樋口 昌彦
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.46, no.2, pp.73-88,158, 2001-10-31 (Released:2016-11-02)

This paper intends to point out some characteristics of Goffman's social theory in his early texts. The texts analyzed here are:(A) "Communication Conduct in an Island Community", (PhD Dissertation, Universi ty of Chicago, 1953),(B) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (University of Edinburgh Social Sciences Research Centre, Monograph No.2, 1956) , and(C) The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (New York, Doubleday Anchor, 1959). All of these early texts deal with our performances in everyday life. An analysis of these texts shows that there are three steps to the completion of the Goffman's dramaturgy. Firstly, the subject of 'seeing' in everyday life led to an idea of dramaturgy based on the fact that people are always seen (text (A) ). Secondly, Goffman constructed a model of dramaturgy containing such elements as 'performer', 'audience', and 'mutual monitoring' (text (B) ). Thirdly, he added a large number of various, rhetorically attractive episodes to reinforce his study (text (C) ). The most remarkable feature in the above steps lies in the third step. What does the addition of so many characteristic episodes after constructing the model mean? It implies that Goffman is not just presenting his theory of performances, but that he is performing it. The excellence of his theory is not only in the content of the study, but also in the way he presented it. Goffman studied the performances and performed his study. It enables us to comprehend our performances in everyday life to a great extent, and it is one of the chief characteristics of Goffman's social theory in his early texts.
樋口 昌彦 Higuchi Masahiko ヒグチ マサヒコ
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
vol.20, pp.509-523, 1999

感情社会学の主張の根幹とは、感情は個人的事象・自然現象である、と考えがちである社会通念に対して、「感情は、社会的なものである」という事態を説明していくことであった。これをふまえ、70年代後半以降展開されている感情社会学の初期の論考の多くは実質上、このテーゼを「感情は、社会に影響を受けて成り立つ」という主張としてとらえ、一定の成果を上げた。しかしながら、その主張、─「感情の社会に影響を受けて成り立つ」という主張─ は、感情の社会性の一面のみを見ているにすぎず、それだけに注目すると、重要な要点を把握しそこねる。あるいは、むしろこの説明のみをくりかえすことは、「個人が感情を持つ」という通俗理解をなぞることになり、感情社会学が主張しうる「感情の社会性」の重大な要点を取り逃がす恐れがある。したがって感情社会学のさらなる展開の可能性を求めるならば、この通俗理解の内実を明らかにし、本来の注目すべき含意=「感情とは個人を越える事象でもあり、その意味において社会的である」という点を明確化する必要があり、それが本稿の目的である。The sociology of emotion is a relatively new field within the discipline of sociology, and the main thesis in this field is "emotion is a social thing." However, there is often serious limitation in the meaning of this thesis. In this paper, at first I try to indicate the limitation. It is based on our conviction that "we have our own emotions." Secondly, I discuss some theories of the emotions over the limitation that is focusing on an internal/external communication. Finally, I attempt to propose a significant way of thinking in the sociology of emotion. It is the position regarding expressions and vocabularies of emotions.