世古口 悟 廣瀬 瞳 池田 佳奈美 山根 慧己 濱田 聖子 堀田 祐馬 山田 展久 磯崎 豊 長尾 泰孝 小山田 裕一 松林 宏実
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.61, no.4, pp.184-190, 2020-04-01 (Released:2020-04-03)

針刺し事故の現状およびワクチン接種の問題点を検証する目的で,2012年1月から2019年7月までに当院で報告のあった,針刺し切創・皮膚粘膜曝露138症例の検討を行った.職種は看護師52.9%,常勤医師23.9%の順で,事務職は1.4%(2例)であった.経験年数1年未満が23.2%で,汚染に伴う感染例はなかった.曝露時のHBs抗体価が10 mIU/ml未満の割合は23.7%で,HBs抗体の自然低下41.9%,ワクチン接種終了前の曝露35.5%,ワクチン不応9.7%,ワクチン接種非対象者6.5%であった.針刺し事故は,事務職にも発生しており,全ての医療従事者を対象としたワクチン接種が必要である.また就業開始前のワクチン接種による抗体獲得および抗体価の定期的な測定を検討する必要がある.
濱田 聖子
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.14, pp.219-247, 1999-03-31 (Released:2018-03-30)

In the long history of Arabic rhetoric, the thirteenth century is often regarded as the most important turning point. We no longer find the creativity of al-Sakkaki (d. 1226) whose Miftah al-'Ulum served as a model for many stereotyped commentaries. It goes without saying that the thirteenth century Arabic poetics is the outcome of the formative stage, particularly that of various developmental periods in the ninth and tenth centuries. Ibn al-Mu'tazz (d. 908)'s Kitab al-Badi' edited by the efforts of I. Kratchkovsky and his enthusiastic studies concerning the author's work, motivated many scholars to investigate this formative period of Arabic poetics. Although all of these scholars mention al-Jahiz (d. 868) as the first important figure in this early period of Arabic rhetoric, the instability of technical terms and the ambiguousness of their meanings employed by al-Jahiz, have caused scholars to generally avoid thorough investigation of his rhetoric. The purpose of this paper is to analyze al-Jahiz's rhetorical ideas and to reexamine his importance in Arabic poetics. First, al-Jahiz's description of "al-badi'" (the novel new generational style of the early 'Abbasid age) and "al-fasaha" (eloquence) is studied to reveal his rhetorical emphasis. Then, in order to consider al-Jahiz's importance to Arabic rhetoric, this paper follows the two antithetical images of al-Jahiz held by post-Jahizian rhetoricians, as well as that of the reputation of his masterpiece al-Bayan wa al-Tabyin whose theme is mainly concerned with rhetoric.