深見 裕伸 野村 恵一 目﨑 拓真 鈴木 豪 横地 洋之
日本サンゴ礁学会誌 (ISSN:13451421)
vol.23, no.1, pp.21-26, 2021 (Released:2021-06-04)

有藻性イシサンゴ類の分類体系および和名の大幅な変更,また,サンゴの種同定問題などに起因するサンゴの分類関連の混乱の解消および問題の解決のため,「解説:サンゴ分類の話 連載」を開始する。手始めにサンゴの和名問題を取り上げ,特に和名の混乱が認められるクシハダミドリイシ/ナンヨウミドリイシについて解説する。形態や遺伝子解析,記載論文やタイプ標本の調査から判断した結果,日本国内の全てのクシハダミドリイシ様集団は,種単位ではなく「種群」として扱い,“Acropora hyacinthus species complex”(簡易版:Acropora hyacinthus complex)「クシハダミドリ種群」とするのが適切であると結論付けた。しかしながら,一般的に「種群」が使用されない場合が多いため,次善策としては,本種群の整理が完了するまで,和名のナンヨウミドリイシは使用せず,Acropora hyacinthus クシハダミドリイシの使用を推奨する。
平田 智法 小栗 聡介 平田 しおり 深見 裕伸 中村 洋平 山岡 耕作
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.49-64, 2011 (Released:2014-03-07)

A monthly underwater visual census was conducted in the coral-dominated habitat of Yokonami, Tosa Bay, Japan, from June 2006 to January 2009. A total of 12,586 individuals belonging to 168 species in 43 families were recorded during the study period. The number of species and individuals increased from June-August (summer), the highest numbers occurring in September-December (autumn), thereafter decreasing from January (winter) to the lowest point in May (spring). Labridae was the most dominant family in terms of species numbers (28 species), followed by Chaetodontidae (21 species) and Pomacentridae (18 species). In terms of individual numbers, Chaetodontidae was the most abundant (56.3% of total individual numbers), followed by Labridae (15%) and Pomacentridae (12.5%). The most dominant species were Chaetodon speculum (33.4%), Pomacentrus coelestis (11.1%), and C. lunulatus (8.2%). The fish assemblage was divided into 4 groups: (1) temperate fishes (1877 individuals in 26 species), (2) (sub-)tropical fishes (10,648 individuals in 136 species), (3) temperate-tropical fishes (28 individuals in 2 species), (4) unknown fishes (33 individuals in 4 species). Species and individual numbers of temperate fishes were high in summer and low in winter, whereas those of tropical fishes were high in summer and autumn and low in spring, suggesting that typhoons in summer and autumn, and low water temperatures in winter might affect fish recruitment and community density. Moreover, at least 44 tropical species were observed throughout the year during the study period.
平田 智法 小栗 聡介 平田 しおり 深見 裕伸 中村 洋平 山岡 耕作
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.58, no.1, pp.49-64, 2011

A monthly underwater visual census was conducted in the coral-dominated habitat of Yokonami, Tosa Bay, Japan, from June 2006 to January 2009. A total of 12,586 individuals belonging to 168 species in 43 families were recorded during the study period. The number of species and individuals increased from June-August (summer), the highest numbers occurring in September-December (autumn), thereafter decreasing from January (winter) to the lowest point in May (spring). Labridae was the most dominant family in terms of species numbers (28 species), followed by Chaetodontidae (21 species) and Pomacentridae (18 species). In terms of individual numbers, Chaetodontidae was the most abundant (56.3% of total individual numbers), followed by Labridae (15%) and Pomacentridae (12.5%). The most dominant species were Chaetodon speculum (33.4%), Pomacentrus coelestis (11.1%), and C. lunulatus (8.2%). The fish assemblage was divided into 4 groups: (1) temperate fishes (1877 individuals in 26 species), (2) (sub-)tropical fishes (10,648 individuals in 136 species), (3) temperate-tropical fishes (28 individuals in 2 species), (4) unknown fishes (33 individuals in 4 species). Species and individual numbers of temperate fishes were high in summer and low in winter, whereas those of tropical fishes were high in summer and autumn and low in spring, suggesting that typhoons in summer and autumn, and low water temperatures in winter might affect fish recruitment and community density. Moreover, at least 44 tropical species were observed throughout the year during the study period.
深見 裕伸
日本サンゴ礁学会誌 (ISSN:13451421)
vol.15, no.1, pp.107-113, 2013 (Released:2014-07-02)
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近年発表されたイシサンゴ類の分子系統解析の結果および詳細な形態解析を基に,2012年にAnn Budd博士らによって,オオトゲサンゴ科およびキクメイシ科の分類体系の改変が行われた。この改変では,大西洋産のオオトゲサンゴ科およびキクメイシ科を独立した科として扱うこととし,それに伴い太平洋産の両科およびいくつかの属も改編される運びとなった。特に,これまで一般的に良く利用されていた科であるMussidaeやFaviidae,さらに属のFaviaやMontastraeaが大西洋限定となったために,これらの科および属名の変更が行われた。そのため,今後の論文投稿でもかなりの混乱が予想される。そこで本稿では,これらの改変された理由および現時点での改変をまとめた。
深見 裕伸
タクサ : 日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
no.22, pp.55-62, 2007-02-20

Taxonomy based on skeletal morphology of the scleractinian corals, especially zooxanthellate corals, is problematic because of the limited number of key characters, their plasticity, and possible morphological convergence. Recently several molecular analyses have been conducted, the controversial results of which compared with the morphological taxonomy. These molecular studies contain several problems. This paper briefly reviews the problems of traditional taxonomy and molecular-based phylogeny, and discusses the recent molecular work, mainly molecular analyses of the subfamily Faviina. Phylogenetic relationships based on the molecular analyses of species in the Faviina did not support the present morphological taxonomy, but fit the geographical distribution, suggesting morphological convergence, and the mode of reproduction. Furthermore, it was found in some cases that phylogenetically closely related species share several morphological characters that were used in past studies, but not used in the current taxonomy. In conclusion, this paper proposes one way to utilize both the morphological taxonomy and molecular analyses in the scleractinian corals.