森重 敏子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.23, no.2, pp.219-224, 1968-06-30 (Released:2009-09-30)

Since 1961, the area of Fukuoka City as well as other areas of Japan has been polluted by radioactive fallout brought about mainly by the fission and fusion bomb test in Red China. In this area periodic measurements of radioactive fallout deposits were measured on the Standard Diet proposed by the Department of Welfare in Japan. In addition measurements were taken on several kind of vegetables (well washed), dairies, row milk, short necked clam and the Tapes Philippiarium. Results obtained from these surveys are as follows:1) The level of radioactivity of the fallout deposited on the vegetables resulting from the 1st, 2nd and 5th tests of the atmic bomb in Red China increased remarkably from 10 times to 200. This is much higher than that of the usual amount of fallout on vegetables. Especially noted was that a somewhat higher level of radioactivity than normal level was maintained for several months during the time of the 5th test.2) Increase and decrease of radioactivity on seasonal vegetables fluctuated approximately with those of the radioactive fallout deposited on the vegetables. The level of radioactivity on the vegetables increased sharply from normal level measured on them after the test.3) Although radioactivity level on the vegetables had increased from the usual level, the level measured on dairy and row milk did not fluctuate remarkably during the test.4) The degree of radioactivity in the short necked clam with shell removed fluctuated considerably more than the usual level, eg. 0.5 to 38.9. However there was no evidence of increase of radioactivity in the clam after the test.5) The degree of radioactivity in the Standard Diet in Japan increased slightly in 1967 compared to that of former years.6) Giant particles of radioactive fallout precipitated on spinach just after the fifth test of the Atomic Bomb in Red China were discovered by means of autoradiography. Removal of these particles could not be completely successfully accomplished with a soapless soap.
森重 敏子 石西 伸 長 哲二
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.32, no.3, pp.434-441, 1977-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The contamination and the pollution of foodstuffs by radioactive fallout have been investigated since 1961 in Fukuoka city and its suburban area. The results obtained were as follows.1) Recently, the degree of the contamination of greens by radioactive fallout which fell on the leaves decreased to one thousandth in the early stage of the investigation (1961-1962). In the period of the investigation, the remarkable increase of the radioactivity of fallout was observed within a week after the Chinese nuclear bomb explosion in the atmosphere (1st, 2nd, 5th, 12th, 13th, and 15th). The radioactivity was 2 to 300 times higher than the usual level.2) The radioactivity was not remarkable in vegetables which were washed with soap, but it decreased gradually year by year. The increase of the radioactivity was also observed a few days after the atmospheric nuclear explosion.3) In milk, there were no remarkable yearly decreases of the radioactivity from the beginning of the investigation, but the seasonal variations of the radioactivity, such as higher in April and May, were observed.4) The radioactivity in diets based on the standard food production in Japan was the highest in 1967. It decreased gradually from 1967 to 1971 and after that the remarkable variation of the activity was not observed.5) 137Cs contamination of foodstuffs has been observed quantitatively by the method of gamma spectrometry, while sometimes 95Zr-95Nb, 103Ru, and 131I were also detected from the specimens obtained immediately after the nuclear explosions.
森重 敏子 青山 よしの 堀 洋子 金子 小千枝
調理科学 (ISSN:09105360)
vol.14, no.4, pp.247-252, 1981-12-20
1 5

9色の着色あめ玉のうちから年令、性別、居住地等の異なる調査対象1835名に1種を選択させ、同時にその選択理由を記入させ、色彩嗜好傾向を調べた。1.学令別色彩嗜好傾向には有意の差が認められた(χ^2=368.414, P<0.001)。低学令ほど各色の嗜好率に大差を示し(幼稚園、小学生では赤、青に片寄った嗜好を示す)、学令が進むに従って各色の嗜好率の差が減少し、特に大学生では色彩嗜好の多様化が認められた。各色の学令別の嗜好傾向は、低学令で有意に多く好まれる色(赤、青)、高学令で有意に多く好まれる色(黒、無色、ひき茶)、学令による差のない色(橙、緑、紫)の3群に分けられるようである。2.男女別では、女子は赤、橙、男子では青、緑、黒、紫で嗜好率が有意に高い。しかしこの男女差は低学令ほど顕著で、赤、橙は幼稚園、小学生で女子の嗜好率が著しく高い為であり、青、黒は幼稚園、小学生の男子の高率による。3.季節差では、夏に青、冬に黒がそれぞれ有意に多く嗜好された。地域別では、都市で赤が、農村では黄が有意に好まれた。4.選択理由は、総計では"色と味"が有意に多く、次いで"色"、"味"、"色と感覚"の順に選んでいる。低学令ほど、また男子より女子に"色"で選んだものが多く、大学生、また男子の方に"味"で選んだものが多い。橙、黒、ひき茶は"味"で他の色は"色"で選ぶ傾向にあった。