田口 文章 宗 国冨 張 光磊
生物工学会誌 : seibutsu-kogaku kaishi (ISSN:09193758)
vol.79, no.12, pp.463-469, 2001-12-15

To establish an efficient method for the microbial treatment of kitchen refuse, experiments were performed to isolate heat-stable multi-enzyme-producing thermophilic bacteria and to verify functional activities of the isolates for the complete decomposition of kitchen refuse. Five Bacillus strains-B.amyloliquefaciens FTP148, B.amyloliquefaciens FTP2414, B.subtilis FTP237, B.Licheniformis FTP136, and B.licheniformis FTP2530-were successfully isolated from feces of the Giant Panda. The strains showed efficient growth at incubation temperatures between 45℃ and 60℃ and produced amylase, protease, and lipase. The highest activities of the amylase and protease produced by the strains at the optimal growth temperature were obtained at reaction temperatures between 50℃ and 60℃. The amylase and protease activities were stable up to maximum temperatures of 75℃ and 70℃, respectively; after incubation at 60℃ for 3 h, 59% and 40%, respectively, of the initial activity remained. Using a commercial waste-treatment device, kitchen refuse was treated with the five strains with the following results. When 1 kg per day was treated for 4 weeks, a total of 24 kg of mixed refuse consisting of green vegetables and fish remains as well as raw and/or fried potatoes was reduced to only 0.98 kg and a final digestive rate of 96% was obtained. It is noteworthy that the internal temperature of the compost mass reached a peak of 72℃. These results indicate that the novel thermophilic bacterial strains isolated from Giant Panda feces may be useful for high-performance waste treatment at a high temperature of 65℃.
雨宮 一彦 田口 文章
社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.68, no.2, pp.177-182, 1994-02-20 (Released:2011-09-07)
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業務用に使用されているシャンプーとリンスの細菌汚染の実態を知ることを目的に, 無作為に抽出した理容店と美容店17施設から分与して貰った39検体の洗髪液について, 血液寒天培地を用いて, 細菌の分離試験を実施した. 原液を希釈して用いるシャンプーやリンス (希釈型, 21検体) と, ボトルから直接使用するもの (ポンプ型, 18検体) の細菌検出率は, 各々76.2%と33.3%であった. 細菌が検出されたシャンプーとリンス中の総細菌数は最少1.0×102CFU/mlから最大7.0 ×107CFU/mlであった. 分離菌は, Serratia marcescensが43.3%と最も多く, 他にEnterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniaeなどの腸内細菌とPseudomonas aeruginosaやPseudomonas cepacia などのブドウ糖非発酵グラム陰性桿菌等日和見感染の原因となりうる細菌であった.<BR以上の結果は, 業務用シャンプーとリンスが細菌に汚染されている実態と, 洗髪剤の衛生的な取り扱いの必要性を明らかにした.