進 健司 小林 大介 川尻 雄大 牛島 悠一 梅田 勇一 金澤 康範 神村 英利 島添 隆雄
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.2, pp.317-325, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-01)

Psychiatric treatment is shifting from hospital to ambulatory care. It is important that pharmacists positively support outpatients. Pharmacist-led interviews with outpatients have been conducted in the psychiatric department of Iizuka Hospital before examination by the doctor since 2015. Few studies in this field have reported about the effect of the pharmacist-led interviews using subjective evaluation of outpatients prior to examination by doctors. The aim of this study was to reveal this effect by the evaluation of outpatients. We conducted a questionnaire survey. More than 80% of the patients responded that it was “Good” to have an interview with the pharmacist prior to examination by the doctor. Moreover, 71.7% of the patients were “Satisfied” with the pharmacist-led interview, while 81.7% of them responded to “Agree” about continuing the interview in the future. Patients who were satisfied and wished to continue the pharmacist-led interviews were more likely to report better rapport with the doctor as well, in comparison to the patients who answered negatively. Furthermore, the patients who answered “Satisfied” were significantly less likely to forget reporting to the doctor than those who answered negatively. The pharmacist-led interviews in the psychiatric department were appreciated by the patients. In conclusion, pharmacists can facilitate communication between patients and doctors through these interviews. These results indicate that the pharmacist-led interview before the doctor examination is a useful effort from the perspective of outpatients.
皆元 文恵 梅田 勇一 冨永 麻衣子 上西 真理子 鵜木 友都 松本 弥一郎
一般社団法人 日本老年薬学会
日本老年薬学会雑誌 (ISSN:24334065)
vol.5, no.4, pp.33-40, 2022-12-31 (Released:2023-01-27)

At Iizuka Hospital, we organized a polypharmacy team to engage in multidisciplinary collaboration and we began interventions aimed at prescription optimization for inpatients. During the interventions, we confirmed the patient’s willingness for pharmacotherapy. After that, we evaluated the merits and demerits of continuation or discontinuation of the drugs considering the patient’s condition, life prognosis, and time to benefit. In this study, we considered the investigated results of 100 patients who experienced intervention by the polypharmacy team. Of the 49 patients who reduced their medications after the polypharmacy team intervened, the most common reason for medicine reduction was long-term administration, and the most common pharmacological category of medicine reduction was gastrointestinal medication. The polypharmacy team at Iizuka Hospital intervenes for the Departments of General Internal Medicine, Transitional and Palliative Care, and Orthopedic Surgery, and we hope polypharmacy team interventions will be expanded to more departments to optimize prescribing in the future.
梅田 勇一 沢村 一
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.43, no.5, pp.1518-1527, 2002-05-15

エージェント指向コンピューティングの世界では,それぞれのエージェントが各自の持つ情報を生かしながら協調・合意して問題解決にあたることが求められている.本論文では,議論の導入がこの問題に有効であるとの考えのもとで,次のような機能を持つエージェントシステムを提案し,実際にネットワーク上で現実の問題に適用して有効性を示す.(1)複数のエージェントが各自の知識ベースをもとに議論・反論を行う.(2)反論に行き詰まったら,相手の議論への補強を考えることによって協調を試みる.(3)この2つを行っても結果が定まらないとき,弁証法的な合意形成を行う.In the upcomming networked society, it is desired that several computers on network can resolve conflicting problems or make better solutions through argumentation. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to agent systems where several agents communicate, argue with each other, reinforce other arguments for cooperation and finally make a dialectical agreement through argumentation from distributed knowledge bases. By applying it to a variety of application, we show the potential and practical usefulness of the system.