生野 照子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.29, pp.1-22, 2015-03

摂食障害と母娘関係について、心身医療の立場から述べた。まず、摂食障害について医学的観点から、摂食障害の診断、現状、特徴、発症要因、発症後の悪循環について解説した。次いで発症への準備要因として、自己評価の低さや他者優先思考について検討した。摂食障害が心的防衛として働く理由として、〇食べ物が提供する安らぎ、〇痩せがもたらす達成感、〇隠れ蓑としての痩せ、〇成長や女性性の回避、〇周囲を支配すること、などを挙げて解説した。外来でみる親子関係を、〇良い子役割、〇養育態度の偏り、〇情緒性の食い違い、〇illness network の観点から示すとともに、母娘関係をめぐる現代的背景を〇母親の自己評価力の低下、〇養育における達成目標の見えにくさや多面性という角度から考察し、母娘関係を複合的にとらえる必要性を述べた。最後に摂食障害にみる母娘関係の事例として、痩せという武器で母親を引き寄せ、拒食症の葛藤の中へ母親もろとも突っ込んでいったケースを挙げた。母娘とも苦難を打ち破るためには、子を乗り越え、母を乗り越えるしかない状況であったが、その危機のおかげで母娘は子殺し・母殺しというテーマを克服し、ともに生きる方向性を見出す結果に至ったケースである。摂食障害という疾患は、「食べる」という事態を介することで根源的な問題を本人や家族に突きつけるが、回復をめざすプロセスはまさに精神の開花 blooming につながるものである。I discussed mother-daughter relationship from the psychosomatic medicine viewpoint. Firstly,from a medical standpoint, I explained the diagnosis, current condition, characteristics, factors at onset, and the vicious cycle following the onset of eating disorders. Secondly, I examined low self -esteem and a tendency to prioritize others as potential factors of the onset. I explained how eating disorders work as a psychological defense,with regard to the peace of mind that food provides, a sense of accomplishment that thinness brings,thinness as a false front, the denial of maturity and femininity, controlling others, and so forth. I demonstrated the outpatient parent-child relationship from the perspectives of a good child role, unbalanced parenting attitudes, emotional discrepancies, and the illness network; and described the necessity of understanding the mother-daughter relationship in multiple ways,considering the background of the modern mother-daughter relationship from the angle of the drop in the mother's self-esteem,difficulty in finding goals to achieve in upbringing,and the multiple characteristics of upbringing. Finally, I showed a case study of a mother-daughter relationship troubled by eating disorders, in which the daughter used her thinness as a weapon to draw her mother's attention and involved her mother in her frustration with anorexia nervosa. In order to break through these difficulties and their problematic mother-daughter relationship, both the mother and daughter had no choice but toovercome the themes of "killing child" and "killing mother", which allowed them to find a course of life together. Eating disorders confront patients and their family members with fundamental problems throughout the state of "eating", however, the process of recovery leads to psychological blooming.
小原 千郷 鈴木 (堀田) 眞理 西園マーハ 文 末松 弘行 鈴木 裕也 山岡 昌之 石川 俊男 生野 照子
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.60, no.2, pp.162-172, 2020 (Released:2020-03-01)

日本の一般女性における摂食障害の認識を明らかにすることを目的に, 病名の認知度と摂食障害に関する誤解や偏見に関するWEBアンケートを実施し, メディアからの情報入手が誤解・偏見に与える影響を検討した.回答者は4,107名の女性で, 平均年齢は27.0±7.4歳であった. 摂食障害を 「よく知っている」 が17.7%, 「ある程度知っている」 が43.5%, 「病名を聞いたことあるが, 症状などはよく知らない」 が27.8%, 「病名も聞いたことがない」 が6.5%であった. 病名の認知度は高い順から 「うつ病」 > 「拒食症」 ≒ 「過食症」 > 「子宮頸がん」 > 「摂食障害」 > 「統合失調症」 であった. 全般的にメディアからの情報入手が多いほうが摂食障害に対する誤解や偏見が少ない傾向にあったが, 摂食障害は 「ダイエットが一番の原因である」 「母親の育て方が原因である」 とする項目については, 特定のメディアからの情報入手があるほうが, そうであると考える人が多かった.
生野 照子
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.29, no.3, pp.277-283, 1989-04-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

Children tend to show symptoms related to "eating." The causes for eating-related symptoms in children are often associated with the parent-child relationship. The author recently studied the parent-child relationship in connection with the eating behavior, taking intp consideration the current social background in Japan.The subjects of this study were 14 children (aged under then years) who visited our department with the chief complaint of one of various kinds of eating disorder. The psychological backgrounds of these children were analyzed. In a half of them, there had been troubles with food intake already in the early infantile period ; the addition of parent-child mental conflicts to these disturbances resulted in the onset of eating disorder. In the remaining half of the children, no eating-related symptoms had occurred in the early infantile period, but a crisis in the parent-child relationship had appeared at some occasion and eating disorder was induced as a reaction to that stress.Before the onset of eating disorder, all children had been more or less controlled by their parents (or the desires of the children had often been refused by their parents). After the onset of eating disorder, the children in turn controlled the behavior of their parents.In the familes of these children, the educational, physical and self-sufficient aspects of eating had been emphasized at the dining table, with little attention paid to the emotional exchange among family members at the dining table. Thus, the mental aspect of eating had been narrowed in these families.This state of dining table nehavior can distort the parent-child and familial relationships under the influence of the current social factors ; it makes the dining table a place where children feel heavy pressure, suffering, passive status and frustration.The questionnaire survery about anorexia nervosa also disclosed that an unsatisfactory emotional parent-child exchange is relfected in the dining table behavior. Such an ambivalent situation between parent and child produces an ambivalent parent-child relationship, resulting in ambivalent, morbid eating habits.
生野 照子
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.29, no.3, pp.277-283, 1989

Children tend to show symptoms related to "eating." The causes for eating-related symptoms in children are often associated with the parent-child relationship. The author recently studied the parent-child relationship in connection with the eating behavior, taking intp consideration the current social background in Japan.The subjects of this study were 14 children (aged under then years) who visited our department with the chief complaint of one of various kinds of eating disorder. The psychological backgrounds of these children were analyzed. In a half of them, there had been troubles with food intake already in the early infantile period ; the addition of parent-child mental conflicts to these disturbances resulted in the onset of eating disorder. In the remaining half of the children, no eating-related symptoms had occurred in the early infantile period, but a crisis in the parent-child relationship had appeared at some occasion and eating disorder was induced as a reaction to that stress.Before the onset of eating disorder, all children had been more or less controlled by their parents (or the desires of the children had often been refused by their parents). After the onset of eating disorder, the children in turn controlled the behavior of their parents.In the familes of these children, the educational, physical and self-sufficient aspects of eating had been emphasized at the dining table, with little attention paid to the emotional exchange among family members at the dining table. Thus, the mental aspect of eating had been narrowed in these families.This state of dining table nehavior can distort the parent-child and familial relationships under the influence of the current social factors ; it makes the dining table a place where children feel heavy pressure, suffering, passive status and frustration.The questionnaire survery about anorexia nervosa also disclosed that an unsatisfactory emotional parent-child exchange is relfected in the dining table behavior. Such an ambivalent situation between parent and child produces an ambivalent parent-child relationship, resulting in ambivalent, morbid eating habits.