鹿野 和彦 大口 健志 林 信太郎 矢内 桂三 石塚 治 宮城 磯治 石山 大三
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.126, no.5, pp.233-249, 2020-05-15 (Released:2020-09-17)

村上 浩康 佐藤 比奈子 石山 大三 石原 舜三
The Society of Resource Geology
資源地質 (ISSN:09182454)
vol.61, no.2, pp.129-137, 2011-05-25

High-grade REE ores containing acid-resistant minerals, which are common in the Nolans Bore REE-P-U deposit, Northern Territory, Australia, were analyzed by ICP-MS after decomposition of two different preparation methods before the analyses; Li-borate-fusion in a commercial laboratory and multi-acid digestion in our organization. The result derived from multi-acid digestion method shows higher values on LREE relative to the other fusion method, yet Y and Zr showed us higher values on the fusion method. The high-grade REE ores are enriched in light-REE, especially Ce, La and Nd, with a maximum total REE value around 7 wt %. The quantitative analysis by multi-acid digestion seems highly reliable for a wide range of REE concentration when using suitable dilution ratio and digestion sequence with several types of acids which could totally dissolve acid-resistant minerals such as monazite. On the other hand, analysis by Li-borate-fusion at a commercial laboratory potentially gives lower values than that of multi-acid digestion; a given sample is extremely concentrated in light REE. It is necessary to examine the upper as well as the lower detection limits by a conventional analytical method in a commercial laboratory.
石山 大三 小川 泰正 広瀬 和世 武田 知己 中村 晋作 若狭 幸 オセニェング オラオツェ ステバノビッチ ゾラン
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.139, no.2_3, pp.10-20, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-03-31)

In the study area of eastern Serbia, which includes the Bor and Maidenpek mining areas of the Republic of Serbia, a research of environmental evaluation of the study area was carried out by means of field survey for environment and satellite image analysis in order to establish and improve methods for assessing the environmental impact of mining areas by satellite image analysis. The results of this study showed that it was possible to efficiently determine the distribution of overburdens and tailings in a wide area based on the distribution of points having jarosite spectra, and that it was possible to distinguish waste rocks such as overburdens and tailings with high environmental impact from those waste rocks with relatively low environmental impact based on the mineral assemblage of the waste rocks estimated from satellite image analysis. In addition, if topographical data before and after mining development are obtained from the satellite image analysis, the volume of the waste rocks can be estimated, and the quantitative estimation of the amount of toxic elements dissolved from the waste rocks could be possible by combining the experimental data on the extraction of toxic elements from the waste rocks. In addition, the predicted hazardous area (Type I), where high concentration of Cu may be leached from the waste rocks revealed by the surface survey, corresponds to the area where waste rocks such as overburdens and tailings is distributed around the mine and the area where waste rocks such as tailing is distributed along the river downstream of the mine as estimated by the satellite image analysis. These results indicate that it is possible to predict the environmental impact in advance of the survey in the mining area, and to predict the environmental impact in the mining area where it is not possible to go directly to the survey and to consider guidelines for countermeasures.
佐藤 比奈子 石山 大三 水田 敏夫 松葉谷 治 村上 史一
資源地質 (ISSN:09182454)
vol.60, no.1, pp.15-24, 2010 (Released:2013-06-14)

Tamagawa hot spring is a volcanic gas-bearing hydrothermal system derived from Quaternary andesitic to dacitic magma beneath Yakeyama volcano. Thermal waters and precipitates of Tamagawa Hot Spring in 2002 and 2007 were investigated to clarify the geothermal structure of the area. Thermal waters in Tamagawa Hot Spring area are divided into three types: Cl-SO4type (Ohbuki Hot Spring: pH 1.2), SO4type (pH 1.8 to 2.9) and neutral-type (pH 6.1). Concentrations such as F, Cl, SO4, Na, K, Mg and Ca in Cl-SO4type Ohbuki thermal water are ten to several hundred-times higher than those of elements in SO4type thermal waters. The concentrations of elements in SO4 type thermal waters also varied according to changes in geothermal structures supplying steam and the flow system of groundwater and vapor in Tamagawa geothermal system from 2002 to 2007.The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic ratios of the thermal waters in the system suggest that SO4 type thermal waters are formed by heating of shallow groundwater by the steam separated from Ohbuki thermal water below Tamagawa Hot Spring area. On the other hand, the small variation of chemistry and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios of Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water from 2002 to 2007 suggests that the Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water originates from a deeper part of Yakeyama Volcano. The flow rate of Cl-SO4 type Ohbuki thermal water below Tamagawa hot spring area was estimated to be 13,000 l/min.
大口 健志 石山 大三 水田 敏夫 林 信太郎 佐藤 比呂志 石川 洋平 佐藤 時幸

1.脊梁山地,出羽山地,男鹿半島域などに分布する台島-西黒沢期火山-堆積岩相について層位学・火山地質学的研究を行った結果,つぎのことが明らかになった;(1)新庄盆地北端部の模式地に露出する及位層から台島型に属する可能性の高い植物化石が発見され,さらに,秋田県南部の層序との連続からしても及位層の大部分は台島層に対比できること,(2)東北日本内帯における台島-西黒沢期末期の生層位学的対比基準面として扱われ,同時異相と考えられていた須郷田層と大森層は,互いに上(大森層)・下(須郷田層)関係にあり,石灰質ナンノ化石分帯のNN4-5帯に須郷田層が対比されること,(3)秋田一庄内油田域に伏在する西黒沢期玄武岩類は須郷田層の形成期間内に急激に噴出したこと,(4)寒河江川流域の大規模珪長質火山作用は大森層と同様,NN6/5境界以降に出現した陥没域で始まったこと,(5)男鹿半島の台島層(藤岡,1959)は下位から上位へ,帆掛島石英安山岩,館山崎玄武岩,館山崎緑色凝灰岩,台島層主部に4分され.広域火砕岩である帆掛島部層を不整合に被う館山崎玄武岩部層以降を台島層として扱うのが妥当であること。2.背弧海盆拡大期に活動した砂子淵層玄武岩類の層相解析から,多量のマグマ水蒸気爆発起源の火砕物質によって特徴づけられる砂子淵層は,乾陸から半深海性の海進にともなう堆積環境下において,当時の汀線付近で継続的に行われた火山作用によって形成されたものであることが判明した。3.北鹿・黒鉱鉱床形成期前後の玄武岩類と,砂子淵層玄武岩類は共通した岩石化学的性質を示し,back arcbasaltと類似している。黒鉱鉱化溶液の生成には玄武岩類からの金属元素の抽出が寄与したらしい。砂子淵層および新潟平野・七谷層の水冷玄武岩のrim部における発泡度は,由利原油・ガス田のものとくらべて低い。
渡辺 寧 村上 浩康 松枝 大治 吉田 武義 水田 敏夫 石山 大三 清水 正明 木村 純一 渡邊 公一郎 今井 亮 浦辺 徹郎 鹿園 直建 林 謙一郎 実松 健造 星野 美保子

世界各地の重希土類およびインジウム鉱床の調査を実施し,ベトナム,タイ等東南アジア地域で重希土類に富む花崗岩風化殻を発見するとともに,日本,中国,ベトナム,ペルー, ボリビアでのインジウムの資源量の見積もりを行った.これらの結果,中国以外の地域でも重希土類およびインジウムの資源ポテンシャルが存在することが判明し,また鉱床成因のための必要条件が考察された.