近藤 隆 河辺 義孝
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.33, no.5, pp.823-833, 1987-09-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

Eighty-one cases of head and neck cancer patients who died within the last five years were analyzed. The sites of primary tumors were as follows: 15 cases in the nasal and paranasal cavity, 13 cases in the tongue, 9 cases in the larynx, 7 cases in the thyroid, and 7 cases epipharynx, and 6 cases in the hypopharyngeal-cervical esophagus. 81.8% of the patients had stage III or IV cancer at the initial diagnosis and suffered from double cancers during the course of the disease. These patients had repeated hospitalizations and were treated surgicaly by tracheostomy, gastrostomy or ligation of carotid artery. In recent years, there has been increased interest in defining what constitutes good quality care for the terminal by ill cancer patient. Our analysis documents the complex problems these patients and their physicians face. These problems challenge the medical facilities caring for such patients to develop programs that provide the highest possible levels of care for head and neck cancer patients. Head and neck surgeon must consider the protocol of informing cancer patients. Cymprehensive care must be given after informing the patients of their condition.
井上 哲生 内田 正興 松浦 鎮 佐竹 文介 西尾 正道 富樫 孝一 夜久 有滋 竹生田 勝次 小野 勇 海老原 敏 谷川 譲 武宮 三三 佃 守 河辺 義孝 松浦 秀博 佐藤 武男 吉野 邦俊 溝尻 源太郎 中田 将風 小池 聰之 中島 格 仁井谷 久暢
耳鼻と臨床 (ISSN:04477227)
vol.39, no.6, pp.1026-1033, 1993-11-20 (Released:2013-05-10)

全国のがん専門施設16施設の共同研究として頭頸部癌98例に対しCDDP+PEP+ MTX (PPM法), CDDP+PEP+5FU (PPF法) の無作為比較試験を行い以下の結果を得た.1. PPM法は44例中, CR3例, PR18例で奏効率48%, PPF法は54例中, CR2 例, PR25例で, 奏効率は50%であつた.2. 病期別治療効果では, III期においてPPM法で90%, PPF法で63%の奏効率が得られPPM法で高い効果が認められた.3. 初回再発別治療効果は, 初回治療例でPPM法54%, PPF法56%と高い奏効率を示したが, 再発治療例においては, それぞれ40%, 33%と低下した.4. 副作用は, PPM法で白血球数が2000未満となつた症例が30%に認められたが, その他, 重篤な副作用は認められなかつた.