刀坂 太 楠 貴光 早田 荘 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 三輪 成利 鈴木 俊明
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.33, no.1, pp.121-126, 2018 (Released:2018-03-01)
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〔目的〕中殿筋と大殿筋の股関節に対する作用を明確にするために各線維を分け,股関節伸展および外転保持時の筋活動を検討した.〔対象と方法〕対象は健常男性10名とし,平均年齢は24.4歳であった.超音波画像診断装置を用いて中殿筋,大殿筋の各筋線維およびこれらが重層する部位を描出した.そして股関節伸展課題および外転課題にて1 kgごとに4 kgまでの重量負荷を加え,各筋線維の筋電図を測定した.〔結果〕股関節伸展課題では中殿筋後部線維,重層部位および大殿筋上部線維の筋活動は4 kgの重量負荷にて増大した.また股関節外転課題では中殿筋の各線維の筋活動は4 kgの重量負荷にて増大し,重層部位の筋活動は3 kg以上の重量負荷にて増大した.〔結語〕中殿筋,大殿筋の各筋線維は各々の作用に対する筋活動の増大を認めたが,大殿筋上部線維は股関節外転課題に関与しなかった.
大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 谷埜 予士次 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.11-22, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

In a clinical setup, difficulty in maintaining posture and controlling movements while bending, lateral bending, or performing rotation of the thoracic and lumbar region due to reduced activities of the abdominal oblique, multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostalis muscles, when in the seated and standing positions, and during walking, is often encountered. We trained patients with postural and control difficulties to shift their body weight laterally from one limb to the other while standing to increase the activities of the trunk muscles and improve the seated, standing, and gait postures. The activities of the trunk muscles, that serve as clinical indicators, were evaluated using electromyography and measurement of tissue stiffness. In the present study, we present the results of our research on the activities of the trunk muscles in the sitting and standing positions, and during sustained lateral shifting of body weight from one limb to the other while standing, and discuss their clinical implications.
中道 哲朗 渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.6, pp.77-83, 2006 (Released:2007-01-30)

Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee usually have a posteriorly, tilted pelvis and a bent knee with varus deformity. Such patients usually show an increase of muscle tone and pain due to pressure in the tensor fasciae latae muscle (TFL) and biceps femoris muscle (BFS) and further more, insufficient vastus medial muscle (VM). We perform therapy to stretch TFL and BFS in the supine and sitting positions and contract VM. We can't obtain enough effect of therapy because it gives rise to disorders again like the above in the closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise while standing and walking, although these disorders improve in open kinetic chain (OKC) exercise. Thus, we perform posture control while standing or sitting to improve the pelvis tilt to add to the direct therapy of each muscle in OKC. In performing this therapy, we observed that such disorders were improved in CKC. Therefore, we experimented with electromyography (EMG) on healthy subjects to define the effects on TFL, BFS and VM of changing the angle of the pelvis tilted posteriorly together with varus deformity of the knee. TFL is involved in keeping the knee bent in middle position of pelvis, and keeping the knee bent and varus deformity of the knee in hip extension and internal rotation in posterior tilt of the pelvis. BF and BFL are involved in keeping the knee and hip bent in middle position of pelvis. When the pelvis is tilted posteriorly, BFL is involved in keeping the knee bent, BF (BFS) is involved in braking varus deformity of the knee as well as keeping the knee bent. VM is involved in keeping the knee bent in middle position of pelvis and when the pelvis is tilted posteriorly. VM is not involved in controlling varus deformity of the knee. From these result, we suggest that it's important when performing the therapy of posture control to consider the posture of the pelvis besides assessment and therapy of the knee for patients with OA of the knee showing increase of muscle tone and pain due to pressure of TFL and BFS.
池田 幸司 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 鈴木 俊明
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.29, no.3, pp.421-424, 2014 (Released:2014-07-03)
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〔目的〕端座位での側方体重移動時における骨盤の側方傾斜と移動側股関節外転筋群の関連を明確にするため,一側殿部への荷重量がこれらの筋の筋電図積分値に及ぼす影響を検討することとした.〔対象〕健常男性16名(平均年齢27.1 ± 6.6歳)とした.〔方法〕端座位より一側殿部の荷重量の総荷重量に対する比率を変化させて,移動側中殿筋・大腿筋膜張筋・大殿筋上部線維の筋電図を測定し,各筋の課題間での筋電図積分値相対値を比較した.〔結果〕筋電図積分値相対値はすべての筋で荷重量85%まで有意に増加した.中殿筋と大腿筋膜張筋では荷重量90%以上で有意に減少した.〔結語〕端座位での側方体重移動に伴う骨盤の側方傾斜を促すには移動側股関節外転筋群の関与が重要である.
大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 蔦谷 星子 三好 裕子 山口 剛司 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 若林 志保子 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.3, pp.101-104, 2003 (Released:2005-04-12)

During 45°-flexion of the hip joint, actions on the pelvis and integral values of abdominal muscle groups were measured by maintaining SLR at 3 different angles of hip joint abduction (0°, 15°, and 30°) to evaluate the relationship between the two. The results of this study suggest that rotating and anteverting actions occur on the pelvic side ipsilateral of SLR when the SLR is held at 30°-abduction of the hip joint in healthy volunteers. In addition, integral values of the abdominal scalenus ipsi- and contralateral of SLR and those of the rectus muscle of the abdomen ipsilateral of SLR obtained by maintaining SLR at 30°-abduction of the hip joint were significantly larger than those obtained at 0°-abduction of the hip joint (p<0.05). Integral values of the rectus muscle of the abdomen contralateral of SLR increase with the angle of hip joint abduction. These results suggest that attention should be focused on hip joint abduction angles during SLR exercise to increase the activity of the entire abdominal muscle groups.
野崎 結 安井 重男 池田 幸司 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.10, pp.85-92, 2010 (Released:2011-01-13)

We conducted physical therapy for a patient who experienced pain in the right gluteal and lateral femoral regions during walking following right hip replacement. Pain appeared due to flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the right hip joint accompanied by exaggerated anterior inclination and right rotation of the pelvis on right heel contact through to right mid-stance. Physical therapy was conducted for the limited range of right hip joint motion and muscle weakness around this joint, which was assumed to be the cause of the abnormal gait and pain. Following this, standing step practice (Physical Therapy A) was conduced. After 6 weeks of Physical Therapy A, the limited range of right hip joint motion and muscle weakness around the joint had improved; however, the gait and pain had not improved. Thus, the therapy was re-evaluated, and bridge exercise was added to Physical Therapy A (Physical Therapy B). Physical Therapy B enabled induction of muscle activity and contractile patterns similar to those occurring during walking with respect to the muscle activity around the right hip joint that is necessary for right heel contact through to right mid-stance. A single session of Physical Therapy B improved the gait and reduced pain. Therefore, we concluded that the promotion of complex muscle activity, not in a single direction, and improvement of the muscle strength and contractile pattern are necessary in physical therapy for problematic muscle weakness.
田尻 恵乃 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.9, pp.105-116, 2009 (Released:2010-01-16)

We experienced a patient with post-stroke left hemiplegia exhibiting Pusher's syndrome, who required assistance to maintain sitting and standing positions and to standing up. Hypotonia on the hemiplegic side and hypoesthesia were considered to be the basic problems with the posture and movement of this patient. Moreover, hypotonia of abdominal muscles on the non-hemiplegic side was assumed to be the main cause of Pusher's syndrome, a characteristic of this case. This condition may have induced excessive extension and abduction of upper and lower limbs on the nonhemiplegic side (Pusher's syndrome) in order to maintain posture and movement, leading to the requirement for excretory assistance. The hypotonic abdominal muscles on the non-hemiplegic side were trained through physical therapy, and Pusher's syndrome of upper and lower limbs on the non-hemiplegic side was improved. Following this, postures and movements were modified in consideration of bilateral symmetric sensory input, and movements necessary for toilet use were improved.
藤本 将志 渡邊 裕文 蔦谷 星子 大沼 俊博 三好 裕子 赤松 圭介 中道 哲朗 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.5, pp.91-95, 2005 (Released:2006-01-26)

Lateral shift using one hand while sitting on a seat is an important ability in sitting up, for locomotion, to reach the other side. We sometimes control muscle tone of the trunk to change lateral weight bearing on one hand in hemiplegia caused by cerebrovascular diseases in which movements are difficult to perform because of trunk collapse. In this study, we analyzed the activity of the trunk muscles (obliquus abdominis, obliquus externus abdominis, obliquus internus abdominis and lumbar back) with EMG in changing the weight bearing in lateral shift with one hand while sitting on a seat. The results show that the supporting hand is necessary in sitting on the seat. The supported obliquus abdominis muscles, obliquus externus abdominis muscles and lumbar back muscles acted to maintain and fix the trunk as the weight increased. The supported obliquus external abdominis muscles acted to stabilize the upper trunk and rib cage, and the unsupported obliquus abdominis muscles, obliquus internus abdominis muscles and lumbar back muscles elevated pelvis as the weight decreased. Therefore, it is suggested that in the change of weight bearing in lateral shift the supporting hand serves an important purpose in maintaining trunk stability.
早田 荘 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 田尻 恵乃 水上 俊樹 貝尻 望 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.10, pp.57-62, 2010 (Released:2011-01-13)

The efficacy of physical therapy for a patient with impaired hair-washing motion due to dysfunction of the inferior fibers of the trapezius was assessed. Surface electromyography was performed to investigate the clinical implications, and to elucidate the relationship between changes in the speed of elbow joint flexion-extension during simulated hair-washing motion and the corresponding activities of the superior, intermediate, and inferior fibers of the trapezius and of the caput longum of triceps brachii. In a sitting position, the subject moved the shoulder joint approximately 110 degrees in flexion and the elbow joint approximately 45 degrees horizontally on the measured side, and performed flexion-extension of the elbow joint in which the middle finger on the measured side reciprocated between the torus occipitalis and vertex in a hair-washing motion-simulating task. The motion speed was set at 40, 80, 120, and 160 motions per minute using a metronome and electromyograms of the superior, intermediate, and inferior fibers of the trapezius and the caput longum of triceps brachii were measured for 10 seconds 3 times during each task. Electromyogram waveforms of these fibers at each speed and the influence of changes in the elbow joint flexion-extension speed on the relative integrated electromyogram value were investigated. In the caput longum of triceps brachii, the amplitude of the electromyogram waveform in a single elbow joint flexion-extension motion was compared among the tasks at different speeds. The waveform amplitude increased and the relative integral value tended to increase as the elbow joint flexion-extension speed increased only in the inferior fibers of the trapezius. These findings suggest that to evaluate and improve hair-washing motion in patients with impairment of the scapulothoracic joint, the arm should be maintained in an elevated position during this motion. Furthermore, attention should be paid to the activity of the inferior fibers of the trapezius, which are assumed to be involved in stabilization of the scapula during the elbow joint flexion-extension motion, in this posture.
田中 大志 高森 絵斗 早田 荘 赤松 圭介 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.15, pp.117-125, 2015 (Released:2016-01-06)

We report on the use of physical therapy for a patient with right hemiplegia experiencing difficulty with getting up from a bed after cerebral infarction. Based on a previous study, the aim was for the patient to get up by rolling over to the non-paralyzed side to attain the sitting position. Observation of the getting up action of the patient revealed that the trunk flexion and rotation of the non-paralyzed side were insufficient. Therefore, the patient tried to lift the upper body by pushing with the non-paralyzed side elbow on the bed. However, the patient had difficulty performing the getting up action, because the upper body fell down to the rear due to paralysis on the side of rotation of the trunk. Our assessment showed hypotonia in both parts of the rectus abdominis, and in the external oblique muscle and serratus anterior muscle of the paralyzed side. Hypertonia was also found in the posterior fibers of the deltoid muscle and upper fibers of the latissimus dorsi muscle on the non-paralyzed side. After 1 week of physical therapy, the impairments improved and the patient was able to perform the getting up movement.
池田 幸司 藤本 将志 安井 重男 渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博 赤松 圭介 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.9, pp.83-88, 2009 (Released:2010-01-16)

In the clinical field, we have provided physical therapy for cases presenting with Trendelenburg sign on walking caused by reduced muscle strength of the abductor muscle group of the hip joint on the weighted side. The Trendelenburg sign can occur in the early stage or after the middle stage of the stance phase, showing various patterns. In this study, we focused on the relationship between Trendelenburg sign occurring in the early stage or after the middle stage of the stance phase and the abductor muscle group of the hip joint on the weighted side. The subjects were asked to flex their hip joint and bend the body forward with 95% of the body weight loaded on one side of the body in an upright position, and remain in this position with the angle from the initial position at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 degrees. We evaluated the influence of changes in the angle of the hip joint on integration values of electromyograms of the abductor muscle group of the hip joint (the tensor fascia lata muscle, gluteus medius muscle, and superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle) on the weighted side, using surface electromyograms. As a result, the relative integration value of the electromyograms of the tensor fasciae lata muscle and gluteus medius muscle on the weighted side significantly decreased as the angle of the hip joint increased. On the other hand, the relative integration value of electromyograms of superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle on the weighted side significantly elevated as the angle of the hip joint increased. The hip joint on the weighted side underwent flexion, and was subjected to an abduction force, as the angle of hip joint changed when one of the lower extremities was loaded. It was considered that superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle, which also belongs to the extensor muscle group of the hip joint, was primarily involved as a braking force. The results of this study suggest that the evaluation and treatment of superior part of the gluteus maximus muscle is important in controlling the dropping of the pelvis toward the non-weighted side (adduction of the hip joint of the standing leg) and its anterior inclination (flexion of the hip joint of the standing leg) in cases presenting with Trendelenburg sign.
安井 重男 藤本 将志 渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博 赤松 圭介 中道 哲朗 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.69-73, 2008 (Released:2009-01-15)

We have experimented with physical therapy for patients with difficulty of body weight transfer due to hyperactivity of the latissimus dorsi and muscular contractions. For lateral body weight transfer, training changed the distance of lateral transfer in the sitting position. Recent electromyographic (EMG) studies on the latissimus dorsi reported activities in its upper and lower fibers in the scapular brachial joint during trunk exercise. However, the activities of this muscle on lateral transfer in the sitting position have not been analyzed. In this study, we examined the influence of changes in the distance of lateral transfer in the sitting position using the EMG of the upper and lower fibers of the latissimus dorsi. Initially, in the end-sitting position (starting limb position), in which the bilateral arms were folded, we measured integrated EMG (iEMG) for the upper and lower fibers of the bilateral latissimus dorsi. Subsequently, the shoulder girdle was transferred in the lateral direction at distances of 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm without inclining or rotating the line between the bilateral acromions, while maintaining the head in the vertical position, with both feet placed on the ground from the starting limb position. We determined the respective iEMGs. There were no significant lateral transfer distance-related changes in the relative iEMG for the upper and lower fibers of the mobile side latissimus dorsi. Furthermore, the value for the upper fibers of the non-mobile side increased with the distance of lateral transfer. In addition, the value for the lower fibers of the non-mobile side also elevated with the lateral transfer distance; at a distance of 20 cm, the value was significantly higher than those at distances of 5 and 10 cm. Based on the results of this study, it may be important to evaluate the abdominal oblique muscles, dorsolumbar muscles, and latissimus dorsi in performing lateral body weight transfer. Training chang the distance of lateral transfer in the sitting position of patients with difficulty of lateral transfer . In addition, the actions of the upper fibers of the latissimus dorsi differed from those of the lower fibers, suggesting the necessity of assessing these fibers individually.
大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 蔦谷 星子 三好 裕子 山口 剛司 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 鈴木 俊明
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.31 Suppl. No.2 (第39回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.B0551, 2004 (Released:2004-04-23)

松本 明彦 津江 正樹 赤松 圭介 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.129-136, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

We report the case of a patient who, after posterior lumbar fixation for lumbar spinal canal stenosis, presented with difficulty in reaching the gluteal cleft with the right upper limb from the dorsal side while wiping after excretion and inevitably used the left upper limb. Through observation of a simulated wiping motion with the right upper limb, a decrease in the ability to perform the following movements was suspected: moving the pelvis from a posterior to an anterior inclination with flexion, internally rotating the left hip joint, extending the trunk, elevating the right pelvis and flexing the trunk to the right side, and rotating the trunk to the right. Examination based on these observations identified decreased tonus of the bilateral internal oblique muscles of the abdomen and multifidus and longissimus muscles, and increased tonus of the bilateral iliocostal muscles to be the primary causes. Therefore, surface electromyography was performed, and electromyographic waveform patterns of the aforementioned trunk muscles during simulated wiping motion with the right upper limb were compared with those of healthy subjects. No activity was detected in the bilateral internal oblique muscles of the abdomen. The patterns of the other muscles were similar, albeit with decreased activity. During physical therapy, the patient retained the physiological curvature of the spine, with the pelvis in the center of the anterior and posterior inclinations and the trunk extended in a sitting position. Furthermore, right pelvic elevation and right rotation of the trunk accompanied by right-sided flexion were promoted while shifting the body weight in the left anterior direction. Satisfactory wiping motion with the right upper limb was acquired through this therapy. This case report suggests that when examining the wiping motion after excretion, it is necessary to evaluate the ability to elevate the pelvis and flex and rotate the trunk to the required side while retaining the physiological curvature of the spine.
山口 剛司 渡邊 裕文 蔦谷 星子 大沼 俊博 三好 裕子 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 若林 志保子 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.3, pp.139-144, 2003 (Released:2005-04-12)

Lateral shift of the center of gravity for the treatment of cerebral angiopathic paralysis was investigated. These patients show increased tension in the dorsolumbar muscles on the paralyzed side, and have difficulty in shifting their weight toward the paralyzed side. Prior to the restoration of standing and walking motions, it is necessary to improve the sitting posture. In this study, we treated cerebral angiopathic paralysis by 2 lateral methods of shifting the center of gravity by inducing movement of the trunk alone and simultaneous movements of the trunk, pelvis and lower limbs. The effects of the treatment by these methods were evaluated with muscle integration values and observation of the posture of the patients. The muscular activity pattern of the muscles in the trunk became closer to normal, and posture and motion were improved when movements of the trunk, pelvis and lower limbs were simultaneously induced. It was suggested that simultaneous induction of the trunk, pelvis and lower limbs was important for treatment based on lateral shift of the center of gravity.
大沼 俊博 藤本 将志 赤松 圭介 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.12, pp.15-23, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)

In clinical practice, sensory tests are performed for patients with a disorder to establish a diagnosis or verify a hypothesis concerning sensory impairment. The hypothesis is set up by the therapist through observational assessment and a graphic display of movements based on a top-down approach. This paper discusses sensory testing based on a top-down approach by presenting effective clinical methods to identify sensory impairments.