比留間 浩介 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.201-213, 2011 (Released:2011-07-08)
7 4

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of physical fitness in baseball pitchers and infielders focusing on variations in power output ability and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) ability in field tests. Twenty-five male university pitchers and 22 university infielders participated. They performed five kinds of jumping (Standing triple jump (STJ), Standing double leg triple jump (SDTJ), Standing long jump (SLJ), Counter movement jump (CMJ), 5 rebound jumps (RJ)), and five kinds of medicine ball throw (Overhead throw (OT), Back throw (BT), Push of upper limb (Push), Shoulder horizontal adduction (SHA) and Twist of trunk throw (Twist)). Push, SHA and Twist were performed purely concentrically (concentric throw: CT) and with SSC movement (rebound throw: RT). These powers were assessed using the Throw index (Tauchi et al., 2006), and pre-stretch augmentations (Walshe et al., 1996) were calculated. It was found that: 1) OT, BT and SDTJ in pitchers were significantly higher than in infielders, and that there were significant correlations between pitched ball speed and OT, BT, and SDTJ. 2) Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders were significant higher than in pitchers, and significant correlations were found between thrown ball speed, batted ball speed and Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders. 3) SHA augmentation in infielders was significantly higher than in pitchers, and there was a significant correlation between thrown ball speed and SHA augmentation in infielders. 4) Twist of trunk power did not differ between pitchers and fielders. These results indicate that baseball pitchers and infielders obtain different physical fitness characteristics through the differences in their movement forms and required abilities.
比留間 浩介 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.1101140174, (Released:2011-01-15)
2 4

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of physical fitness in baseball pitchers and infielders focusing on variations in power output ability and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) ability in field tests. Twenty-five male university pitchers and 22 university infielders participated. They performed five kinds of jumping (Standing triple jump (STJ), Standing double leg triple jump (SDTJ), Standing long jump (SLJ), Counter movement jump (CMJ), 5 rebound jumps (RJ)), and five kinds of medicine ball throw (Overhead throw (OT), Back throw (BT), Push of upper limb (Push), Shoulder horizontal adduction (SHA) and Twist of trunk throw (Twist)). Push, SHA and Twist were performed purely concentrically (concentric throw: CT) and with SSC movement (rebound throw: RT). These powers were assessed using the Throw index (Tauchi et al., 2006), and pre-stretch augmentations (Walshe et al., 1996) were calculated. It was found that: 1) OT, BT and SDTJ in pitchers were significantly higher than in infielders, and that there were significant correlations between pitched ball speed and OT, BT, and SDTJ. 2) Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders were significant higher than in pitchers, and significant correlations were found between thrown ball speed, batted ball speed and Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders. 3) SHA augmentation in infielders was significantly higher than in pitchers, and there was a significant correlation between thrown ball speed and SHA augmentation in infielders. 4) Twist of trunk power did not differ between pitchers and fielders. These results indicate that baseball pitchers and infielders obtain different physical fitness characteristics through the differences in their movement forms and required abilities.
植屋 清見 山田 直弘 澤邊 直人 小町 昂史 比留間 浩介
教育実践学研究 : 山梨大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要 (ISSN:13454161)
vol.14, pp.72-83, 2009

初等体育科教育学は本学教育人間科学部にあっては将来,小学校の教師を目指す学生にとって小学校教諭普通免許1種の必修科目であり,本授業の単位取得なしでは教員免許はおろか卒業も不可能となる重要な科目である。そのような重要度の高い授業でありながら,実際の授業は半期完結制のもと,僅か15回の授業で終了してしまう。本学においてはこの15回の授業をボール運動と陸上運動の指導に当てている。それ故,陸上運動に使える回数は僅かに7回程度である。本研究は僅か7回しか使えない授業にあって,受講生が将来小学校の教師となったときに,走り高跳びの指導が可能になって欲しいと願って行われている授業である。本研究においては小学校体育の陸上運動の一つの種目である走り高跳びを取り上げ,如何にして受講生の走り高跳びへの興味関心を引き出し,彼らの走り高跳びに関する指導力(知識,経験,実技能力,師範能力等)を育成するかを命題に行われる実践報告的論文である。具体的には小学校体育における走り高跳びの目標の" 記録向上"を求めるのではなく,小学生には危険な跳躍法とされているベリーロールや背面跳びをクリアランス後のセーフティ・マットへの落下の気持ちよさを実感し,また果たして,ベリーロールや背面跳びは小学生にとって危険な跳躍法といえるのかの回答を得る授業として行われる。結論的にはベリーロールや背面跳びは必ずしも小学生にとって危険な跳躍法ではないとする回答が多数であった。加えて,このような指導を通して,受講生の体育の授業に対する態度(喜び・評価・価値)得点は有意に高まっている実態も確認された。尚,本研究の検討の対象の授業は2002 年から2008 年の前期までであった。
比留間 浩介 森 健一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.699-706, 2013 (Released:2013-12-07)

The purpose of this study was to consider the selection method employed for baton passing during sprint relays in high school physical education classes. Down sweep passing and up sweep passing were compared in terms of learning effect. The results obtained after dividing the students into 3 groups according to sprint capability, and examining the learning effect, were as follows. 1.  The group with a high sprint capability tended to use up-sweep passing because this allowed the baton to be passed while maintaining sprint speed. 2.  The groups with low and medium sprint capability low tended to use down-sweep passing over a free distance, because these groups found it difficult to maintain speed in the takeover zone.   These observations suggest that physical education classes can be made more productive by choosing a suitable baton pass method according to sprint ability.
比留間 浩介

筑波大学博士 (コーチング学) 学位論文・平成24年3月23日授与 (甲第6271号)