照屋 信治 Teruya Shinji 人文学部准教授 近現代沖縄教育史
沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 (ISSN:13498479)
no.9, pp.1-12, 2012-12

本稿の目的は、沖縄県立第三中学校教諭であった豊川善曄(1888-1941)の思想と実践を分析し、1930年代初頭の沖縄における郷土教育の可能性と陥奔とを検討するものである。近代沖縄教育史は、「同化」「皇民化」という用語で説明されてきた。教師たちは日本政府の同化政策を無批判的に推し進めた存在だと理解されてきた。しかし、1930年代初頭の郷土教育が盛んな時期、豊川善曄をはじめ幾人かの教師たちは、強い「沖縄人」意識をあらわにし、その必要性を訴えていた。豊川は、郷土史教育の目的を沖縄の「民族魂」の鼓吹であるとまで高唱していた。なぜそのようなことが戦前日本の公教育の場で可能であったのか、その教育的、社会的背景を探り、その思想の輪郭を描き、陥奔を指摘する。また、それらの作業を通じ、全国的に展開された郷土教育が、沖縄においては異なった様相を呈したことを明らかにする。This paper examines the work of TOYOKAWA Zenyou (1888-1941), a little known teacher in Okinawa's third middle school who sought to develop students with a strong sense of their cultural roots. This examination is grounded in considerations that the Regional Learning Project of the early 1930s in Okinawa had both possibilities and pitfalls toward effective education. The history of Okinawa's modern education has been described in terms of uncritical, widespread "assimilation" (kōminka). That is, teachers were understood to blindly play their crucial roles in carrying out the assimilation policies promulgated by the Japanese government. In the face of these assimilation policies stood TOYOKAWA who expressed the importance of "Okinawan consciousness," insisting that local students understand their history and culture. TOYOKAWA argued that a primary aim of regional history education was to bring up students with a strong awareness and consciousness of Okinawa. What possessed TOYOKAWA to resist the assimilation policy and assert the importance of Okinawan consciousness? What were the principal features of his ideas and their shortcomings? This paper aims to answer these questions. Based on my research, it can be said that the Regional Learning Project in Okinawa was significantly different in its aims from those in the mainland.
照屋 信治
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.76, no.1, pp.1-12, 2009

照屋 信治
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-16, 2003-11-05 (Released:2017-11-01)

The purpose of this study is a) to categorize the thought and events of Okinawa in the Meiji period, and b) to examine the historical position of Ryukyu Education (1895-1906) published by Association of Okinawan Private Education. Results of recent research in colonial studies and the framework for analysis of assimilation are adopted in this study. The term 'Kouminka' has been used carelessly in the existing study of modern Okinawan history. Ambiguous use of 'Kouminka', which has expressed some basic aspects of Okinawa, makes it almost impossible for us to understand those thought and events precisely. Well organized and strict discussion on modern Okinawan history can be made by using results of recent research in colonial studies and the framework for analysis of assimilation. Very few attempts have been made at such examination. This study has a significance in reexamining the framework for the thought on modern Okinawan history.
照屋 信治
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.76, no.1, pp.1-12, 2009-03-31 (Released:2017-11-28)

照屋 信治
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.56, pp.293-305, 2010-03-31

This study examines Okinawa Education(1906-1944), journal published by the teachers' association in Okinawa and one of the most important historical materials for the study on Okinawa in the modern era. After a careful analysis of all the articles, this paper tries to describe how Okinawan teachers' recognition of their own language and history changed, when they accepted new educational theories in the period of Taisho Democracy. Several studies have been made on Okinawa Education, in which the journal's nature was described as a medium of Kouminka(assimilation). Many authors, however, discussed Okinawan language and history. Some of them were famous scholars in the field of Okinawan Study, which emphasized the importance of learning Okinawan history and preserving Okinawan language. And new educational theories and movements made Okinawan teachers value the language and respect the historical knowledge on Okinawa. Therefore it can be said that the nature of Okinawa Education in the period from 1923 to 1933 is the medium on the cultural movement in the prefecture, and that the journal was considered a general magazine on Okinawan culture as well as an educational one. This conclusion challenges the generally accepted notion on modern Okinawan history.