野口 康人 岡部 晋典 浜島 幸司 片山 ふみ

2015年 社会情報学会(SSI)学会大会会場:明治大学 駿河台キャンパス日程:2015 年9 月11 日(金) ~ 9 月13 日(日)
片山 ふみ
情報メディア研究 (ISSN:13485857)
vol.9, no.1, pp.37-58, 2010-11-15 (Released:2010-11-15)

本稿では,児童書出版社がどのような利益や価値を志向しているのかを,事業内容の差(児童書専門の出版社か総合出版社の児童書部門か)に着目して明らかにすることを試みた.具体的には,次の手順によって分析した. (1) 長期的利益志向 vs. 短期的利益志向,普遍的価値志向 vs. 同時代的価値志向の2つの軸によって作られる座標軸の象限を提示する. (2) どのような出版社が,(1)のどの象限を志向するかを示す仮説を設定する. (3) 児童書出版社に対する聞き取り調査の回答と仮説とを比較検証することによって,現状を把握する. 以上の作業から,次の結論を導いた.児童書出版社の多くは,長期的利益かつ普遍的価値の象限および短期的利益かつ同時代的価値の象限を志向していた.その際,児童書専門の出版社は販売ルートによって,総合出版社は読者の年齢層によって志向する象限を区別するという違いがあった.
片山 ふみ 野口 康人 佐藤 賢一郎
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.59, no.4, pp.198-209, 2017-12-22 (Released:2018-02-01)

This study explores experienced nursery teachersʼ sense of values of picture books by examining the process of how they select picture books in nursery schools. Then, we considered based on the previous studies of children book publishersʼstrategy towards nursery schools. “Sense of values”of picture books in this study refers to the total of selected policies,likes and dislikes,priorities,evaluation,etc. A lot of previous studies have treated nursery teachersʼpicture book selections,but it wasnʼt clear what kind of sense of values they had when they selected picture books. This study focused on these point.We interviewed six principals of public nursery schools. As a result,we found out how picture books in nursery schools were purchased. For example,there were no criterions for selecting picture books,nursery teachers had selected picture books in their preferences,they had a very small budget for buy picture books,and they generally bought picture books from specific publisher(Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers,Inc.)or Fukuinkan Shotenʼs agency(Kodomonotomosha). Nursery teachers valued the picture books published by Fukuinkan Shoten and they avoided digital books and books with characters. It was clear that the sense of values among the teachers were formed through the relationship between them and Fukuinkan Shotenʼs staff,by putting together organized the results of interview study and the analysis of records of the publisherʼs history. The findings suggests that there are“Teach”and“Be taught”relationships between the Fukuinkan Shotenʼs staff and nursery teachers. Therefore,we pointed out that the values of the publisherʼs staff,who are the educators and promorters of picture books have a potentially powerful effect to nursery teachersʼvalue formation process.
野口 康人 片山 ふみ
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.62, no.2, pp.85-97, 2021-02-10 (Released:2021-03-06)

The influence of textbooks on learners obtaining a librarian certification is significant. Textbooks relating to library service for children are not exceptions. These learners will eventually become librarians, and they will select picture books as part of their library service for children. For studying the implications of selecting picture books in librarian training courses, we have analyzed the characteristics of textbooks on library service for children using the descriptions about picture books in five textbooks published after 2009. We have investigated the picture books’ title, publisher, year of publication, and other details. In addition, qualitative evaluations of the descriptions about selecting books has been carried out on the five textbooks. As the result, the majority of the picture books introduced and recommended in the textbooks were those which have been popular for a long time. Additionally, approximately half of all picture books introduced in the five textbooks have been published by Fukuinkan Shoten. On the other hand, newly published picture books have been introduced and recommended in the textbooks,but they are fewer in number. The investigation also indicates that the newly published textbooks introduce fewer picture books than the older textbooks. However, the newer textbooks tend to introduced a larger percentage of newer picture books. The emphasis in newer picture books as compared to older classics and the reduction in the number of recommended picture books in the more recent textbooks indicate a change in values.
野口 康人 岡部 晋典 浜島 幸司 片山 ふみ
2015-09-13 (Released:2015-09-16)

2015年 社会情報学会(SSI)学会大会会場:明治大学 駿河台キャンパス日程:2015 年9 月11 日(金) ~ 9 月13 日(日)