柏木 敏宏 小島 義次 柏木 あさ子
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.20, no.2, pp.132-140, 1979-04-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

The purpose of this study was to assess the comprehension abilities of aphasic patients in daily living situations. For the purpose of analysis results derived from the Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA) were employed. In order to discuss its theoretical background we investigated two factors which were assumed to play important roles in daily communication; contextual information and means for responses.Findings were as follows:1. SLTA Subtest 1 [Word Comprehension] is a sensitive tool when applied to aphasics with severer comprehension deficits, and Subtest 3 [Commands] is sensitive to aphasics with milder deficits. Whereas Subtest 2 [Sentence Comprehension] is sensitive to all degrees of severity manifested.2. Those who easily comprehend daily conversation but who do not comprehend complex contents received at least four out of ten points on Subtest 2, but one point or less of the ten points available on Subtest 3. In Subtest 2, contextual information was abundant and the means for responses was easily manipulated by aphasics, whereas in Subtest 3, contextual information was less available and means for responses more difficult. The condition of each subtest was considered to correspond to simple daily conversation and complex conversation respectively.3. In Subtest 2, a set of four pictures was presented to the examinees before a stimulus sentence was given. It was assumed to act as contextual information in assisting the aphasic patient in comprehending the stimulus sentence. This assumption was confirmed by results of the two examinations. One demonstrated that wrong responses were influenced by the elements presented in the drawings. The other demonstrated that test responses were poorer when a set of pictures was presented after a stimulus was given.4. In conclusion it appears that test conditions, contextual information, and means for responses in the SLTA Subtests correspond roughly to distinct situations apparent in average daily communication. Therefore the results of the SLTA Subtests could be used as an indicator for predicting comprehension abilities of aphasic persons in living situations.
柏木 あさ子 柏木 敏宏 西川 隆 田辺 敬貴 奥田 純一郎
日本失語症学会 (現 一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会)
失語症研究 (ISSN:02859513)
vol.14, no.2, pp.105-112, 1994 (Released:2006-06-06)

半球損傷例に出現する半側空間無視(Unilateral Spatial Neglect, USN)から方向性注意の半球機能差が推測されているが,脳梁離断症状としての USN の存在は最近まで受け入れられていなかった。しかしながら,脳梁の自然損傷例では既に少なくとも数例に右手における左 USN が記載されている。詳細な検索が行われた自験例YYにおいては,反応が左半球に依存する課題で顕著な左 USN が検出されたのみでなく,右半球に依存する課題で軽度右 USN が検出された。他方,明らかな USN は出現しないとされていた脳梁の外科的全切断例においても,一部の症例に右手における左 USN の記載がある。難治性てんかん患者では,幼少期からの脳損傷やてんかんの持続のために脳の機能差の形成が健常人より弱いことが推測されている。外科的全切断例の多くに USN が観察されないのはその反映と推察される。これらのことからわれわれは脳梁離断症状としての USN の存在を認めてよいと考えた。背景となる半球機能差としては, Mesulam の「右利き健常人では,左半球は主に右空間に,右半球は左空間に加えやや弱いながら右空間にも注意機能を持つ。」との説が有力である。