南波 慶己 中村 篤雄 森田 敏夫 鍋田 雅和 高須 修
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.23, no.5, pp.659-664, 2020-10-31 (Released:2020-10-31)

救急救命士が血糖測定を行う基準について,われわれの地域においては低血糖を疑った場合に可能となることから,適応を判断するための身体観察がきわめて重要である。低血糖の症状は交感神経症状と中枢神経症状に大別されるが,随伴する低体温に関して診断的有用性は明らかではない。病院前救護における体温測定が,低血糖を疑う観察所見として有用かを検証した。体温測定を行った救急搬送例67,953例を対象とし,体温別に3群に分け,低血糖の割合について後方視的に検討した。体温35℃以下のL 群は他群より有意に低血糖の割合が高く,季節ごとの検討では,とくに夏季において体温測定の有用性が高い結果であった。ベイズの定理を用いた検討においても,体温35℃以下の陽性尤度比は7.1と高値であり,低血糖を疑う臨床的判断の一助となり得ると考えられた。病院前救護における体温測定は,低血糖を疑う観察所見として有用である。
谷口 順彦 森田 敏夫
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.45, no.1, pp.37-41, 1979
1 4

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) of three related freshwater eels, <i>Anguilla anguilla, A. rostrata</i>, and <i>A. japonica</i> were examined by starch-gel electrophoresis using a citrate-aminopropylmorpholin buffer adjusted to pH 6.0. Five equal-spaced major bands were observed in LDH zymograms of the adult muscle exudation and the whole elver homogenate through the three species. The most anodal band was identified as the homotetramer of B subunits (B<sub>4</sub>), and the most cathodal as the homotetramer of A subunit (A<sub>4</sub>), based on the specificity of tissue distribution of these isozymes. These A<sub>4</sub>, and B<sub>4</sub> bands of the Japanese eel were different from those of the European and American eels in electrophoretic mobility. In the MDH zymograms of muscle, four major bands were observed in all the three species. One of these, the activity of which was especially intense with the liver, was identified as A<sub>2</sub>. The other two equal-spaced major bands of muscle were identified as AB and B<sub>2</sub>, and the remaining most cathodal one as C<sub>2</sub>. The European eel was distinguished from the American and Japanese eels by the A<sub>2</sub> band. The Japanese eel was also distinguished from the other species by the B<sub>2</sub> band. Although some variants were found in the LDH and MDH isozyme patterns of the respective species, their incidences were very low, and any alleles of these variants were not common among the three species.