関根 由可里 中島 敬祐 大竹 景子 瀧沢 岳 杉山 淳一 向井 大誠 柿澤 恭史 倉橋 節也
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.38, no.2, pp.B-MA6_1-11, 2023-03-01 (Released:2023-03-01)

With the spread of COVID-19, the risk of droplet infection has been studied through interdisciplinary research. However, there is little information on the spread of the pathogen through human contact behavior. In this paper, we focus on the home, which is the private space of people, and propose a model to visualize the risk of contact infection to a family when people return home by combining calculation of contact behavior after returning home and study of virus transfer efficiency. First, from the contact behavior data for the first 30 minutes after returning home, we calculated the probability of flow line, the distribution of the number of contacts, the probability of initial action and the probability of contact behavior transmission. Next, we obtained the transfer efficiency between the substrate representing the household goods surface and the model skin, and the rate of change of the viral transfer efficiency when people continuously contact the household goods surface. According to these probabilities, we reproduced the state in which the virus attached to the hand or household goods surface by probabilistically performing the agent’s movement and contact behavior after returning home. This result shows that when agents return home with viruses attached to their hands, the viruses are widely confirmed on household goods surfaces. Furthermore, by simulating the combination and timing of hygienic actions such as handwashing and disinfection, it was possible to visualize their effects on the risk of re-contact and care effects.
森部 利江 青野 恵 由木 大 廣島 俊輔 柿澤 恭史 小出 操
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.50, no.2, pp.98-103, 2016-06-20 (Released:2017-03-21)

柿澤 恭史
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.42, no.4, pp.270-279, 2018-12-31 (Released:2019-12-31)

Cosmetics are used to help the skin’s native function work normally with the aim of keeping and recovering healthy, beautiful skin and hair. Cosmetics have a variety of roles; their basic purposes include washing, wiping clean, and anti-dryness, anti-ultraviolet, antioxidation and stimulation functions. The purpose of bodily cleansing is to remove dirt on skin and hair and keep a body hygienic. Cosmetics can be classified in various ways, such as by their purpose and form, and body cleansing agents can be categorized by the body parts to which they are applied, such as cleansing agents for skin, the body, and hair. Skin cleansing agents, which are used to wash facial skin, remove metabolites produced by physiological actions of the skin, such as sebum, stratum corneum scales, oxidative degradation agents of sebum, sweat residue, dirt in the air, microorganisms, and makeup residue from the skin’s surface. Like skin cleansing agents, body cleansing agents are used to wash a large region of the body. Hair cleansing agents remove dirt on the scalp and hair and keep them clean. Although the kinds of dirt on the scalp and hair are similar to those on the skin, residues of hair care agents are also dirt to be removed. What is needed in common for these cleansing agents includes detergency, low stimulative effect on the skin, and foaming property, and these attributes mainly depend on the properties of surfactants. The evolution of cleansing agents is due largely to the evolution of surfactants. Looking back on the historical background of cleansing agents and the basis of cleansing, this article describes the kinds and ingredients of cleansing agents and the effects of cleansing agents by classifying the agents by the body parts they wash and focusing on surfactants.