伊藤 早苗 林 望 西村 慎太郎 浅田 徹 内田 保廣 田中 大士 谷川 惠一 井黒 佳穂子
国文研ニューズ = NIJL News (ISSN:18831931)
no.41, pp.1-16, 2015-10-16

浅田 徹
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.27, pp.47-93, 2001-03-29

藤原定家の下官集について、その内容を検討する。本書は草子の書き方を中心とした伝書で、文学の内容そのものとは直接関わらないため、和歌研究者からのまとまった考察がない。しかしその記述を考証していくことで、顕註密勘・三代集之間事・僻案抄といった歌学書群、あるいは定家本三代集の校訂作業などと同じ基盤を有していることを指摘できるのではないかと考える。従来の研究(国語学の分野からのもの)は仮名遣い規定に集中し、それ以外の部分は詳しい注釈も行われずにきているので、本稿ではまず全文を改めて検討することから始める。同時にそこに一貫する定家の姿勢を「他者と自分との差異を提示して、それを一つずつ根拠付けていく」ものと捉え、最終的にそれを歌道家当主としての自己定位の営みを象徴するものとして読むことを試みる。また、他者としての六条家の存在はここでも作品形成の一つの契機となっていただろう事を示す。 This is consideration of contents regarding Gekanshu by Fujiwarano Teika . This is a book called densho(伝書)mainly about how to write Soshi. There is no definite consideration of waka researchers, because it did not associate directly with the very contents of literature. However to study its description, it seems that it is possible to point out that it has the same substrate as “Kagaku-sho” group such as “Kenchumikkan”(顕註密勘), ”Sandaishu-no-aida-no-koto”(三代集之間事), “Hekian-sho”(僻案抄) or the textual collation of Teikabon-sandai-shu. At first the whole sentence was reviewed in this paper because the conventional study ( from field of the Japanese literature) concentrate Japanese grammar and others had not be written an extended comment. At the same time, it was considered that the consistent attitude of Teika as -Show a difference with others and oneself and based on it one by one-. An attempt was made to read it symbolizing his position as the head of the art of Waka poetry in the end. Then it was shown that the existence of Rokujo-ke as others would be one opportunity of the work formation here.
浅田 徹
近世文藝 (ISSN:03873412)
vol.112, pp.55-67, 2020

Fujitani-Nariakira and Banbayashi-Mitsuhira, the "kokugaku" scholars of the Edo Period, divided the history of the styles of early modern <i>waka</i> poetry into two periods. While <i>Sangyoku-shū</i> established an elegant and ethereal style of poetry from the Muromachi Period to the late eighteenth century, the plain style of <i>Ruidai-fukugyoku-shū</i> became more dominant in the nineteenth century. In the eighteenth century the Jige poetical circles were explosively on the rise. Under the influence of the Dōjō school they usually referred to <i>Shin-dairin-waka-shū</i> and other poetry collections of the school which were modeled after the works of Emperor Go-Mizunoo's circle. In this way the trend of eighteenth-century poetics was created through the publishing media. In the nineteenth century, however, the school's ambiguous tone became out of fashion. Instead, as the number of lay poets was on the increase, the Jige school developed its own plain style more suitable for topics from their daily life. This is the goal of early modern poetics.
浅田 徹
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institute of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.26, pp.81-136, 2000-03-29

藤原定家の下官集は定家仮名遣の基本資料として多くの研究があるが、書誌的な検討がまだ進んでいないように思われる。また、仮名遣史研究と和歌研究との二つの領域の情報交流も十分ではない。本稿は研究史を整理・評価しつつ、下官集諸本として知り得たものを書誌的に記述していくことで、二つの領域の相互交流のための基盤を整備する。また、善本の翻刻を付載して今後の研究に役立てることとする。 There are many studies of Gekanshu by Fujiwarano Teika as a standard document of Teika’s Kana orthography. However the bibliographic investigation does not seem to have yet advanced. Information exchange of the history of use of Kana study and Waka study are also not enough. In this article, while arranging and evaluating the History of Research, the base for mutual interchange between these two ereas was maintained by describing what was able to know as a variant manuscripts of Gekanshu. In addition, a reprinted Zenpon (well-preserved state of manuscripts or printed books) was attached to use for a future study.