2 0 0 0 OA 稚児の性

橋立 亜矢子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.49-78, 2010-03-15

There is a deep relationship between Japanese people and pages. This deep relationship can be observed in medieval picture scrolls and at various festivals in Japan that still exist.Pages always wear made-up and splendid costumes. They are apotheosized by people and regarded as media to Divine beings or their embodiment.The background to their sacredness comes from their age, at which there is no social distinction by gender, and their existence in medieval monasteries.In discussing the sacredness of children and the position of pages in medieval monasteries, this thesis attempts to find the background to people's feelings toward pages. The thesis also discusses “the gender of pages" which differs from that of adults and of ordinary children.
橋立 亜矢子
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.61, no.9, pp.23-32, 2012


1 0 0 0 IR 稚児の性

橋立 亜矢子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.49-78, 2010-03

There is a deep relationship between Japanese people and pages. This deep relationship can be observed in medieval picture scrolls and at various festivals in Japan that still exist.Pages always wear made-up and splendid costumes. They are apotheosized by people and regarded as media to Divine beings or their embodiment.The background to their sacredness comes from their age, at which there is no social distinction by gender, and their existence in medieval monasteries.In discussing the sacredness of children and the position of pages in medieval monasteries, this thesis attempts to find the background to people's feelings toward pages. The thesis also discusses "the gender of pages" which differs from that of adults and of ordinary children.日本人と稚児のかかわりは深く、中世の絵巻をはじめとして、現在もなお日本各地にみられる祭礼行事などからもその関係性の深さが窺える。その姿は、どれも化粧を施され、華やかな衣装をまとわされた姿であり、神仏の憑坐や、神仏の化身そのものとして神格化され、人々により神聖視されている。こうした稚児を聖なるもの見なす背景には、社会的な性差を付与されていない年齢であるがゆえの聖性と中世僧院における稚児の存在というものが関係すると考えられる。本論では、子どもの聖性や中世僧院の稚児の役割などを取り上げながら、人々が稚児に対して抱く意識の思想的背景を明らかにするとともに、大人やふつうの子どもとは異なる特別な存在としての「稚児の性」というものを論及した。