成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.5, pp.59-68, 2017-03-31

When we examine the theory of fiction, we usually consider the impact on arts and literatures. However, the most famous theorist Kendall Walton has attracted the attention other than arts and literatures. This paper considers an application of the Walton's theory in social philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will purpose an application to sports of theory of make-believe. Finally, in Section 4, I will consider John Searle's idea: brute and institutional (or social) fact. And, I suggest that theory of make-believe is beneficial in social philosophy.
田口 修
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.8, pp.101-108, 2020-03-31

講義『リハビリテーション介護』において, 精神障害を理解し当事者の思いを知るために, 浦河べてるの家制作のビデオ鑑賞を行った. 提出された感想レポートについてKH Coder を用いてテキストマイニングによる分析を行った. 階層的クラスター分析では, 「弱さを認め葛藤を諦める」「幻聴や被害妄想の七年間」「仲間と共感の大切さ」「病気や症状の理解」「親に相談することの難しさ」「辛さ苦しみを学ぶ」以上の6 つのクラスターが示された. 対応分析では, 作業療法学専攻が「幻聴や被害妄想の七年間」「病気や症状の理解」と関連し, 基礎知識として統合失調症の理解に関心を向ける一方, 介護学専攻では「仲間と共感の大切さ」「辛さ苦しみを学ぶ」こととの関連を示し, 臨床実践に関心を寄せることが伺われた.
成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.5, pp.59-68, 2017-03-31

When we examine the theory of fiction, we usually consider the impact on arts and literatures. However, the most famous theorist Kendall Walton has attracted the attention other than arts and literatures. This paper considers an application of the Walton's theory in social philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will purpose an application to sports of theory of make-believe. Finally, in Section 4, I will consider John Searle’s idea: brute and institutional (or social) fact. And, I suggest that theory of make-believe is beneficial in social philosophy.
水野 節子
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.8, pp.33-44, 2020-03-31

This paper aims to introduce the four part series of workshops for developing of nurturing network through "Assertion Connected by Empathy" to the nurturing networkers working in Mihama-cho, Chita-gun in Aichi Prefecture. This paper also analyzes and examines the influence and effects of the workshops. 本論は愛知県知多郡美浜町をフィールドに子育てネットワークの開発をめざし, その地域で活動する子育てネットワーカーを対象にして, 「共感でつながるアサーション」というワークショップを4 回シリーズで開催した取り組みを紹介し, その影響と効果を分析・考察するものである.
中野 正隆 村川 弘城
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.8, pp.55-62, 2020-03-31

本稿の目的は, 日本福祉大学が文部科学省「地(知) の拠点整備推進事業」の採択を受けて取組んだ「持続可能な『ふくし』社会を担う『ふくし・マイスター』の養成」に係る地域でのフィールドワークの実践をもとに, 社会構成主義の視点から地域連携教育におけるフィールドワークのモデル化を試みることにある. また, モデルの適用について, 昨今の教育改革のテーマの1 つである「教育の質保証」の観点から示唆を加えるものとする.
田中 優
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.9, pp.33-47, 2021-03-31

This paper will explore the emotions and behaviors that are evoked by "Problem or Project based Learning (PBL)", or a community-oriented education, using the concept of "Middle Voice". By examining a community-oriented PBL project "HITO,MACHI,DEAU/TSUKURU (people, community, meeting/developing)", I will identify "agency" that does not fit the "active/passive" framework, and argue that self-transformation that is induced by the external , or community, impetus would result in the development of engagement in the outside, or community.
笹谷 朋世
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.6, pp.39-46, 2018-03-15

Kosaku Yamada, a Japanese representative composer, created approximately 700 excellent Japanese songs. However, composition of these songs was a continuous process of trial and error. A composition method along with characteristics of Japanese language (pitch accent) did not exist in Japan in those days; therefore Kosaku established his composition method by making himself a testing ground. Around the same time in Germany, Dr. Carl Orff, a composer and musical educator, started a new attempt in the field of musical education along with his composition activities. In this paper, we focused on the philosophy: "'rhythm' and 'melody' in music is generated from words [mother tongue]" from the philosophy of musical education developed by Orff to develop a new Orff method in Japan, through fundamental understanding and reorganization of characteristics of Japanese language (pitch accent) and by tracing the process of Kosaku to compose Japanese songs. Importance to experience the sense of pitch accent as the characteristics of Japanese language in music is clarified, which is incorporated as "high- and lowpitched sound game" in activities of musical expression in early childhood, and a daily and casual instruction method of musical expression as an extension of game is clarified.
田中 優
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.9, pp.33-47, 2021-03-31

This paper will explore the emotions and behaviors that are evoked by “Problem or Project based Learning (PBL)”, or a community-oriented education, using the concept of “Middle Voice”. By examining a community-oriented PBL project “HITO,MACHI,DEAU/TSUKURU (people, community, meeting/developing)”, I will identify “agency” that does not fit the “active/passive” framework, and argue that self-transformation that is induced by the external , or community, impetus would result in the development of engagement in the outside, or community.
森本 真太郎
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University (ISSN:2434706X)
no.9, pp.1-9, 2021-03-31

In this study, we investigated the institutional environment for harassment countermeasures at a certain university.The purpose of this study was to consider the ideal university environment that can rescue harassment victims, especially the understanding of victims' feelings and the actions that members should take, and to present the perspective of the university environment that denies harassment. As a result, in various systems related to university harassment, it was considered important that the university became a place for victims by effectively functioning the institutional environment. By knowing the institutional intervention method, the surrounding members can also build a university environment that can rescue the victims. In addition, in order to understand the uncertain feelings of the victim, it was thought that building a human relationship in which both the victim and the surrounding members talk independently would lead to the construction of an environment in which the feelings of the victim could be understood. Furthermore, it was considered important for the surrounding members to acquire a clear attitude to eliminate the underlying conditions for the harassment problem and to act as “active participants”.
成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.4, pp.21-30, 2016-03-31

When we examine the theory of singular thought, we encounter a serious problem caused by a Russellian acquaintance. However, Francois Recanati and his followers present Singularism without acquaintance. Their positon is called 'Neo-Fregenism'. This paper will examine Neo-Fregean Singularism. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine Singularism and Descriptivism. In Section 3, I will introduce Recanati's Mental file-framework and his Singularism. Finally, in Section 4, I will criticize Recanati's theory, and present more modest-theory.
中村 信次
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.5, pp.1-12, 2017-03-31

Recent progress in the Internet technology enables everyone to present oneself easily toward many and unspecified readers. The current study conducted questionnaire survey which employed 527 Japanese university students in order to investigate relationship between SNS usage and participant's psychological characteristics concerning selfpresentation. Results indicated that lower tendencies of self-abasement and self-concealment would be resulted in higher number of the Internet services through which the participants actively posted concerning oneself. On the other hand, usage of Internet services in a manner of reactive post (comment towards posts from another users) tended to increase self-abasement and self-concealment. These results would be helpful in understanding how university students were motivated in presenting themselves in the Internet. 近年のインターネット技術の進展に伴い, 誰もが気軽に不特定多数への自己表現が可能となった. 本研究では, 大学生を対象に総数527 名の回答者が参加した質問紙調査を実施し, SNS をはじめとするインターネットサービス利用状況と回答者の自己表出傾向との関連を調べた. 調査の結果, 積極的な自己発信を行うインターネットサービスが多い回答者ほど, 自己卑下型の自己呈示を行う傾向や自己を隠蔽する傾向が低いことが示された. また, 他者の投稿に対するコメントを行うという応答型の発信を行うサービスがあるとした回答者は, そうではない回答者に比べて, 自己卑下傾向と自己隠蔽傾向が高くなった. これらの結果は, 大学生におけるインターネットを介した自己発信の動機づけの理解に役立つものと考えられる.