短期間の地下水で2ヶ月程度, 長期間の地下水で1年程度で流入から排水に至ることが判明した。
菅井 裕一 佐々木 久郎 松葉谷 治 中 秀男 田中 富士夫
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.121, no.10,11, pp.513-520, 2005 (Released:2007-02-24)
4 6

The green tuff from Hinai town, Akita is popular for architectural materials because of its beautiful pale green color and thermal and moisture retaining properties. When this stone is quarried and grinded for making products, approximately 60% of all quarried stone becomes the waste stone and it is required to be utilized effectively. Hinai-Green tuff is a porous media and it has abilities to neutralize acids and elute some minerals. These abilities may be effective for growth of microbes and our research group carries out the development of effective utilizations of Hinai-Green tuff as microbial activator. In this paper, the effects of Hinai-Green tuff on pH adjustment and microbial activities are described.Hinai-Green tuff had an ability to neutralize both acid and alkaline water and especially neutralized acids effectivelly. For example, acid water of initial pH3 was neutralized to pH7 by adding 10(w/v)% Hinai-Green tuff into the acid water. Therefore, Hinai-Green tuff can neutralize acid soil and water and adjust acid environments to adaptable environments for microbes. Moreover, Hinai-Green tuff could buffer decrease in pH. The pH of water containing Hinai-Green tuff did not decrease rapidly with adding drops of 0.1M HCl, and especially the buffer action was strongly observed at pH 7 to 8. Hinai-Green tuff is very helpful to maintain pH appropriate for microbes for long time against decrease in pH caused by acid rain and/or acid metabolites of microbes. And pH adjustment effects of Hinai-Green tuff were caused by the ion exchange between Ca2+ leached from the stone and H+.Consequently, microbes grew actively in a medium containing Hinai-Green tuff because of its pH adjustment effects. However, microbes did not grow in a medium containing natural zeolite from Futatsui town, Akita. The effects of Futatsui-Zeolite on pH adjustment for acid were low compared with Hinai-Green tuff.