木津 彰斗 末廣 健児 國枝 秀樹 石濱 崇史 池田 幸司 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.16, pp.43-47, 2016 (Released:2016-12-29)

The purpose of this study was to illustrate the actions of the gluteus maximus (GM), medial hamstrings (MH), and lateral hamstrings (LH) during forward-reaching in a sitting position using electromyography (EMG). We found that as the distance of forward-reaching increased, EMG activity of the GM, MH, and LH muscles increased to maintain forward-bending of the trunk. In addition, lower GM activation increased at a shorter reaching distance than the upper GM. From the analysis of posture during this task, we also found that the distance covered during forward-reaching was increased by up to 15 cm mainly through flexion of the thoracic spine. This mechanism enhances the distance of forward-reaching achieved by flexion of the hip joint, but extension of the lumbar spine. From these results, we suggest that forward reaching is not simply caused by flexion of the hip joint and that each fiber of GM, MH, and LH muscles has a different function in the sequence of activities that leads to a change in posture.
池田 幸司 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 鈴木 俊明
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.29, no.3, pp.421-424, 2014 (Released:2014-07-03)
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〔目的〕端座位での側方体重移動時における骨盤の側方傾斜と移動側股関節外転筋群の関連を明確にするため,一側殿部への荷重量がこれらの筋の筋電図積分値に及ぼす影響を検討することとした.〔対象〕健常男性16名(平均年齢27.1 ± 6.6歳)とした.〔方法〕端座位より一側殿部の荷重量の総荷重量に対する比率を変化させて,移動側中殿筋・大腿筋膜張筋・大殿筋上部線維の筋電図を測定し,各筋の課題間での筋電図積分値相対値を比較した.〔結果〕筋電図積分値相対値はすべての筋で荷重量85%まで有意に増加した.中殿筋と大腿筋膜張筋では荷重量90%以上で有意に減少した.〔結語〕端座位での側方体重移動に伴う骨盤の側方傾斜を促すには移動側股関節外転筋群の関与が重要である.
池田 幸司 末廣 健児
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.16, pp.37-42, 2016 (Released:2016-12-29)

Lateral movement in the sitting position is a task which is used in evaluation and treatment in clinical practice. Also lateral movement in the sitting position can be seen in many activities of daily living. However, patients with dysfunction of the hip muscles have more difficulty performing lateral movement in the sitting position than healthy person, because, they cannot raise the opposite side buttock from the weight-bearing surface. To do lateral movement in the sitting position is reported to require lateral tilt of the pelvis. The trunk is displaced to the moving side by this lateral tilt of the pelvis. Furthermore, lateral movement in the sitting position requires muscle activity of the hip muscles that hold the lateral tilt position of the pelvis. Lateral tilt of the pelvis in lateral movement in the sitting position is a movement of the hip joint. TO promote smooth lateral movement in the sitting position, it is necessary to know the kinematics of the hip joint. However, the kinematics of the hip joint are different between sitting and standing postures. For this reason, interpretation of the kinematics of the hip joint is difficult in lateral movement in the sitting position. In this paper, we measured COP, and surface EMG of the hip girdle muscles during lateral movement in the sitting position following the procedures of a previous study, and carried out a video analysis of the displacement of the pelvis. We also examined the factors involved in successful lateral tilt of the pelvis in lateral movement in the sitting position.
藤本 将志 伊藤 陸 小島 佑太 池田 幸司 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.21, pp.19-26, 2021 (Released:2021-12-25)

The authors use top-down evaluation to determine impairments and perform physical therapy regardless of musculoskeletal or central nervous system disorders. One of the abnormal postures in patients with musculoskeletal disorders is a hunched posture with trunk flexion. In addition to the influence of the trunk, hunched posture tends to become more prominent with the influence of the lower limbs, lifestyle, and aging,. In this paper, we explain how to weigh the relevance of the problems considering the effects of not only the trunk but also the lower limbs, when considering the problems of trunk flexion posture in musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, we also explain the main points for performing examinations and physical therapy for problems of the trunk, while presenting posture and motion analysis of cases and electromyogram data of healthy subjects.
野崎 結 安井 重男 池田 幸司 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.10, pp.85-92, 2010 (Released:2011-01-13)

We conducted physical therapy for a patient who experienced pain in the right gluteal and lateral femoral regions during walking following right hip replacement. Pain appeared due to flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the right hip joint accompanied by exaggerated anterior inclination and right rotation of the pelvis on right heel contact through to right mid-stance. Physical therapy was conducted for the limited range of right hip joint motion and muscle weakness around this joint, which was assumed to be the cause of the abnormal gait and pain. Following this, standing step practice (Physical Therapy A) was conduced. After 6 weeks of Physical Therapy A, the limited range of right hip joint motion and muscle weakness around the joint had improved; however, the gait and pain had not improved. Thus, the therapy was re-evaluated, and bridge exercise was added to Physical Therapy A (Physical Therapy B). Physical Therapy B enabled induction of muscle activity and contractile patterns similar to those occurring during walking with respect to the muscle activity around the right hip joint that is necessary for right heel contact through to right mid-stance. A single session of Physical Therapy B improved the gait and reduced pain. Therefore, we concluded that the promotion of complex muscle activity, not in a single direction, and improvement of the muscle strength and contractile pattern are necessary in physical therapy for problematic muscle weakness.
藤本 将志 伊藤 陸 小島 佑太 池田 幸司 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.22, pp.33-39, 2022 (Released:2022-12-23)

We recommend performing a top-down physiotherapy evaluation rather than a bottom-up evaluation. During an assessment, it is desirable to detect problems at the impairment level and narrow them down to one problem in terms of order and relevance. By intervention for narrowed-down problems and re-evaluation of changes, a clearer physical therapy can be developed. In this study, we introduce abnormal postures and movements that are characteristics of patients with musculoskeletal diseases involving lumbar and hip joint impairment. Furthermore, we present one problem focusing on muscle weakness and decreased muscle tone as the possible underlying cause of impairment. We explain intervention methods for this impairment using kinematic and anatomical viewpoints and electromyography.
池田 幸司 藤本 将志 安井 重男 渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博 赤松 圭介 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.9, pp.83-88, 2009 (Released:2010-01-16)

In the clinical field, we have provided physical therapy for cases presenting with Trendelenburg sign on walking caused by reduced muscle strength of the abductor muscle group of the hip joint on the weighted side. The Trendelenburg sign can occur in the early stage or after the middle stage of the stance phase, showing various patterns. In this study, we focused on the relationship between Trendelenburg sign occurring in the early stage or after the middle stage of the stance phase and the abductor muscle group of the hip joint on the weighted side. The subjects were asked to flex their hip joint and bend the body forward with 95% of the body weight loaded on one side of the body in an upright position, and remain in this position with the angle from the initial position at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 degrees. We evaluated the influence of changes in the angle of the hip joint on integration values of electromyograms of the abductor muscle group of the hip joint (the tensor fascia lata muscle, gluteus medius muscle, and superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle) on the weighted side, using surface electromyograms. As a result, the relative integration value of the electromyograms of the tensor fasciae lata muscle and gluteus medius muscle on the weighted side significantly decreased as the angle of the hip joint increased. On the other hand, the relative integration value of electromyograms of superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle on the weighted side significantly elevated as the angle of the hip joint increased. The hip joint on the weighted side underwent flexion, and was subjected to an abduction force, as the angle of hip joint changed when one of the lower extremities was loaded. It was considered that superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle, which also belongs to the extensor muscle group of the hip joint, was primarily involved as a braking force. The results of this study suggest that the evaluation and treatment of superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle is important in controlling the dropping of the pelvis toward the non-weighted side (adduction of the hip joint of the standing leg) and its anterior inclination (flexion of the hip joint of the standing leg) in cases presenting with Trendelenburg sign.