桐生 崇
vol.2019, pp.1, 2019-08-10

Society 5.0時代を見据え、文部科学省では、昨年11月、「新時代の学びを支える先端技術のフル活用に向けて〜柴山・学びの革新プラン〜」(以下「柴山・学びの革新プラン」という。)を公表しました。この「柴山・学びの革新プラン」を踏まえ、本年6月、多様な子供たちを「誰一人取り残すことのない、公正に個別最適化された学び」を実現するため、ICTを基盤とした先端技術を効果的に活用するための具体的な方策について検討し、新時代に求められる教育の在り方や、教育現場でICT環境を基盤とした先端技術や教育ビッグデータを活用する意義や課題を整理し、今後の取組方策をまとめた「新時代の学びを支える先端技術活用推進方策(最終まとめ)」を公表しました。今回は、この最終まとめに基づき、ICTを基盤とした先端技術と教育ビッグデータを効果的に活用していくための様々な取組を両輪として、新時代の学校、子供の学びを実現するための取組を説明します。
桐生 崇 光崎 龍子
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.7, pp.49-59, 2003

High economic growth in Japan has affected social structure and local populations. After urban concentration of the population, residential areas developed in suburbs existing towns and cities surrounding the big cities. Population movement is a phenomenon that constructs new social relationships in combination with existing relationships and it is necessary to understand this phenomenon on the basis of an aggregate of individually occurring phenomena. Sagamihara city, Kanagawa Prefecture, is located 30-40km from Tokyo, and has developed as a satellite town. This city is suitable for development, but geographically it has a long axis from north to south, and the transportation connecting Tokyo has clustered on one side. We examined the social local characteristic through human relationships as a measure of the problems related to residential life. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. Population growth in Sagamihara was related to transportation and high economic growth. Because of changes to the social structure, the population trend is increasing, and social increase is a great contribution to this trend. 2. As to the population structure, the population of Sagamihara was small in 1965, but it had doubled by 1975, when it showed the star shape of an urbanized population structure. Now, it is showing a change to the gourd shape, suggesting population decrease. 3. Future municipal policies in Sagamihara should take this aging into consideration.