クズネツォフ S.I. 森永 貴子
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
vol.1, pp.1-18, 2008-03-31

It is hardly possible to find the detailed description of history of diplomatic, business, cultural or religious activity of Russian people in the Russian historiography of the Russian- Japanese relations to Hokkaido, though mentions of it in 19th century were more than enough. The trouble is that the authors in their majority only repeat one another. There were also Russian travellers, many writers and publicists, clerics and seamen among them. Later, when diplomatic representatives have got over in Edo, Hokkaido has left on the second plan. At the same time this subject represents the big interest, as at Hokkaido, in Hakodate the relationship between Russia and Japan began to get regular character. There was a first Russian consulate in Japan here and, also, the first Russian church -《mother of Russian churches in Japan》, as priests say. The first deep impressions of Russian about Japan, its inhabitants and realities were also made here. Probably, the environment of Japan’s North was more close and clear to the Russian, than it’s South. The territorial affinity of Hokkaido to the Russian coast gave Russian businessmen the certain hopes for development of bilateral business activities, first of all -trade. However, at that time there were no necessary economic conditions for this purpose yet. If the Catholic church had come to Japan from the South, Russian orthodox mission arrived from the North. Russian priests christened the first Japanese here, the orthodox sermon sounded for the first time in Japan also. Distribution of Orthodoxy to Hokkaido (certainly not such successful as a Catholicism) can be considered as the certain mark at intercultural dialogue between two peoples -Japanese and Russian. Thus, it is possible to tell, that Hakodate’s period -one of the first pages in history of the Russian-Japanese relations, not only insufficiently studied in Russian historiography, but more likely -evidently forgotten.
雲 和広 森永 貴子 志田 仁完
経済研究 (ISSN:00229733)
vol.59, no.1, pp.74-93, 2008-01

本調査研究の目的は,帝政ロシア及びソ連・新生ロシアの統計制度・人口統計整備手法を概観すると共に,ソ連崩壊後の新生ロシア領域に基づく人口統計を一次史料に基づいて構築すること,そして帝政ロシア末期から新生ロシアに至るまでの長期的人口動態を把握することにある.先行研究における帝政ロシア期を扱うものとソビエト以降のそれとの間の断絶は大きく,そして原資料に依拠した研究は極めて少ない.最初にロシア帝国における人口統計制度の整備過程に焦点を当て,続いて革命後のソビエト・ロシア,そして新生ロシアの人口統計を見る.主眼を置くのは,(1)一次史料に依拠して100年の期間で獲得可能な限りの統計を揃える,(2)現ロシア連邦の領域への統一を可能な限り試みる,という点である.通史的にロシアの発展を描く上での最も基礎的な情報を揃えることを旨とするものである.The aims of this study are (1) to overview statistical systems and the methods of maintaining population statistics in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, (2) to provide population statistics in territorial unit comparable to the Russian Federation based on primary materials, and (3) to take a general view of long-term population dynamics from the late Imperial era to the new Russian Federation. The gap between previous researches dealing with population during the imperial periods and that which examines the period after the October revolution is very large, and few studies utilized primary data in investigating population figures of the imperial era.First, this study focuses on the institutional background of maintaining of population statistics in the Russia Empire, and then examines the population statistics systems after the establishment of the Soviet government. In estimating population and collecting archive data, this paper devoted efforts to utilizing primary materials consistently, and to adjusting all the territories in accordance with those of the Russian Federation. Thus, this study provides a fundamentally necessary information for investigating historical development processes in Russia.